My repository for my hexcells mods including the multiplayer and potential cells mod
Middle click to cycle a cell cell between potential blue, potential black, and back to normal
Press CTRL+X to reset all cells back to normal
To host a multiplayer game, go to the Hexcells Infinite properties on Steam, and set the Launch Options to -mphost
To join a multiplayer game, go to the Hexcells Infinite properties on Steam, and set the Launch Options to -mpjoin IP
ex. -mpjoin
The mod runs on port 6666, and the maximum player limit is 6 (including the host)
Currently the mod only supports the Infinite (Generated) levels mode. The host should go into the infinite screen, select a seed and difficulty, and upon starting, other players in the session will be pulled into the game with the same settings. From here you race to the finish with the pressure of your peers completing the same puzzle.
Your final placement is determined by time. Each mistake adds one minute to your time, so be careful!
If the host quits, or returns to the menu after completing a puzzle, all other players will be returned to the menu as well.
- Requires IPA []
- Requires Harmony (net35 build) []
- Requires the original game, and referencing the original game assemblies (UnityEngine, Assembly-csharp, Assembly-csharp-firstpass)
- Requires a 32 bit build of ENet, installed into the
Hexcells Infinite_Data\Plugins
This is my first experience using IPA, Harmony, and ENet. Bearing that in mind, I may not have written this with complete perfection.