Transactions Manager is a Java-based project that simulates banking transactions for checking and credit accounts. It allows the creation of accounts, deposits, and withdrawals, and tracks the balance or credit of each account after applying transactions.
The program will read the account information from Accounts.txt, apply transactions from Transactions.txt, and display the final balances of specific accounts.
Project Structure
To start the project, make sure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later installed on your system. The project includes sample data files (Accounts.txt and Transactions.txt) for your convenience. The data in these files can be updated with actual data you want to test on. Simply compile and run the class to start the simulation.
-Constants: Contains Java enumerations for account types (AccountType) and transaction types (Transaction).
-Data: Contains the text files Accounts.txt and Transactions.txt, which hold the initial account information and transactions, respectively.
-Pojo: Contains the Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) representing the account classes (Account, Checking, Credit).
-Repository: Contains the AccountRepository class, which provides an in-memory repository for storing and managing account objects.
-Service: Contains the service classes CheckingService and CreditService, which implement the AccountService interface to provide account-related operations.
To add new accounts, modify the Accounts.txt file by following the format: ACCOUNT_TYPE ACCOUNT_ID BALANCE_OR_CREDIT.
To add new transactions, modify the Transactions.txt file by following the format: ACCOUNT_TYPE ACCOUNT_ID TRANSACTION_TYPE AMOUNT.