参考了 TonyCrane/note: TonyCrane's Public Notebook (github.com) 搭建的一个个人博客站,依托于 mkdocs
- code block copy
- 可折叠 quota
- 数学公式支持
- 前后页
- git talk
- GitHub page 配置
- RSS 插件 warming log 消除
- 主页配置
- 基础文字补充
- 卡片化
- Navigation 关闭
- 通讯卡片配置
- 编辑跳转
- gitbook 样式
- mint 样式
- 代码块字体设置
Fira Code
. - 解决 meta 标题以及首行标题的问题
- 修复字数统计插件错误
Make sure you have poetry installed, which is a handy Python package manager tool.
poetry install # Install Dependencies
poetry run mkdocs serve # Run the Development Server
poetry run mkdocs build # Build Your Site, generate site/ dir.
poetry run mkdocs gh-deploy # Push to remote Repos.
Alternatively, you can utilize the Makefile provided with the install
, run
, build
, update
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.