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Discovery Node: Configuration Details
An Audius Discovery Node is a service that indexes the contents of the Audius contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, for Audius users to query. The indexed content includes user, track, and album/playlist information along with social features. The data is stored for quick access, updated on a regular interval, and made available for clients via a RESTful API.
All registered discovery nodes are visible here: https://dashboard.audius.org/services/discovery-provider
The Discovery Node depends on external services to run:
- IPFS: A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
- Postgres: A relational database management system.
- Redis: A distributed, in-memory key-value database.
- Celery: A distributed task queue
- Ethereum: A blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality.
You will need to have Docker and Docker Compose in order to run the discovery node. For development purposes, see the running for development section below. For production, a single built container which has all dependencies installed ready to run the webserver, celery beat and celery worker is available on Dockerhub. An example Kubernetes manifest file is also available to show an example of how to run this container.
Variables listed in default-config.ini
can also be overridden via environment variables. All variables in default-config.ini
are constructed with the pattern audius_<section>_<property>
The environment variables take the highest priority then default-config.ini
audius_delegate_owner_wallet Default: null
The public wallet address of the service provider running this service
audius_delegate_private_key Default: null
The private key of the service provider running this service
audius_discprov_start_block Default: 0x0
The block address the discovery node starts indexing on
audius_discprov_loglevel_flask Default: INFO
This optional environment variable is used to define the log level of the flask app.
Check the python loggin docs for more details.
If it is not specified, then the default value of INFO
will be used.
audius_discprov_loglevel_celery Default: INFO
This optional environment variable is used to define the log level of celery.
Check the python loggin docs for more details.
If it is not specified, then the default value of INFO
will be used.
audius_discprov_block_processing_window Default: 50
This optional environment variable is used to define the chuck of blocks to process at a time while indexing.
If it is not specified, then the default value of 50
will be used.
audius_discprov_blacklist_block_processing_window Default: 600
This optional environment variable is used to define the chuck of blacklist blocks to process at a time while indexing.
If it is not specified, then the default value of 600
will be used.
audius_flask_debug Default: true
This optional environment variable is used to define whether debug mode is enabled.
When using flask run
to start the dev server, an interactive debugger will be
shown for unhandled exceptions, and the server will be reloaded when code changes.
Check the flask config debug docs for more details.
If it is not specified, then the default value of true
will be used.
audius_flask_testing Default: false
This optional environment variable is used to enable testing mode.
Exceptions are propagated rather than handled by the app's error handles.
Check the flask config testing docs for more details.
If it is not specified, then the default value of false
will be used.
audius_flask_jsonify_prettyprint_regular Default: true
This optional environment variable when set to true will jsonify responses:
output with newlines, spaces, and indentation for easier reading by humans.
It is always enabled in debug mode.
Check the flask config docs for more details.
If it is not specified, then the default value of true
will be used.
audius_flask_session_cookie_secure Default: false
This optional environment variable when set to true will mark cookies as "secure".
Note, browsers will only send cookies with requests over HTTPS if the cookie is marked “secure”.
The application must be served over HTTPS for this to make sense.
Check the flask config docs for more details.
If it is not specified, then the default value of false
will be used.
audius_web3_host Default: localhost
This optional environment variable is used in conjunction with audius_web3_port
to connect the application
to web3. If it is not specified, then the default value of localhost
will be used.
audius_web3_port Default: 8545
This optional environment variable is used in conjunction with audius_web3_host
to connect the application with a
web3 client. If it is not specified, then the default port of 8545
will be used.
audius_redis_url Default: redis://localhost:5379/0
This optional environment variable is used to define the redis connection url.
If it is not specified, then the default value of redis://localhost:5379/0
will be used.
audius_db_url Default: postgresql+psycopg2://postgres@localhost/audius_discovery
The url the discovery node uses to connect to the postgres database.
audius_db_url_read_replica Default: postgresql+psycopg2://postgres@localhost/audius_discovery
The url the discovery node uses to connect to the read replica postgres database. Can optionally be set to same as audius_db_url
Default: { 'pool_size': 10, 'max_overflow': 0, 'pool_recycle': 3600, 'echo': False, 'client_encoding': 'utf8', 'connect_args': {'options': '-c timezone=utc'} }
Arguments passed to the SQLAlchemy create_engine function
audius_ipfs_host Default:
This optional environment variable is used in conjunction with audius_ipfs_posrt
to connect the application
with an ipfs client. This variable will indicate the host on which the ipfs client is running.
If it is not specified, then the default value of
will be used.
audius_ipfs_port Default: 6001
This optional environment variable is used in conjunction with audius_ipfs_host
to connect the application with a
ipfs client. This variable will indicate the port on which the ipfs client is running.
If it is not specified, then the default port of 6001
will be used.
audius_ipfs_gateway_hosts Default: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com,https://ipfs.io
audius_cors_allow_all Default: false
audius_contracts_registry Default: 0x2999e02829DC711B9254187962ba44d1fFcf5481
The audius contracts registry address.
WAIT_HOSTS Default:,
This optional environment variable is used to define the host:port pairs that the application waits for TCP port connection to before starting. The wait script uses these env vars. If not declared, the script executes without waiting.
Should not be modified by service providers. This points to the location of the user metadata service.
The Official Docker Image Repository is where Audius' official, stable image is maintained.
docker pull audius/discovery-provider
This is an image released from the latest master branch.
docker pull audius/discovery-provider:latest
This is an image with an associated with a release build that has been published to the audius docker repository. Check the release notes for details on each version.
docker pull audius/discovery-provider:X.X.X
You can select the release you need from our GitHub Release Page.
The external services (redis, postgres, ganache, celery & ipfs) must be running and accessible for the discovery node application to function. The following commands start each service dependency and the discovery node. If a service dependency is already running, its setup can be skipped with the host and port correctly passed to the discovery node.
NOTE: ganache is required to be run either locally or with a third party connection for development. The contracts
library is used to migrate the contracts on the local ganache. Run ./scripts/setup.sh
to run a local ganache and migrate the contacts before running the following docker-compose script.
IPFS is also required to be run locally or have an external connection that can be used. A docker-compose.ipfs.yml file is included to start this container locally for convenience, and it must be run before other discovery node processes can be run.
$ pwd
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.ipfs.yml up -d
A docker network is recommended to isolate the container ports, but the ports are forwarded to the host network for debugging
Create a Docker Network
docker network create disc-prov
Start an IPFS Node Instance
docker run -d --network=disc-prov \
--name=disc-prov-ipfs \
Start a Redis Instance
docker run -d --network=disc-prov \
--name=disc-prov-redis \
-p 4379:6379 \
Start a Postgres Instance
docker run -d --network=disc-prov \
--name=disc-prov-postgres \
-p 4432:5432 \
-e "POSTGRES_USER=postgres" \
-e "POSTGRES_DB=discovery_provider" \
-v postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/ \
Build & Run the Discovery Node
# Build the project locally
docker build -t audius/discovery_provider .
# Run the discovery node in docker
docker run -d --net-host \
-v $(pwd):/usr/src/app \
-e "dbUrl=postgres://postgres:postgres@discovery-provider-postgres:5432/audius_discovery_provider" \
-e "audius_web3_host=docker.for.mac.localhost" \
-e "audius_web3_port=8545" \
-e "ipfsHost=disc-prov-ipfs" \
-e "ipfsPort=5001" \
-e "redisHost=disc-prov-redis" \
-e "redisPort=6379" \
-e "WAIT_HOSTS=disc-prov-redis:6379,disc-prov-postgres:5432"
Docker Compose is used for a bit more automated management of the service dependencies.
Make sure you have Docker and Docker-compose installed and operational.
To run the application along with its service dependencies, run
docker-compose -f docker-compose/docker-compose.dev.yml up (--build)
In development, it may be useful to use the --build
flag to rebuild changes.
- Application endpoint for listener clients
- Returns content from local DB, queried with SQLAlchemy models
- Relevant files:
- Task scheduler containing beat scheduler and worker task. Redis is used as the 'broker' for celery
- Beat Scheduler - periodically schedules index operations (
) - Worker Task - performs scheduled index operations (
). Is defined as a 'custom task context' and detailed further in the Discovery node architecture
- Storage for content index
- Managed by Alembic/SQLAlchemy (details below)
For a complete architecture overview see the Discovery node architecture
- Discovery node tests are written using the pytest framework, with fixtures provided for convenience in
- Cases are autodiscovered by pytest in files labeled
- Reference more information under Useful links
A few flags are available for our development scripts, they are:
FIX_LINT=1 discovery-provider/scripts/lint.sh
will fix your lint errors -
VERBOSE=1 discovery-provider/scripts/test.sh
will show you set -x output (useful for debugging) -
SKIP_TESTS=1 discovery-provider/scripts/test.sh
will startup the infrastructure, but let you manually run your tests
Alembic is the only component that must be run manually by developers, and even then it should only be run as necessary. For general purpose development, please use the scripts
Alembic is a SQL database migration tool used in conjunction with SQLAlchemy through which the local postgres database is updated.
Autogenerate revision script:
- Necessary when there are any changes to DB models (src/models.py)
- Generates revision script under alembic/versions, but does NOT perform database upgrade
- Execute in ROOT directory of audius-discovery-provider
$ ~/Development/audius-discovery-provider> alembic revision --autogenerate -m "revision string"
- must be in venv with requirements installed using
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> pip install -e .
Upgrade HEAD (optional):
- Upgrades local database per alembic/version scripts
- Performed by application during init, does not have to be executed by user
$ ~/Development/audius-discovery-provider> alembic upgrade head
- Home
- Start Here
- Content-Node
- Discovery Node
- Ethereum Smart Contracts
- Slashing
- Identity Service