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MD SR Sohan sohan284
Working as a Junior Full Stack Developer at BD Calling IT, I am passionate about creating engaging and user-friendly web experiences


Ali Yaşar helallao

@Metakorteks Adana, Turkey

EarthMaster EarthMaster
I love coding so much that I'm called a coding maniac because I feel like I breathe through it.
Eager to learn.
itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Benjamincup Benjamin-cup
Hello, everyone. I am solana smart contract and web3 developer.


Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Alp ₿📈🚀🌕 IDouble
🗽 Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy ☕️ Full-Stack 🖥💻📱⌚️ Finance, Crypto ⛓ (Blockchain, Smart contracts etc.)

IDEX/USD @IDEXio Zurich, Switzerland

Eng Nami MattNami

Searching.... Mogadishu-somalia

Dmitry Selikhov idimetrix
💻ALWAYS HIRING, 🌍REMOTE JOBS, 💼HR, 🚀CTO, 🏗️Software Architect, 🧑‍💻Technical Lead, 👨‍💼3X Founder. 🔗Linking companies with top tech talents. @elevanceit

@elevanceit New York

Michael Paulino mi6paulino
Graphic designer , data analyst , observer scientist, Journalist

20R00mz Productions New York City

Charles Chrismann Charles-Chrismann
Étudiant en 4e année de Développement Web à l'IIM

Institut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM) Paris, La Défense

Neuromancer Paulo092
Desenvolvedor Fullstack que adora fazer uma telinha bonita. Organizado e sempre dedicado a colocar um pedacinho de mim em cada projeto.

Goiânia, GO

Walisson Moraes WalissonMoraez
Cientista da computação.

Universidade Federal de Jataí Andradina - São Paulo

Gabriel Krishna GabrielKrishna
Ciência da Computação - UFJ Focando estudos em Desenvolvimento de Software Full-Stack

Go Vendas Jataí-GO, Brasil

Sabyasachi Seal decoderwhoami
Linux Foundation Scholar || 4x Azure, Google CDL || Community Builder @ AWS || Gold - LSA @ Microsoft || DevOps Lead @ Google DSC || GSSoC '22 || 500+ LeetCode
jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Czech Republic, Prague

João Marcos Cordeiro Carvalho Barros joaomarcos-cordeiro
Estudante em Ciência da Computação - UFJ

Universidade Federal de Jataí Jataí, Go

Pedro Augusto Borges Assis YoPeterChill
-From <brazil> Computer Science Student

Jataí - Goiás

Elias Lourenço Oliveira OliveiraL2001
Graduando em ciência da computação pela Universidade Federal de Jataí
hugobiella hugobiella
💻Computer Science graduate from the Federal University of Jataí (UFJ)👨‍💻

Jataí - Goiás

Pedro Muller pvdcm
I am currently studying at Federal University of Jatai (UFJ), and at the same time I'm studying web development at Danki Code.

Brazil | Jatai-GO

Eduardo Henrique heinrikdev
Studying Computer Science at UFJ and working with web development for local companies

Jataí, Go

Vinay Kumar V1nni00
cute but evil; from Bhiwani Haryana... currently studying C++,PHP

Bhiwani Students Club India

Tu Le tulna07

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Christian Deacon gamemann
DevOps engineer with a love for open source. I create firewalls. Portfolio @! @deaconn-net @modcommunity @Packet-Batch

@deaconn-net New Jersey, US

Gustavo Pamplona Melo Coelho Pamplona-C
Graduando de Ciências da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Jataí.

Universidade Federal de Jataí Jatai-Go

Frank Leite Lemos Costa frankleitelemoscosta
Computer enginner student at CEFET-MG.

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais(CEFET) Divinópolis