This script can help you to create a short in Ubuntu or any ubuntu based OS with single-line command to execute with
Install the script - [One Time Thing]
/bin/bash <path to file location>/
Call the script
pyusc '<name>' '<command>' '<key_combination>'
pyusc 'open gedit' 'gedit' '<Alt>7'
- Copy the following code in a file and save it as
or directly download or clone
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import sys
# defining keys & strings to be used
key = " custom-keybindings"
subkey1 = key.replace(" ", ".")[:-1]+":"
item_s = "/"+key.replace(" ", "/").replace(".", "/")+"/"
firstname = "custom"
# get the current list of custom shortcuts
get = lambda cmd: subprocess.check_output(["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd]).decode("utf-8")
array_str = get("gsettings get "+key)
# in case the array was empty, remove the annotation hints
command_result = array_str.lstrip("@as")
current = eval(command_result)
# make sure the additional keybinding mention is no duplicate
n = 1
while True:
new = item_s+firstname+str(n)+"/"
if new in current:
n = n+1
# add the new keybinding to the list
# create the shortcut, set the name, command and shortcut key
cmd0 = 'gsettings set '+key+' "'+str(current)+'"'
cmd1 = 'gsettings set '+subkey1+new+" name '"+sys.argv[1]+"'"
cmd2 = 'gsettings set '+subkey1+new+" command '"+sys.argv[2]+"'"
cmd3 = 'gsettings set '+subkey1+new+" binding '"+sys.argv[3]+"'"
for cmd in [cmd0, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3]:["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd])
- The script can be used to set a new shortcut key combination from the command line. It can be used with the command (assuming the key combination is available):
python3 /path/to/ '<name>' '<command>' '<key_combination>'
python3 /path/to/ 'open gedit' 'gedit' '<Alt>7'
Some of the mostly used key mentions (found experimentally, looking into the changes the GUI way made into the binding value):
Super key: <Super>
Control key: <Primary> or <Control>
Alt key: <Alt>
Shift key: <Shift>
numbers: 1 (just the number)
Spacebar: space
Slash key: slash
Asterisk key: asterisk (so it would need `<Shift>` as well)
Ampersand key: ampersand (so it would need <Shift> as well)
a few numpad keys:
Numpad divide key (`/`): KP_Divide
Numpad multiply (Asterisk):KP_Multiply
Numpad number key(s): KP_1
Numpad `-`: KP_Subtract