The application can keep you up to date with what’s going on in git repositories hosted at GitHub (public or self-hosted enterprise) or you can even perform an instant review of your peers. It works by accepting events from GitHub webhooks or polling events from GitHub, parsing events, when needed retrieving additional information on commits, tags, users, etc. Then composes emails and sends them out to a recipient via a configured SMTP server.
The application supports webhooks that are configured in the following way:
Payload URL
It is set with plain HTTP with URL any path. For secured connection, see section Using HTTPS.
Content type
It is set to
. Theapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
content type is not supported yet.
Could be left empty or set with any value. Payloads from github are not validated yet.
On supported events, see section Supported events. However, the application will not crash if receive unexpected events.
A single or multiple (as per number of commits in a push) emails will be sent that contains the following:
Organization/user/repository/branch name
Pusher name
Commit URL at Github
Commit author and date
Commit message
Author and date
Whole commit diff including a list of changed files
An email will be sent that contains the following:
Organization/user/repository name
Tagger name
Annotated or lightweight tag was created
Tag name
User who created branch
An email will be sent that contains the following:
Organization/user/repository name
Tag or branch name
User who deleted branch or tag
An email will be sent that contains the following:
User who forked a repository
Fork name and url
See the configuration file for details.
Configuration options whose value is change_me must be explicitly configured before running the application in standalone mode or as docker container.
Run the jar file as the following:
nohup java -jar github-events-emailer-<version>-boot.jar &
When you run in the standalone mode, the configuration files are loaded from the jar file. To override configuration parameters, just place a copy of the file where Spring Boot can find it.
Start a container instance as the following:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e "github.oauthToken=<token>" -e "..."
You can adjust the configuration of the instance by passing one or more environment variables on the docker run
command line.
See the list of available variables in
To deploy the application on kubernetes cluster you can refer to several example manifests at wiki page.
The application itself supports accept connections with the plain HTTP only. However, the application can be put behind a reverse-proxy with configured HTTPS transport to enable secured connections.
The following are examples of reverse-proxies:
The application exposes the Sprint Boot Actuator endpoints over HTTP. This includes registered additional metrics besides standard ones:
CamelExchangesFailed - The metric allows to understand on which processing step and how many times exceptions/errors occurred
CamelMessageHistory - The metric allows to get insight on how long it took to process this or that step
For example, the following URLs can show numbers on exceptions/errors occurred and how long it took while preparing emails based on recieved github events:
For example, the following URLs can show numbers on exceptions/errors occurred and how long it took while sending emails:
An endpoint for Prometheus is also exposed, so you can use a Prometheus-Grafana stack to monitor the application. To experiment with this, you can perform the following steps:
Get a Prometheus-Grafana stacks:
Add a
like the one shown in Spring Boot Actuator documentation to add toprometheus.yml
Start the Prometheus-Grafana stack
Import a simple dashboard that includes monitoring of the metrics listed above with the steps described in Grafana documentation