Releases: AliceO2Group/Bookkeeping
Releases · AliceO2Group/Bookkeeping
@aliceo2/[email protected]
@aliceo2/[email protected]
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-1401] - First and last TF timestamps stored per runs are now stored with ms
- [O2B-1402] - Fixed run TF timestamps being ignored when creating a QC flag
New Feature
- [O2B-844] - Added possibility to filter according to B field in runs overview
- [O2B-892] - Modernised Run-Details Page
@aliceo2/[email protected]
@aliceo2/[email protected]
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-1372] - Fixed spurious env states reported in bkp when consuming ECS kafka messages
- [O2B-1374] - Fixed o2-roc-config workflow executions wrongly stored in bookkeeping
- [O2B-1387] - Display colliding bunches and delivered lumi in LHC fill details page
- [O2B-1367] - Added metrics in the FLP tab in runs details page
- [O2B-1386] - Mark the `copy to...` buttons as disabled when clipboard is not available
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-1384] - Fix LHC period not updated with update run gRPC request
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-1347] - Implement runs filtering by percentage of not-bad data according to GAQ
- [O2B-1373] - Added missing environment configuration items in runs
- [O2B-1376] - Fixed number of EPNs not being extracted from environment configuration
- [O2B-1377] - Store Xsection, efficiency, acceptance and phase shift per run
- [O2B-1380] - Added `DONE` to the list of state to consider an env to be terminated
New Feature
- [O2B-1237] - Implemented ready\_for\_skimming flag
- [O2B-1383] - Added new EoR subcategories for EoR reason "Run Coordination"
- [O2B-1381] - Fixed LhcFillService.getLast gRPC API
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-955] - Fix log entry creation for EoR reason related to detector
- - Fixed defining skimmingStage in ML synchronizer
@aliceo2/[email protected]
- [O2B-1345] - Adjust MonAlisa productions overviews to display history of statuses
- [O2B-1346] - Implement runs filtering by INEL values
- [O2B-1353] - Adjust RCT services to work with detector types
- [O2B-1356] - Implement overview of synchronous QC flags
- [O2B-1358] - Implement API for fetching QC summary of synchronous flags
- [O2B-1359] - Implement version of Runs per LHC period view with synchronous qualities
- [O2B-1363] - Make mcReprodubile interpretable as not-bad
- [O2B-1366] - Extract user that start/stop runs from ECS kafka messages
- [O2B-1370] - Store number of colliding bunches and delivered luminosity to fill
- [O2B-1371] - Store FLP hosts when consuming ECS kafka messages
- [O2B-1324] - Handle of restarted productions in RCT
New Feature
- [O2B-955] - Creates a log entry when EoR reason is for a given detector
- [O2B-1354] - Added display of synchronous QC flags
- [O2B-1351] - Disabled GLO column