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Configuration attributes in detail

Asitha Nanayakkara edited this page Mar 22, 2016 · 2 revisions

ATC uses conf/client.yaml by default to configure test cases. This configuration file contains four scopes for configuration variables. They are

Scope Description
Global Relevant to the whole test. for instance stat reporting. These values can be put only on top of the configuration. Not under publisher or subscriber configuration
PubSub Common to subscribers and publishers. If put under global level publishers and subscribers will inherit that value unless it is overridden by setting a value at publisher or subscriber level.
Publisher Only publisher related. Can only be used with a publishers
Subscriber Only subscriber related. Can only be used with a subscribers

Following are the configurations and their types

Variable Scope Type Description
enableConsoleReport Global Boolean Writes performance statistics to the console if enabled
consoleReportUpdateInterval Global Integer Time interval (milliseconds) between consecutive console reports
csvReportEnable Global Boolean If true performance statistics will be saved in a csv format files in <ATC_HOME>/logs/metrics directory
csvUpdateInterval Global Integer Tme interval to update the csv files
csvGaugeUpdateInterval Global Integer Gauge will calculate messages received and published within this interval. This is a rate per csvGaugeUpdateInterval
jmxReportEnable Global Boolean Outputs performance statistics through JMX. Through an application like JConsole performance stats can be viewed
hostname PubSub String Hostname of the connecting Message Broker
port PubSub Integer port of the connecting Message Broker node
username PubSub String username to log into Message Broker
password PubSub String password to log into Message Broker
queueName PubSub String Queue or topic name to publish or subscribe to
id PubSub String Unique id to identify each publisher or subscriber. If specifically not given automatically a value is given. NOTE: if parallelThreads value is set id will get appended a number to make the id unique
parallelThreads PubSub Integer Specify how many parallel publishers or subscribers needs to be spawned with the exact configuration. This avoids unwanted repetition of the same configuration to add multiple publishers or subscribers
messageCount PubSub Long Number of messages a publisher should send or the number of messages a subscriber should expect to receive.
failoverParams PubSub String underlying protocol specific failover parameters can be passed using this. example string would be as follows failover='roundrobin'&brokerlist='tcp://'1000'&connecttimeout='3000'&retries='1';tcp://'1000'&connecttimeout='3000'&retries='1''
delayBetweenMsgs Publisher Integer Number of milliseconds delay between consecutive messages published. This can be used to regulate the publishing rate
isTransactional Publisher Boolean Transactions publishing get enables with this configuration. Underlying protocol should support transactional publishing to use this feature.
transactionBatchSize Publisher Integer Maximum batch size of each transaction. Batch size will vary between 0 and transactionBatchSize
subscriptionID Subscriber String Subscriptionid for the durable subscribers for topics.
unsubscribeOnFinish Subscriber Boolean After receiving all messages subscriber will un-subscribe before closing connection. This is valid for durable topic subscriptions
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