- Building instructions for OpenFOAM
- Your first case
- Your second case (with post-processing)
- A new solver
Tested using the free version of VMware and VirtualBox , with Ubuntu 20.04. OpenFOAM (and Paraview) will take approx 3.3 Gb once compiled, take this into account.
sudo apt-get install build-essential flex libfl-dev bison git-core cmake zlib1g-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin gnuplot libreadline-dev libncurses-dev libxt-dev ptscotch
sudo apt-get install libqt5x11extras5-dev libxt-dev qt5-default qttools5-dev curl
(For more recent version of Ubuntu, check: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1335184/qt5-default-not-in-ubuntu-21-04, but this seems a very bad idea)
mkdir OpenFOAM
cd OpenFOAM
git clone https://github.com/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7.git
git clone https://github.com/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-7.git
These set of commands should create the folder OpenFOAM in your home and, inside this folder, the 2 folders OpenFOAM-7 and ThirdParty-7.
source OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc
cd OpenFOAM-7
./Allwmake -j
Note: The building process is fast on a parallel machine, but it will be quite slow on your laptop and even slower on the virtual machine. It can take a couple of hours for OpenFOAM (and a little less for Paraview).
cd ../ThirdParty-7
./Allwmake -j
Add at the end your bashrc (~/.bashrc) :
alias of7x="source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc"
The standard tutorial cavity.
Loading OpenFOAM bashrc defines a set of variables, such as $FOAM_TUTORIALS and $FOAM_RUN, that help navigating the code. To run your first tutorial, create the run folder, and copy in it the tutorial cavity for the incompressible "laminar" solver icoFoam. You can use the following commands:
mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN
cp -r incompressible/icoFoam/cavity/cavity $FOAM_RUNrun
Note that the commands tut and run move to $FOAM_TUTORIALS and $FOAM_RUN, respectively.
Entering cavity, you will see the following files and folders
├── 0
│ ├── p
│ └── U
├── constant
│ └── transportProperties
└── system
├── blockMeshDict
├── controlDict
├── fvSchemes
└── fvSolution
Every OpenFOAM case contains:
- at least one folder for the physical fields, corresponding to a certain simulation time. In this case, the 0/ folder, with the (initial) values of velocity (file U) and pressure (file p).
- one folder, named constant/, containing parameters pertaining to the physical properties of the system, such as the viscosity (file transportProperties). This folder will also contain the mesh.
- one folder, named system/, providing the settings for numerical discretization and iterative solvers (files fvSchemes and fvSolution, respectively), the basic information (file controlDict), as well as additional "dictionaries" for pre- or post-processing utilities (in this case, the file blockMeshDict).
OpenFOAM provides two pre-processing utilities for mesh creation: blockMesh, which creates structured grids, and snappyHexMesh, which creates unstructured grids. The tutorial cavity is a simple example of how to use the first. OpenFOAM also provides a list of converters from several formats, such as that of Fluent from the ANSYS package.
The "dictionary" blockMeshDict contains the instructions for blockMesh. In this file, the user must specify:
- a list of "vertices", including their coordinates. Note that each vertex will be identified later on with its position in this list.
- a list of the "blocks" which constitutes the mesh. In this example, you see only one hexahedral block, which will contain 20 cells in the x and y directions, and one cell in the z direction. Note that you can use different cell spacing. In this case, the mode simpleGrading and the option (1,1,1) will give uniform spacing.
- a list of "edges", with appropriate definition, if the sides of the blocks have a particular shape. In this case, since the side of the block are plane, no edges are required.
- a list of "boundaries", which will correspond to the faces of the block where it is needed to impose boundary conditions. Each boundary requires:
1. a "name", which is arbitrary.
2. a "type", which must correspond to one of the types requested by boundary conditions.
3. the list of the block(s) "faces" which belong to the boundary, which are defined based on their vertices. Note that the vertices order is not arbitrary, but it must be such that they are in counter-clockwise order looking from outside the domain. - a list of "merging patch pairs", which is empty in this case.
You can find more information on blockMesh here.
For more advanced examples of its capabilities, I suggest having a look at this tutorial (from Wolfdynamics).
Assuming a proper blockMeshDict is provided and located in the system folder, use the command:
to create the mesh in a dedicated folder (constant/polyMesh/).
Note that, after creating a mesh, either with blockMesh, snappyHexMesh or from a converter, it is good practice to use the command checkMesh, which provides information about the mesh quality (in this case, it will be of no concern).
Initial and boundary conditions in OpenFOAM are assigned together, using the same files that also contain the values of the physical variables. Such files have a common structure and are located in folders named after the corresponding time step - typically 0/ for the initial condition.
In this tutorial, the pressure, p, and the velocity, U, are the only variables. Note that physical vectors (such as U) are always three-dimensional in OpenFOAM. Running two-dimensional cases, such as "cavity", does not alter the dimensionality of vectors, but prevent solving the equations in one of the directions, which is identified by the keyword empty in the boundary conditions. Each of the "variable" files contain:
- the physical dimension of the variable, in units of the International System (second, metre, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela). Note that each scalar or vector field is defined with its dimensions. Nonetheless, it is always possible to use OpenFOAM using "dimensionless" variables giving scaled values (as in this example).
