WASM smart contracts for SEQ chain.
SDK: A frame work for writing smart contracts deployable to SEQ.
SDK-Macros: Macros for most commonly used artifacts.
blobstream-rs: A WASM compilable Blobstream version written in rust, compatible with SEQ.
vector-rs: A WASM compilable Vector version written in rust, compatible with SEQ.
Solidity Gen: Solidity Bindings for function inputs of blobstream-rs, vector-rs and gnark precompile.
input tests: Tests for state module of sdk, blobstream and vector.
vk.bin: Verification key used for plonk verification in SP1.
State revamp
RPC for fetching values at contract storage slot with rust sdk support.
Add tests.
- for simple state
- for dynamic state
Fallbacks getBalance and setBalance for fund dispersion.
Transfer native token TKN, with empty ID.
Use macros for:
- public functions.
- state variables.
Blobstream wasm contract size ~110KiB is in limits. If size increases by a large factor, then try optimizing by inlining state functions.
Call initializer during contract deployment.
automate github tests to run on wasm32-unknown-unknown
consider caching the abi(initialising abi is taking significant time)
Handle unwrap errors. Should the program panic and runtime return error. or the error should be handled by rust program for state access?