Project focused in helping elderly people on improving their skills suchs as memory, lenguaje, attention etc. There are a variety of game tasks to complete for each skill. All scores are record to check it their improvements. Initially it was going to be a project for the university, of social education career that was not going to take place, remaining in a theoretical framework, but I decided to collaborate and create the application that they had proposed in that project.
The visual part is everything done, games part is needed to continue developing but rigth now im working on others projects. If Im able, I will continue developing it.
- DjangoRest - Serverside
- Ionic - Clientside
Technical side made by me and all the knowledge has been thanks to 5 students of fourth year of social education.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps:
- python3
- python3-dev
- nodejs
- ionic
Download and install Python from this link
sudo apt install python3 python3-dev
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install Python packages [Server Side]
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run API [Server Side]
sudo python3 runserver
- Install [Client Side]
If you dont have NodeJS installed, follow this tutorial. Once installed, you can continue.
sudo npm install
- Run APP [Client Side]
You can run as web with:
ionic serve
or compile it for other platforms such as android as follow:
ionic cordova platform android
Feel free to open pull requests with new features or bug fixes. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
As the license states, you can fork and even redistribute this as long as it is communicated to me.
If you are not that tech savvy feel free to ask me any questions via email. Or if youre thinking about continue developing that project contact me!
- Ionic app template based on Super Template by Ionic Team.