All credits [so far] go to Shadowstep33/Angular2Pixi
# Angular2Pixi
Create PIXI scenes in Angular 2 with markup! Make sure to check out the wiki for more information on usage. There is also a repo with working demos found at:
npm install --save angular2pixi
A2P has two main dependencies that should automatically be installed
- PIXI.js
Include the module in your app
import {PixiModule}
imports: [
And voila, you should now have access to the module!
A2P contains a few basic components:
- sprites: extendable component used to create PIXI.Sprites and support animations and interactions
- text: similar to the sprite component, but uses PIXI.Text instead
- filters: allows you to add effects to Containers
and a few services
- pixi: gives access to pixi itself and initializes your Pixi workspace
- asset: load up assets and do stuff when they're ready
[x]="w * 0.5"
[y]="h * 0.6"
Please refer to the wiki for more details.