A Base16 syntax theme with support for all Base16 color schemes and styles.
The following Base16 color schemes are included:
- 3024
- Apathy
- Ashes
- Atelier Cave
- Atelier Dune
- Atelier Estuary
- Atelier Forest
- Atelier Heath
- Atelier Lakeside
- Atelier Plateau
- Atelier Savanna
- Atelier Seaside
- Atelier Sulphurpool
- Bespin
- Brewer
- Bright
- Chalk
- Codeschool
- Colors
- Darktooth
- Default
- Eighties
- Embers
- Flat
- GitHub
- Grayscale
- Greenscreen
- Harmonic
- Hopscotch
- Irblack
- Isotope
- Macintosh
- Marrakesh
- Materia
- Mocha
- Monokai
- Ocean
- OceanicNext
- OneDark
- Paraiso
- PhD
- Pico
- Pop
- Railscasts
- Seti
- Shapeshifter
- Solarflare
- Solarized
- Spacemacs
- Summerfruit
- Tomorrow
- Tube
- Twilight
- Unikitty
- Yesterday Bright
- Yesterday Night
- Yesterday
Each color scheme comes in a dark and light style.
Base16 Syntax can be installed by going to the Settings view (Ctrl + ,). Select the Install section on the left, hit the Themes button and search for Base16
in the search box. Click on Install on the Base16 Syntax card.
Alternatively, open a terminal and type in:
apm install base16-syntax
Base16 Syntax can be enabled by going to the Settings view (Ctrl + ,). Select the Themes section on the left side and choose Base16 from the Syntax Theme drop down menu.
The Default (Light)
syntax theme is loaded when using a light UI theme and the Default (Dark)
syntax theme is loaded when using a dark UI theme or when a dark or light UI theme could not be detected.
The theme can be changed by choosing a different scheme
or style
from the drop down menu in the Base16 Syntax
Settings view.
Alternatively, the theme can be changed in the Preview Mode. Toggle the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P). Type in Base16 Syntax: Select Theme
and choose another theme from the list. While browsing through the list of available themes a live preview of each selected theme is automatically applied to all open files.
Note: by default, only the styles matching the UI theme are shown in the Preview Mode, i.e. only dark styles are shown when using a dark UI theme and only light styles are shown when using a light UI theme. This can be disabled by going to the Base16 Syntax
Settings view and uncheck Match User Interface Theme
The original Base16 Theme is made by Chris Kempson.