This is a sample application to fetch dashboard results.
Apteco FastStats® is part of the Apteco Marketing Suite. It provides a unique combination of speed and power for data exploration, data mining analysis and customer understanding.
The Apteco API provides programmatic access to information held in an Apteco FastStats® database, as well as reporting information generated from Apteco PeopleStage™, the powerful multi channel campaign automation software.
To use the OrbitDashboardRefresher, download the latest release from GitHub or build the software via Visual Studio or the .Net Core CLI (see below).
To find out what command line parameters are required, run the console application with no parameters:
You will need the following pieces of information:
- The name of a DataView to connect to and a valid username and password for that DataView
To build the project, either do so via Visual Studio (2017 or later) or using the dotnet CLI tool.
Open the OrbitDashboardRefresher.sln file in Visual Studio and build the project.
To generate the standalone executable, right-click on the Apteco.OrbitDashboardRefresher.Console project and choose "Publish...".
Then choose the "Folder Profile" and publish that. The binaries will be compiled into
To build the project so that it will run under any archirecture that .Net Core supports (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux), go to the
root directory and run dotnet build
. This will compile the code so that it can be run using the commands:
cd Apteco.OrbitDashboardRefresher.Console\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1
dotnet OrbitDashboardRefresher-Console.dll
To build a .exe file that will run on the Windows 64 bit platform, go to the root directory and run
dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64
The binaries will be compiled into