This is a block breaker / block placer plugin for minecraft 1.18.2 (tested version!!) (50/50 works on all versions)
I spent alot of time on this plugin so I hope you enjoy!
- Place a dispenser
- Run the the command (/bb or /blockbreaker OR /bp or /blockplacer)
- Make sure it has a pickaxe or block in the dispenser (depending on what command you use)
- Power it with redstone
- Enjoy!!
- Doesn't check what world the bb or bp is in
- Doesnt remove broken bb or bp
- Doesn't check if it is already a bb or bp (might leave this in!)
- Doesn't effect tool durability
- Doesn't clone what enchments are on the tool (Will come soon)
- Break block with tools enchments
- Tool durability
- Warn block owner if missing pickaxe/blocks
- Block breaker
- Block placer