Create Tutorial on setting up git/webstorm/github
First you would have to download Webstrom from you jetbrain account, then you would install Git. Next you would create your github account.
Now we need to connect your github account with webstorm, in system prefrences you need to select Version control Git and the path would be git.exe. Still in system prefrence we would set up the password in system settings.
Then we set up a repository with the plus sign and click create
In webstorm slect VCS and press imort control and in github from Main page Select Checkout from version control and enter Github repository name and local path name
Webstorm also alowws you to make files so go to choose file, choose html and style sheet. You can add these files to git by going to dialog, and click add
Refrences: IntroToGitHub-20190318.pptx
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefine terms associated with Git/Github
Branch: the foundation of the development process
Clone: creates a copy of a repository to a new directory
Commit: (noun) a specific point in git history, it is basically a revision control
Fetch:helps find out what is missing in the local database and to retrive it
GIT: a software where it tracks changes in computer files
Github: a software that is a internet hosts that helps develop and version control using git program
Merge: It helps unify items from one branch into the current branch
Merge Conflict: When git can't automatically fix the differences in code between two commits
Push: you are able to get hte branch's head from a repository to see if it is related to the local branch ref, if it is all attributes and thos missing will be put into a remote database
Pull: This is when you are able to fetch from the branch and merge it
Remote: would mean online , but remote repository is a ref where you can use the changes from another repository
Repository: This is a group of ref depending on the object database, and they can share an object database with other repositories