Ever wanted to chat with new people, or send funny pictures to your friends? Lechat is a chat website that allows you send prettily formatted messages in public servers or private conversations. Built with Node.js, Express, React and MongoDB, it allows you to create or join rooms where you can share thoughts with users around the world.
- User authentification with username / email. JWT are used for authentification, and bcryptjs for password encryption.
- Personalized user profiles with avatars.
- Friendship system between users.
- Server creation and server organization in different categories and channels.
- Server exploration for users to find a place to hang out at.
- Messages sent privately to another user, or publicly in a server channel.
- Editable messages formatted through a rich text editor.
- Small files and images attachment to messages.
- Infinite scroll to load previous messages.
- Indicators to differentiate read from unread messages.
- Light and dark mode.
- Responsive.
- Node.js
- Lechat API
- Serve
$ git clone [email protected]:Aure-en/lechat.git
$ cd lechat
$ npm install
Create a .env file in the root directory and set the following variables
REACT_APP_SERVER=your server url
REACT_APP_SAMPLE=id of the sample account if you add any.
$ npm run build
$ serve -s build
- React
- React Router
- Socket.io
- Styled-components
- View more in the package.json