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A work-in-progress tool for comparing Battletech 'Mech BVs between various sources

Getting Started

MULEditor loads both sswlib and megamek as dependencies for loading 'Mech BVs and thus requires them to be built and published to a local maven repository before MULEditor can be built.

Preparing sswlib

Download the SSW source code and publish it to your local maven repo:

git clone
cd SolarisSkunkWerks && git checkout develop
./gradlew :sswlib:publish

Also download the SSW Master 'Mech files:

git clone

Preparing Megamek

Download the MegaMek source code and publish to your local maven repo:

git clone
cd megamek && git checkout v0.47.14
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Note that if you want to compare BVs with megamek, you'll need to run megamek once and pass the units.cache file to MULEditor. This file can be found in data/mechfiles in the megamek install directory.

Building MULEditor

Download the MULEditor source code and build it:

git clone
cd MULEditor && ./gradlew installDist

Extract the distribution and run the program:

cd build/distributions && unzip
cd MULEDitor-1.0/bin
./MULEditor compare -h


Currently, MULEditor does not actually do any editing, though that feature may be implemented in the future. MULEditor is designed to use subcommands, each with their own optional arguments to customize the behavior. The only subcommand implemented at this time is compare, which must be supplied as the first argument:

./MULEditor compare -h

compare takes SSW 'Mech files from a local SSW-Master folder and compares the BVs with the MUL, which it can retrieve from the MUL website at runtime or from a MUL cache file you've generated in previous runs. You can optionally add a Megamek cachefile to include Megamek BVs when discrepancies are found between SSW and the MUL. Output is saved in CSV format in a file called mismatched-bvs.csv by default.

Note that currently, --mul is mandatory, although the option has been added to allow comparisons without the MUL once that functionality is implemented.

To update the local MUL cache and compare BVs between the MUL, SSW, and Megamek:

./MULEditor compare -m ~/megamek/megamek/data/mechfiles/units.cache -s ~/SSW-Master --mul

To compare SSW and the MUL use a local MUL cache, saving the server admins some bandwidth:

./MULEditor compare -i mul.txt -s ~/SSW-Master --mul

General usage/help output:

Usage: MULEditor compare [--mul] [-b=<bvOutfile>] [-i=<infile>]
                         [-m=<mmCacheFile>] [-o=<outfile>] [-s=<sswMasterPath>]
  -b, --bv-file=<bvOutfile> Path to save mismatched BVs (default:
  -i, --mul-in=<infile>     Path to saved MUL unit file
  -m, --megamek-cache-file=<mmCacheFile>
                            Path to megamek units.cache file
      --mul                 Compare with MUL (default: false)
  -o, --mul-out=<outfile>   Filename to write MUL entries (default: mul.txt)
  -s, --ssw-path=<sswMasterPath>
                            Path to SSW-Master folder


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