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Compile and use the project

AlexMog edited this page Dec 29, 2015 · 1 revision

Hello and welcome to this guide.

This guide will show you how to compile Rulemasters World from scratch.

First of all, you will need to install the requirements (I will use linux commands, but you can also do it on windows):

Before, let's update your system.

apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade

Then, let's install the official oracle Java8 package, follow this tutorial will explain how to do it on debian:

Finally, install maven:

apt-get install mvn

When you are done with the requirements, let's start using the project.

First of all, clone the project.

git clone && cd MMO-Rulemasters-World

Then, compile the client

cd client && mvn package

And the server

cd ../server && mvn package

You are now done with all the compiling parts. It is time to create a database, and configure the server.

You will need 3 databases:

  • An account database
  • A shared database
  • A world database

I will explain in another page what are each databases, and what are their usage.

The SQL of thoes databases can be found in the "database" directory. Use it the initialisate your Dbs.

Then, configure the server, go to the server directory, and edit the "db.cfg" file, by adding your database settings.

You are done with configuring your server!

For the client, you will need to configure the api-access, and create your own api systems to let the client retrive datas. For example, to authenticate the client, I am using a Token system, with a restful api. The server have access to the account DB, so he can check the token, and the restful part will only return the token when logged in :).

Other resful APIs are used, I will explain all of them in another page of this wiki.

Your project is now ready to be used! If you have any problems, let me know in the issue part.

Have fun!

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