Amogh Karve 111508008 SY IT
This is a classic brick breaker game implemented in C using ncurses library. The game involves the user to control a paddle present to prevent a ball from falling down. The screen has a set of bricks present. Objective of the game is to hit as many bricks as possible. A ball moves around the screen. Players score increases when the ball hits a brick. The bricks are of different types: Green Brick: Does not add to score. Does not disappear when hit. Blue Brick: Adds to score. Becomes a yellow brick when hit. Yellow Brick: Adds to score. Disappears when hit. The game end when either all the bricks disappear or you are unable to stop the ball from falling.
A power-up also timely fall down. Catching a power-up with the paddle enables you to shoot bullets from the paddle. Bullet work similar to balls. Bullets have a special feature that only they can go through the Green Bricks. Once you catch a power-up, more power-ups will stop falling down.
Instructions for use: run ./program to start the game. A menu appears in which you can navigate around the game. Controls: LEFT_ARROW: Move Paddle to Left. RIGHT_ARROW: Move Paddle to Right. UP_ARROW: Fire Bullet if Power-Up Enabled. SPACE: Start Game.