A simple web app game that attempts to emulate some aspects fo the original Legend of Zelda game on the Nintendo Entertainment System. This was an opportunity for me to learn core concepts in Vue, Vue-CLI, Firebase, and AWS hosting.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
Because this is not being managed on a PM board (single dev, single project = makes life easy), I am cataloguing work here:
- Remove any pending playerFire when newMap is loaded
- Make Link always face up when loading a cave or dungeon
- Either block progress until an objective is completed, or make questline more flexible
- Make CSS responsive!
- Add item acquisition animation
- Add sound effects
- Add fade out and game over effect?
- Improve quality of tiles - try vector graphics
- Refactor and clean up code and component logic
- Add invalidation logic to AWS for faster CloudFront deploys