Alfonso Ghislieri | Chris Clement | Chris Thomas | Giorgi Gutsaevi | Kim Morgan | Riky Moroni
This is our 2D game made for our final project at Makers.
Created from start to finish in 2 weeks using JavaScript, p5, Matter.js, Express, Node, HTML, CSS.
p5 is a JavaScript library with a focus on creative coding. This allowed us to display our game, have music and render images in a flexible manner.
Matter.js is a JavaScript physics engine library that allowed our worms, bullets and terrain to have physical bodies with mass, velocity, collisions, friction and gravity. This gave our worms life rather than just being images on a screen.
npm install -g npm
- Make sure preqrequisites are installed
- Clone the repo
git clone
- cd into the directory
cd wormz
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Run the bundler
npm run build
- Run the server
npm start
- Visit the locally hosted website
npm test
Click ON or OFF to start or stop background music and sound effects. 🔈 🔇
This is an overview of how to play the game.
This displays the following:
Which Player's turn it is.
Active weapon with relevant image shown.
Weapon choices. To be selected using keypad.
Time left on a Player's turn.
Moves left on a Player's turn.
Move using Left or Right arrow keys, jump using Up. 🕹
Aim using the mouse, click to shoot! 💥
Details are in the instructions page.
A Player wins when the other Player dies.
A Player dies when their HP goes to 0.
This can be from getting hit by enough bullets or falling in the lava. 🔥
Sounds thanks to 101 Soundboards, ZapSplat and SoundImage 🎶🎵
Thanks and hope you enjoy the game! 🪱