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bitcoinrpc4java text

bitcoinrpc4java is a java client to connect to the bitcoin core with jsonrpc

It is a library that seeks to be a well-typed rpc client with full implementation. This is a basic example of its use:

    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import com.araguaneybits.crypto.bitcoinrpc.constants.EnumEstimateMode;
    import com.araguaneybits.crypto.bitcoinrpc.methods.BtcRpcGateway;
    import com.araguaneybits.crypto.bitcoinrpc.methods.BtcRpcWalletMethods;
    import com.araguaneybits.crypto.bitcoinrpc.methods.BtcRpcWalletToolsMethods;
    import com.araguaneybits.crypto.bitcoinrpc.methods.response.BtcRpcGetTransactionResponse;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // initialize the gateway
        String rpcUser = "myuser";
        String rpcPassword = "mypass";
        String rpcHost = "localhost";
        String rpcPort = "8332";
        String protocol = "https";
        String passphrase = "mywalletpass";
        // Initialize bitcoin rpc connections
        BtcRpcGateway btcRpcGateway = new BtcRpcGateway(rpcUser, rpcPassword, rpcHost, rpcPort, protocol);
        // Instance the Wallet Method
        BtcRpcWalletMethods btcRpcWalletMethods = new BtcRpcWalletMethods(btcRpcGateway);
        // Instance the Wallet Tools Method
        BtcRpcWalletToolsMethods btcRpcWalletToolsMethods = new BtcRpcWalletToolsMethods(btcRpcGateway);

        // Get balance
        BigDecimal balance = btcRpcWalletMethods.getBalance();
        System.out.println("The balance is " + balance);

        // Get new Address
        String toAddress = btcRpcWalletMethods.getNewAddress();
        System.out.println("New address is " + toAddress);

        // Unlocked the wallet
        Boolean unlocked = btcRpcWalletToolsMethods.walletPassphrase(passphrase, 30L);
        System.out.println("The wallet is unlocked " + unlocked);

        // Create new transaction
        BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0.010");
        String comment = "";
        String commentTo = "";
        Boolean subtractFeeFromAmount = false;
        Boolean replaceable = true;
        Long confTarget = 1L;
        String txid = btcRpcWalletMethods.sendToAddress(toAddress, amount, comment, commentTo, subtractFeeFromAmount, replaceable, confTarget,
        System.out.println("New txid is " + txid);

        // Locked the wallet
        Boolean locked = btcRpcWalletToolsMethods.walletLock();
        System.out.println("The wallet is locked " + locked);

        // Get the generated transaction
        BtcRpcGetTransactionResponse btcRpcGetTransactionResponse = btcRpcWalletMethods.getTransaction(txid);
        System.out.println("BtcRpcGetTransactionResponse is " + btcRpcGetTransactionResponse);

If your project uses Maven for its build, you can depend on bitcoinrpc4java by adding the following snippet to your pom.xml file in the:


It has following dependencies:

  • OKHttp <>_ for HTTP connections
  • Jackson Core <>_ for fast JSON serialisation/deserialisation
  • Lombok <>_ library that allows us to define POJO classes using a set of straightforward, but powerful annotations


Meethod Supported Version
getbestblockhash OK 1.0.0
getblock OK 1.0.0
getblockchaininfo OK 1.0.0
getblockcount OK 1.0.0
getblockfilter NO
getblockhash OK 1.0.0
getblockheader OK 1.0.0
getblockstats OK 1.0.0
getchaintips OK 1.0.0
getchaintxstats OK 1.0.0
getdifficulty OK 1.0.0
getmempoolancestors OK 1.0.0
getmempooldescendants OK 1.0.0
getmempoolentry OK 1.0.0
getmempoolinfo OK 1.0.0
getrawmempool OK 1.0.0
gettxout NO
gettxoutproof NO
gettxoutsetinfo NO
preciousblock NO
pruneblockchain NO
savemempool OK 1.0.0
scantxoutset NO
verifychain NO
verifytxoutproof NO


