Breadit is a Reddit clone, made with React and Firebase, as my final assignment from The Odin Project's JavaScript's section.
- Routing with React Router
- Separate feeds:
- All: Posts from any Subreadit will be displayed in this feed.
- Main:
- If the user is not logged in, the main feed will be identical to the all feed.
- If the user is logged in, the main feed will only display posts from communities the user is subscribed to.
- On the main / all page, the Top Subreadits (the ones with most subscribers) will be displayed. They will also be displayed on the navigation dropdown, making exploration easier.
- More posts from a feed will be loaded when the user scrolls to the end.
- Communities, or "Subreadits", can currently be created by any logged-in user. For now, only this user will be able to remove any post from this community or to change its settings.
- Its customizables settings includes:
- Name (cannot be changed once defined)
- Description
- Icon / banner
- Rules
➢ Posts
- Users can create 3 different types of posts:
- Text posts: must contain a title, any additional content is not required.
- Image posts: must contain a title and one or several images.
- Link posts: must contain a title and a valid link.
- If the link is a youtube link, the video will be embed in the post.
- If it is a link towards another Breadit Post, the post will be displayed.
- Any other link simply shows the URL along the title.
- Users can show their interest / lack of interest in a post by upvoting or downvoting it.
➢ Comment
- Users can discuss using comments.
- Comments can be left on a post, or on another comment (it will then be nested).
- Just like for posts, users can show their interest / lack of interest by upvoting or downvoting a comment.
- A rich text editor allows the users to format their posts and comments with different styles, lists, and also allows them to insert links in their content.
- Any post / comment can be edited and deleted by their author.
- Users can modify their settings and profile informations from the User Settings page :
- Settings: they can modify their email address, password, and delete their accounts.
- Profile: they can modify their avatar, banner and description.
- Users' profiles can be visited to see their:
- Posts
- Comments
- Informations (avatar, banner, description, karma...)
- Users get karma depending on their contributions (how liked their posts / comments are)
- Users can save posts, which they can see on the "Saved" tab of their profile.
- Users can interact by mentioning each others (ex: u/Bread)
- Users can also send each other messages in the Inbox Page.
- Users will be notified when:
- Another user mentions them in a post or a comment.
- Another user comments on their post or reply to their comment.
- Another user messages them.
- Responsive
- Light and dark mode
For this project, my goal was to replicate Reddit as closely as possible. I think I got most of the features that make a social media down: being able to share content through a post, being able to show interest through likes / dislikes, being able to interact with other users through messages of comments, being able to save content... Though it lacks Reddit's most recent features, like livestreaming or chatrooms, I am currently satisfied with the current features Breadit contains.
I had a bit of troubles tackling interactions between the save features and content when users decided to delete their content. In the end, I followed Reddit's lead by simply changing the comment's text and author to [deleted] when a user decided to delete their comment, as well as remove it from any other user's saved list. For posts, I chose to completely erase them and their associated document so that they wouldn't clog the feeds.