A command-line tool for authoring "Today I Learned" posts in Markdown, which can be converted to HTML for publishing on the web.
Converts text or markdown files to html files that can be rendered as web pages.
- Parses the first line as web page title and top level heading if followed by 2 empty newlines.
- Parses all text blocks, delimeted by an empty line, as
tags for the html. - Generates and adds a Table of Contents at the top of every generated docuement for better reader experience.
- Parses headings just like github markdown. For example, a line starting with
translates to anh1
to andh2
, and so on... - Any piece of text wrapped with
is converted tostrong
tag (bolded) in html, and wrapped with*
is converted toem
tag (italicized).
The driver file for this tool is located at src/til_builder_main.py
. This is the file that needs to be executed for to perform all kinds of actions that the tool supports.
Users would like to install the project from TestPyPi using
py -m pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ til-page-builder
Once it is successfully installed, you need to use the following command to use the tool.
py -m til_page_builder.til_builder_main <file/folder path> [OPTIONS]
At its core, the tool takes either a text file or a folder containing files as a positional argument and then generates corresponding html files to ./til
folder by default.
- Converting a file
py -m til_page_builder.til_builder_main file.txt
- Converting all files within a folder
py -m til_page_builder.til_builder_main <folder path>
Here are some examples demonstrating usage of custom flags supported by the tool.
: Displays the program name and the version that is in use.
py -m til_page_builder.til_builder_main --version
TIL Page Builder: 0.1.0
: Displays a help message that describes usage of all kinds of commandline arguments supported.
py -m til_page_builder.til_builder_main --help
usage: TIL Page Builder [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] [input_path]
Converts text files for TIL posts to HTML files for publishing on the web.
positional arguments:
input_path The path to a text file or a folder containing files to be converted to corresponding html file(s)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Generates the html files in the provided directory, by default it is './til'
-v, --version Show the name and version of the project
: Generates the html files in the provided directory, by default it is './til'.
For example, in order to generate the html files in a directory ./dist/html_files
py -m til_page_builder.til_builder_main --output ./dist/html_files
: Allows specification of a TOML configuration file containing all required options for the program.
For example: Using a TOML file containing:
output = "./build"
lang = "fr"
py -m til_page_builder.til_builder_main myfile.txt --config config.toml
Will set the output directory and language of the HTML files instead of having to use --output
and --lang
. Using -c
or --config
will override any other config flags provided.
This example demonstrates the app behavior for a markdown
Run the command for conversion.
py -m til_page_builder.til_builder_main examples/til-yattag.md
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