Mathematica package for Clifford (geometric) algebra calculations
Version (2024-06-14)
Quick startup
- Unzip the content preserving directory structure
- Open GA.nb and follow setup & configuration instructions in the beginning of the notebook.
- Open UsageExamples/01_Start.nb notebook and try to repeat calculations.
Main features
- Textbook notation and precedences of products (without Mathematica palettes)
- Algebraic operations in orthonormal frame (additive representation, symbolic coefficients)
- Multiple algebras in the same Mathematica session
- Matrix representations of Cl(p,q) algebras (two algorithms)
- Idempotents with different basis sorting
- Main involutions and general multivector inverse
- Algebraic (ideal) and operator (Hestenes) spinors (not finished)
- Series of elementary functions of Cl(p,q) (one MV argument functions only)
- Functions for MV (arbitrary Cl(p,q) algebras)
- Sorting/ordering of general MV
- Transformation and AdjointTranformation for linear transformations
- Clifford calculus (directional and vector derivatives) in arbitrary signature flat space
Short file description
- GA.nb (main file, contains installation information)
- (add-on for Mathematica system file for Linux and Mac)
- (add-on for Mathematica system file for Windows)