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Configuring Atmosphere Listener
The Atmosphere Framework supports several event listeners that can be used to monitor when a connection gets suspended, resumed, timed out or canceled. Those listeners can be used to track and clean the state that is associated with a connection. You can defined them in META-INF/services, annotate them or add it programmatically.
You can configure AtmosphereFrameworkListener by implementing the interface and by annotating it using an AtmosphereFrameworkListenerService annotation. The interface is defined as
public interface AtmosphereFrameworkListener {
* Invoked before {@link AtmosphereFramework#init()} gets invoked
* @param f an {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework}
void onPreInit(AtmosphereFramework f);
* Invoked after {@link AtmosphereFramework#init()} gets invoked
* @param f an {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework}
void onPostInit(AtmosphereFramework f);
* Invoked before {@link AtmosphereFramework#destroy()} gets invoked
* @param f an {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework}
void onPreDestroy(AtmosphereFramework f);
* Invoked after {@link AtmosphereFramework#destroy()} gets invoked
* @param f an {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework}
void onPostDestroy(AtmosphereFramework f);
You can configure AsyncSupportListener by implementing the interface and by annotating it using an AsyncSupportListenerService annotation. The interface is defined as:
public interface AsyncSupportListener {
* Invoked when an AtmosphereResource gets suspended.
* @param request an AtmosphereRequest
* @param response an AtmosphereResponse
void onSuspend(AtmosphereRequest request, AtmosphereResponse response);
* Invoked when an AtmosphereResource gets resumed
* @param request an AtmosphereRequest
* @param response an AtmosphereResponse
void onResume(AtmosphereRequest request, AtmosphereResponse response);
* Invoked when an AtmosphereResource gets timed out
* @param request an AtmosphereRequest
* @param response an AtmosphereResponse
void onTimeout(AtmosphereRequest request, AtmosphereResponse response);
* Invoked when an AtmosphereResource gets closed
* @param request an AtmosphereRequest
* @param response an AtmosphereResponse
void onClose(AtmosphereRequest request, AtmosphereResponse response);
* Invoked when an AtmosphereResource gets destroyed
* @param request an AtmosphereRequest
* @param response an AtmosphereResponse
void onDestroyed(AtmosphereRequest request, AtmosphereResponse response);
The Atmosphere Framework will invoke each method based on the life cycle of the connection.
If you are using Atmosphere's Runtime module and have implemented an AtmosphereHandler or ManagedService, you can add an AtmosphereResourceEventListener or one of this adapter
public interface AtmosphereResourceEventListener {
* Invoked when the AtmosphereResource#suspend has been completed and the response
* considered as suspended.
* @param event a org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceEvent
void onSuspend(AtmosphereResourceEvent event);
* Invoked when the AtmosphereResource#resume is invoked or when the
* suspend's time out expires.
* @param event a org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceEvent
void onResume(AtmosphereResourceEvent event);
* Invoked when the remote connection gets closed.
* @param event a org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceEvent
void onDisconnect(AtmosphereResourceEvent event);
* Invoked when a Broadcaster#broadcast occurs.
* @param event a org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceEvent
void onBroadcast(AtmosphereResourceEvent event);
* Invoked when an operations failed to execute for an unknown reason like : IOException because the client
* remotely closed the connection, a broken connection, etc.
* @param event a org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceEvent
void onThrowable(AtmosphereResourceEvent event);
* Invoked when AtmosphereResource#close is invoked.
* @param event a org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceEvent
void onClose(AtmosphereResourceEvent event);
to your AtmosphereResource by simply doing:
atmosphereResource.addEventListener( new AtmosphereResourceEventListenerAdapter() {} );
If your application supports WebSocket, you can add a specialized WebSocketEventListener that will be invoked with more events:
public interface WebSocketEventListener extends AtmosphereResourceEventListener{
* When the hanshake occurs
* @param event WebSocketEvent
void onHandshake(WebSocketEvent event);
* When a message is sent
* @param event WebSocketEvent
void onMessage(WebSocketEvent event);
* When the close occurs
* @param event WebSocketEvent
void onClose(WebSocketEvent event);
* When the control occurs
* @param event WebSocketEvent
void onControl(WebSocketEvent event);
* When the disconnect occurs
* @param event WebSocketEvent
void onDisconnect(WebSocketEvent event);
* When the connect occurs
* @param event WebSocketEvent
void onConnect(WebSocketEvent event);
by doing
atmosphereResource.addEventListener( new WebSocketEventListenerAdapter() {...} );
If you are using Atmosphere's Jersey module, you can add listeners by adding them using the @Suspend annotation:
@Suspend(listeners="comma-separated list of classes that extend WebSocketEventListenerAdapter"
Or programmatically using the SuspendResponse API:
return new SuspendResponse.SuspendResponseBuilder<String>()
.addListener(new WebSocketEventListenerAdapter() {...} )
- Understanding Atmosphere
- Understanding @ManagedService
- Using javax.inject.Inject and javax.inject.PostConstruct annotation
- Understanding Atmosphere's Annotation
- Understanding AtmosphereResource
- Understanding AtmosphereHandler
- Understanding WebSocketHandler
- Understanding Broadcaster
- Understanding BroadcasterCache
- Understanding Meteor
- Understanding BroadcastFilter
- Understanding Atmosphere's Events Listeners
- Understanding AtmosphereInterceptor
- Configuring Atmosphere for Performance
- Understanding JavaScript functions
- Understanding AtmosphereResourceSession
- Improving Performance by using the PoolableBroadcasterFactory
- Using Atmosphere Jersey API
- Using Meteor API
- Using AtmosphereHandler API
- Using Socket.IO
- Using GWT
- Writing HTML5 Server-Sent Events
- Using STOMP protocol
- Streaming WebSocket messages
- Configuring Atmosphere's Classes Creation and Injection
- Using AtmosphereInterceptor to customize Atmosphere Framework
- Writing WebSocket sub protocol
- Configuring Atmosphere for the Cloud
- Injecting Atmosphere's Components in Jersey
- Sharing connection between Browser's windows and tabs
- Understanding AtmosphereResourceSession
- Manage installed services
- Server Side: javadoc API
- Server Side: atmosphere.xml and web.xml configuration
- Client Side: atmosphere.js API