- the value of the variable in the domain (internalField). In this example, the fluid is at rest at t=0.
- the boundary conditions, defined for each of the "boundaries" created in blockMesh.
Physical properties of the fluid, such as viscosity and density, are set in the dictionary transportProperties in the constant folder (in this case, only the kinematic viscosity is needed).
In every OpenFOAM case, three files in the system folder determine general settings of the simulation:
- The file controlDict. In this file, you can specify: start and end times of the simulation, time interval and output frequency, format and precision. In this example, the simulation will start at t=0 and end at t=0.5, using a time interval of 0.005 and writing a full outpost in ASCII format every 20 time steps. For more information on the specific parameters, I recommend consulting the user guide.
- The file fvSchemes. In this file, you can specify numerical schemes for the approximation of each derivate and the interpolation. In particular, the choice of the numerical scheme for the time derivate (ddtSchemes) determines if the simulation is of a steady-state solution (setting steadyState) or time-dependent (setting, for example, Euler). Note that it is possible to set a default scheme as well as specific ones for any variable.
- The file fvSolution. In this file, you can specify the iterative solvers used for matrix inversion as well as the number of specific settings of the algorithm used by the application (in this example, the solver icoFoam, which employes the PISO algorithm to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation).
To run the simulation, assuming that boundary and initial conditions are correct, as well as physical parameters and numerical settings, means to use the proper application. In this tutorial, you can simply use:
The log contains, for each time step:
- the mean and maximum Courant number.
- the residual and number of iterations for each of the iterative solvers. In particular, for the two components of the velocity and the pressure. The number of solution for the pressure (two, in this example) are the number of corrections of the PISO algorithm.
- the estimate of the continuity error.
- the time elapsed from the beginning of the simulation.
The tutorial cavity with its default settings will create an outpost of five times (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5), which you can see after running the simulation.
If you are interested in OpenFOAM, take advantage of the documentation available online. In particular, I recommend the official websites of different distributions of the code, such as OpenFOAM foundation and ESI-OpenCFD. You may also find of great interest tutorials created by consultants such as Wolf Dynamics.
This case is based on the tutorial pitzDaily (Pitz and Daily, 1983) and the post-processing is based on that of the tutorial T3A.
The structure of the test case is:
├── 0
│ ├── epsilon
│ ├── f
│ ├── k
│ ├── nut
│ ├── nuTilda
│ ├── omega
│ ├── p
│ ├── U
│ └── v2
├── constant
│ ├── transportProperties
│ └── turbulenceProperties
├── run.sh
└── system
├── blockMeshDict
├── controlDict
├── decomposeParDict
├── fvSchemes
├── fvSolution
├── streamlines
└── wallShearStressGraph
- In this case, we will use the solver simpleFoam, which uses the SIMPLE algorithm to solve the incompressible N.S. eq., also including turbulence models. Note that this algorithm is typically employed to find steady-state solutions: simpleFoam is, therefore, the most common solver to perform RANS with OpenFOAM.
- A turbulence model has to be selected in turbulenceProperties. Note that appropriate boundary and initial conditions for the variables of the model (in 0/), as well as numerical schemes and algorithms for the corresponding transport equations (in fvSchemes and fvSolution, respectively), are required as well.
- The dictionary decomposeParDict is required by the pre-processing utility decomposePar, which is employed for partitioning the domain (various algorithms are available).
- The additional files streamlines and wallShearStressGraph are not actual dictionaries in a strict sense, and are included directly
You can run the case using the script run.sh in the working directory. getApplication, runApplication, and runParallel are standard utilities for OpenFOAM tutorials. Note that:
- The result of getApplication corresponds to the "application" value in controlDict.
- OpenFOAM executables requires the parallel option to use multiple cores, thus the runParallel call in run.sh corresponds to:
mpirun -n $NCORES simpleFoam -parallel > log.simpleFoam
- The last line in the script run.sh is an example of how to use a solver in post-processing mode, and for the last time step only. In post-processing mode, the governing equations are not solved, but the functions in controlDict are evaluated. Note that this line is not redundant: with the current setup, the post-processing functions are called only for the standard outpost (determined by the writeInterval value in controlDict), but not for the time step when the simulation stops (determined by the residualControl values in fvSolution).
Three post-processing functions are employed in this tutorial:
- wallShearStress, which computes the "wallShearStress" field for each saved time step, and does not require to set any parameter. The definition of this field is described, e.g., here;
- sample, which interpolates a given field on a set of points. In this case, the default dictionaries for this function (sampleDict.cfg and graph.cfg) are used to create a new function called wallShearStressGraph, which samples the "wallShearStress" field along a line.
- streamlines, which compute a list of streamlines and outpost the results as a point set in VTK format. In this case, the file streamlines contains the set of option required by this function, part of which are the default ones (here).
Note that when the result a post-processing function is a field (i.e. it is defined in principle for each grid point), it is written in the time-step folders. On the other hand, if it is defined on a set of points, it is written in a dedicated folder in postProcessing/.
A list of the possible post-processing functions that can be used in this way is provided here.
This solver is created combining pisoFoam and icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam.