C++ cross platform key-code library with corss platform virtual keyboard write(send) key library.
- (Supported)
- GNU/Linux
- Mac/OSX
- Microsoft/Windows
The library is in the "./include" directory.
to system: install to /usr/local
cmake -S ./all -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-march=native -pipe' -DlibWRPkeycmakednupdated_ENABLE_LTO=ON -DlibWRPkeycmakednupdated_ENABLE_POLY=ON
cmake --build ./build --parallel $(nproc) --verbose
sudo cmake --install ./build/ --prefix=/
to the other:
sudo cmake --install ./build/ --prefix=~/
You should be set appropriately for your environment.
see folder example1/
see folder example2/
GNU/Linux: * need root *
sudo ./build/libWRPkeycmakednupdatedexample2/writer
OSX or Windows:
You might need copy or symlink two .dll files from your development environment lib directory, but that's not sure:
- libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
- libstdc++-6.dll
- a c++ compiler ( for windows install or gcc or clang or visual studio with c++ parts . For mac maybe install xcode with c++ parts, idk. For linux install or gcc or clang or w/e)
- cmake
(C)2014 Usagi Ito[email protected] / Wonder Rabbit Project.