License: MIT Features:
- Set delayed notification
- Set delayed repeatable notification
- Supports custom icon and large icon
- Fully supports Unity 4.x, 5.x
- Fully supports Android 4.0.3 - 6.0
How to get exact notification in Android M ?
It's not recommended by Google since notifications are batching when phone in IDLE_MAINTENANCE state. Now you'll receive notification with additional delay. You can use NotificationExecuteMode.ExactAndAllowWhileIdle mode to force system show your notification with maximum priority. [Read more] (, long,
How to set up big icon ?
Just put it into drawable directories *\UnityProject\Assets\Plugins\Android\res* with name notify_icon_big.png. And in the SendNotification method set bigIcon to "notify_icon_big"
How to get rid of obsolete warnings like "OBSOLETE - Providing Android resources in Assets/Plugins/Android/res is deprecated, please move your resources to an Android Library. See "Building Plugins for Android" section of the Manual." ?
You can avoid this by recompiling plugin with icons inside.
I got application crash
Check you don't call CancelNotification and SetNotification in one frame, and you put notify_icon_small into the res directory. Be sure you generate unique id for every new notification.
Notification doesn't launch the app
Set LocalNotification.mainActivityClassName to the your main activity class (from manifest)