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AnalysePrestackSeismic committed Dec 8, 2014
1 parent df8bd0d commit 3ecbe9f
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Showing 42 changed files with 9,117 additions and 1 deletion.
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions algorithms/angle_stks_from_gath/angle_stks_from_gath.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
function [] = angle_stks_from_gath(job_meta_path,i_block,startvol,volinc,endvol,angwidth,tottracerun)
%% ------------------ Disclaimer ------------------
% BG Group plc or any of its respective subsidiaries, affiliates and
% associated companies (or by any of their respective officers, employees
% or agents) makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, in
% respect to the quality, accuracy or usefulness of this repository. The code
% is this repository is supplied with the explicit understanding and
% agreement of recipient that any action taken or expenditure made by
% recipient based on its examination, evaluation, interpretation or use is
% at its own risk and responsibility.
% No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in
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% repository and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by
% BG Group plc or any of its respective subsidiaries, affiliates and
% associated companies (or by any of their respective officers, employees
% or agents) in relation to it.
%% ------------------ License ------------------
% GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007
%% github
%% ------------------ FUNCTION DEFINITION ---------------------------------
%% Parameters
% would normaly convert all parameters to double, but keep i_block as string as being passed to
% other modules; it does happen at the bottom of this program for output
%i_block = str2double(i_block);
% angle trace data ranges to use, vol is an angle trace either as a
% seperate angle volume or as a angle trace in an angle gather
% number of the first angle trace/volume to read
startvol = str2double(startvol);
% angle trace/volume increment
volinc = str2double(volinc);
% number of the last angle trace/volume to read
%endvol = job_meta.nvols;
endvol = str2double(endvol);
angwidth = str2double(angwidth);

% number of traces to run, put to zero to make it run all traces in the
% block, this is the default, this is also used to pass an inline (pkey
% number to use in testing has to be ilnnnn format
useselectemode = 0;

origstart_vol = startvol;
orig_endvol = endvol;
ebdichdr = ['segy io'];

if isempty(regexp(tottracerun,'il','once')) == 0
useselectemode = 1;
requiredinline = str2double(regexprep(tottracerun,'il',''));
%requiredinline = str2double(strrep(tottracerun,'il',''));
tottracerun = 0;
tottracerun = str2double(tottracerun);
% tottracerun = 500;

% to reduce printout in compilied version turned all warning off
warning off all;

% end of parameters
% total number of volumes to load
totalvol = length(startvol:volinc:endvol);
droptraces = 1;
% Load job meta information
job_meta = load(job_meta_path);
% if tottracerun == 0
% ebdichdr = ['segy io'];
% if useselectemode == 1;
% testdiscpt = ['gathers_segy_io_',num2str(startvol),'_',num2str(volinc),'_',num2str(endvol)];
% else
% testdiscpt = ['gathers_segy_io_',num2str(startvol),'_',num2str(volinc),'_',num2str(endvol)];
% end
% else
% ebdichdr = ['segy io'];
% if useselectemode == 1;
% testdiscpt = ['gathers_segy_io_',num2str(startvol),'_',num2str(volinc),'_',num2str(endvol)];
% else
% testdiscpt = ['gathers_segy_io_',num2str(startvol),'_',num2str(volinc),'_',num2str(endvol)];
% end
% end

% add the history of jobs run and this one to the curent ebcdic
if isfield(job_meta,'comm_history')
ebdichdr2 = job_meta.comm_history;
tmpebc = ebdichdr2{size(ebdichdr2,1),2};
ebdichdr2{1,2} = '';
tmpebc = '';

for ebcii = (size(ebdichdr2,1)-1):-1:1
tmpebcc = regexp(ebdichdr2{ebcii,2},'/','split');
tmpebc = [tmpebc tmpebcc{1} tmpebcc{end}];
tmpebc = sprintf('%-3200.3200s',tmpebc);
clear tmpebcc ebdichdr2;
% Make ouput directories and create meta information
%fprintf('reading data for total volumes = %d\n',totalvol)
% read data to pick a water bottom on, this does not need to happen and then
% be ignored, should happen later after reading all the volumes

% read all the data for this block
% node_segy_read(job_meta_path,vol_index,i_block)
[~, vol_traces, ilxl_read, offset_read] = node_segy_read(job_meta_path,'1',i_block);
% find the total number of offsets
offset = unique(offset_read);

if droptraces == 1
% % reshape the gather array to the same 3d matrix as the angle volumes and
% drop as required
nsamps = size(vol_traces,1);
fold = length(offset);
vol_traces = reshape(vol_traces,nsamps,fold,[]);
% grab the actual angles from the gather to pick the correct indicies
startvol = find(offset == startvol,1);
endvol = find(offset == endvol,1);

% resize the ilxl data
tmp_ilxlrd = ilxl_read(1:length(offset):end,:);
ilxl_read = tmp_ilxlrd;
clear tmp_ilxlrd;

%resize the offset header - no need as stacking
%offset_read = offset_read(:,(startvol:volinc:endvol),:);

% now loop round making however many angle gathers are requested
aidx = 1;
for kk = startvol:angwidth:endvol
% resize the traces data
vol_tracestmp = vol_traces(:,(kk:volinc:(kk+(angwidth-volinc))),:);
kdsb = zeros(size(vol_tracestmp,1),size(vol_tracestmp,3));
for ii = 1:size(vol_tracestmp,3)
kds = vol_tracestmp(:,:,ii);
kdsb(:,ii) = sum((kds ~= 0),2);
% sum the gather and divide by live samples
%make logical of what is not zero and cumlatively sum it to get the fold

angle_stk{aidx} = squeeze(sum(vol_tracestmp,2)) ./ kdsb;
angle_stk{aidx}(isnan(angle_stk{aidx})) = 0;
%figure(3); imagesc(angle_stk{aidx}); colormap(gray);
aidx = aidx +1;
clear kdsb

i_block = str2double(i_block);

%% Save results
aidx = 1;
for kk = origstart_vol:angwidth:orig_endvol

resultno = 1;
% Save outputs into correct structure to be written to SEGY.
results_out{resultno,1} = 'Meta data for output files';
results_out{resultno,2}{1,1} = ilxl_read;
results_out{resultno,3} = 'is_gather'; % 1 is yes, 0 is no
results_out{resultno,2}{2,1} = uint32(zeros(size(angle_stk{aidx},2),1));
%was written as uint32(zeros(ntraces,1));
%results_out{resultno,2}{2,1} = offset_read';

ebcstrtowrite = sprintf('%-3200.3200s',[results_out{resultno,1} ' ' ebdichdr ' ' tmpebc]);
results_out{resultno,1} = ebcstrtowrite;

resultno = resultno + 1;

% correct file names added by SRW - 02/07/14

% if kk == startvol
% testdiscpt = ['gathers_segy_io_',num2str(origstart_vol),'_',num2str(volinc),'_',num2str(origstart_vol+angwidth)];
% else
testdiscpt = ['angle_stk_range_',num2str(kk),'_',num2str((kk+(angwidth-volinc)))];
% end

results_out{resultno,1} = strcat(testdiscpt);
%results_out{2,2} = digi_intercept;
results_out{resultno,2} = angle_stk{aidx};
results_out{resultno,3} = 0;
aidx = aidx +1;

% check segy write functions - many different versions now!
if exist(strcat(job_meta.output_dir,'bg_angle_stks/'),'dir') == 0
output_dir = strcat(job_meta.output_dir,'bg_angle_stks/');
output_dir = strcat(job_meta.output_dir,'bg_angle_stks/');





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