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Mod for Project Zomboid

How to modify configuration files for Steam Dedicated Server (Windows) (12/26/2021)

Build 40.43 to Build 41.65+

NOTE: (SKIP to Step 9 if you already have a Dedicated Server with this mod added, created and working.)

  1. If you have not set up a Steam Dedicated Server already, click this link and follow this guide (by nasKo) below the headings, "Through the Steam Client" and "Starting the Server".

  2. Once your dedicated Server is creating and works, make sure your server is not running. If it is running, quit/shutdown your server by typing "quit" into the console and press enter.

  3. To add "Customizable Zombies" to your dedicated server, run your game "Project Zomboid" and click "Host" from the title screen.

  4. Click "Manage settings...".

  5. You should have a settings named "servertest" created when you created/started up your Dedicated Server from Step 1. If there is no settings named "servertest", click "Create New Settings" and create a settings named "servertest".

  6. Click on "servertest" and edit the settings for it.

  7. Click on "Steam Workshop" and add "Customizble Zombies" from the dropdown list.

  8. Click "Save". Start up your dedicated server to generate the configuration files, then shutdown the dedicated server.

  9. To edit the configuration files, navigate to your dedicated server's location.
    My server is stored at "D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Project Zomboid Dedicated Server". Your location may be different depending on how you installed your Project Zomboid Dedicated Server.

  10. Click on "steamapps" and navigate to "..\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\1992785456\mods\Customizable Zombies"

  11. Open "MOD Configuration_Options (Customizable Zombies).lua" in any text editor. (If you do not see the file, start up your Dedicated Server to generate the file, then shut down the server once the file is generated.)

  12. Here are the settings below.

  • I am using Integers to store the settings.
    • ChanceToSpawn: 0 to 1000 (0.0% to 100.0%)
    • HPMultiplier: 1 = 0.001, 1000 = 1.000, 2000 = 2.000, 3000 = 3.000, etc.
    • NOTE: The "Crawler", "Shamber", "FastShambler", and "Runner" and their "ChanceToSpawn" must all add up to 1000 (100.0%) otherwise they may not spawn correctly.

  1. Save and close the file once you are finished.
  2. Start up your server and join.