The Carvera Lean Open source UTility is a custom controller for the Makera Carvera CNC mill. Aiming to add advanced features and usability improvements over the stock controller. This project is in very early development. As such, use of this software is at your own risk. There is a decent chance of a broken probe as bugs are found.
The following features are currently available:
- Home XY
- Go to clearance
- Jog axis
- ATC tool change and TLO calibration
- Open/Close collet
- All probing operations except corners
- Custom Clout programs:
- Tool changes
- Collet Open/Close
- Rapid To
- Installing touch probe
- Probe operations
- Run G Code files
Commands typed in the console will be sent to Carvera. Example:
G38.3 X-20 F75
Use keyboard arrow keys to move camera. Right click and drag mouse to look around.
- Latest build can be found as an artifact of the most recent workflow run at
- Currently available for Win x64.
Clout uses the following libraries:
- Dear ImgUi - Graphical user interface
- GLFW - OS window management
- Assimp - 3D model importer
- GLEW - OpenGL extensions
- GLM - OpenGL mathematics
- stb - Image handling
- nlohmann/JSON - JSON data handling
- ImGuiFileDialog - Gui File Dialog