Meethod Supported Version
getmemoryinfo OK 1.0.0
getrpcinfo OK 1.0.0
help OK 1.0.0
logging OK 1.0.0
stop OK 1.0.0
uptime OK 1.0.0


Meethod Supported Version
generatetoaddress NO
generatetodescriptor NO


Meethod Supported Version
getblocktemplate OK 1.0.0
getmininginfo OK 1.0.0
getnetworkhashps OK 1.0.0
prioritisetransaction OK 1.0.0
submitblock NO
submitheader NO


Meethod Supported Version
addnode OK 1.0.0
clearbanned OK 1.0.0
disconnectnode OK 1.0.0
getaddednodeinfo OK 1.0.0
getconnectioncount OK 1.0.0
getnettotals OK 1.0.0
getnetworkinfo OK 1.0.0
getnodeaddresses OK 1.0.0
getpeerinfo OK 1.0.0
listbanned OK 1.0.0
ping OK 1.0.0
setban OK 1.0.0
setnetworkactive OK 1.0.0


Meethod Supported Version
analyzepsbt OK 1.0.0
combinepsbt OK 1.0.0
combinerawtransaction OK 1.0.0
converttopsbt OK 1.0.0
createpsbt OK 1.0.0
createrawtransaction OK 1.0.0
decodepsbt OK 1.0.0
decoderawtransaction OK 1.0.0
decodescript OK 1.0.0
finalizepsbt OK 1.0.0
fundrawtransaction OK 1.0.0
getrawtransaction OK 1.0.0
joinpsbts NO
sendrawtransaction OK 1.0.0
signrawtransactionwithkey NO
testmempoolaccept NO
utxoupdatepsbt NO


Meethod Supported Version
createmultisig OK 1.0.0
deriveaddresses OK 1.0.0
estimatesmartfee NO
getdescriptorinfo OK 1.0.0
signmessagewithprivkey OK 1.0.0
validateaddress OK 1.0.0
verifymessage OK 1.0.0


Meethod Supported Version
abandontransaction NO
abortrescan OK 1.0.0
addmultisigaddress OK 1.0.0
backupwallet OK 1.0.0
bumpfee OK 1.0.0
createwallet OK 1.0.0
dumpprivkey OK 1.0.0
dumpwallet OK 1.0.0
encryptwallet OK 1.0.0
getaddressesbylabel OK 1.0.0
getaddressinfo OK 1.0.0
getbalance OK 1.0.0
getbalances OK 1.0.0
getnewaddress OK 1.0.0
getrawchangeaddress OK 1.0.0
getreceivedbyaddress OK 1.0.0
getreceivedbylabel OK 1.0.0
gettransaction OK 1.0.0
getunconfirmedbalance OK 1.0.0
getwalletinfo OK 1.0.0
importaddress OK 1.0.0
importmulti NO
importprivkey OK 1.0.0
importprunedfunds NO
importpubkey NO
importwallet OK 1.0.0
keypoolrefill OK 1.0.0
listaddressgroupings NO
listlabels OK 1.0.0
listlockunspent NO
listreceivedbyaddress OK 1.0.0
listreceivedbylabel OK 1.0.0
listsinceblock OK 1.0.0
listtransactions OK 1.0.0
listunspent OK 1.0.0
listwalletdir OK 1.0.0
listwallets OK 1.0.0
loadwallet OK 1.0.0
lockunspent OK 1.0.0
removeprunedfunds NO
rescanblockchain OK 1.0.0
sendmany OK 1.0.0
sendtoaddress OK 1.0.0
sethdseed NO
setlabel OK 1.0.0
settxfee OK 1.0.0
setwalletflag NO
signmessage OK 1.0.0
signrawtransactionwithwallet NO
unloadwallet NO
walletcreatefundedpsbt NO
walletlock OK 1.0.0
walletpassphrase OK 1.0.0
walletpassphrasechange OK 1.0.0
walletprocesspsbt NO


Meethod Supported Version
getzmqnotifications NO