Demo a simple checkout process complete with SMS, Airtime, M-Pesa and USSD
Get Started
Assuming you have node
and git
installed, run the following:
$ git clone https://github.com/AfricasTalkingLtd/iot-store.git
$ cd iot-store
$ # vim config/default.json and add your API key, username and other configs. e.g:
$ # {
$ # "africastalking": {
$ # "username": "def", // your app username on Africa's Talking
$ # "apiKey": "abc", // your app API Key
$ # "senderId": null, // if you don't have an alphanumeric or short code
$ # "ussd": "*384*1409#", // your USSD code
$ # "payments": {
$ # "product": "IoT Store" // Your Payment product
$ # }
$ # }
$ # }
$ npm install
$ npm start # Now open http://localhost:3000/
Happy Coding!