The RDS broker is a cloud foundry service broker originally based on cloudfoundry-community/pe-rds-broker. It is currently in the process of becoming production ready. You can view the current state of the project on
Disclaimer: While we are working to make the broker production ready, it is not ready yet. If you'd like to speed up the process, feel free to contribute.
The broker implements the cloud foundry service broker API, allowing developers to manage their own RDS instances for their cloud foundry applications. It supports creating dedicated RDS instances with the following engines.
* Support for these engines may be removed in the near future. If you particularly want us to keep them, let us know by creating an issue.
It also supports creating databases on a shared RDS instance with the following engines.
The details of which databases can be created are managed by a configuration file. For more details about configuration, see the
This section provides information for cloud foundry users who are managing their databases using this broker. If you wish to deploy the broker to your cloud foundry instance or do development on the broker, see managing the broker.
Once the broker is installed, you can manage your databases using the cf cli. For a general introduction to managing cloud foundry services, see the cloud foundry docs.
The names of the services and plans and all their settings, are determined by the deployment configuration.
Run cf marketplace
and/or cf marketplace -s SERVICE
to find the details of the services and plans available to you.
Before creating a database, you will need to decide which service and plan to use. If both dedicated and shared instances are available you will need to choose one.
Dedicated instances run on their own RDS instance, with their own resource quotas, backups and restore points. They are more expensive and slower to create and destroy but are recommended for production use.
All shared database instances for a particular engine (postgres or mysql) are on the same RDS instance. They cannot be individually backed up or restored and if someone decides to use all the disk space, it will effect everyone. On the other hand, they are cheaper and quick to create and destroy. They are recommended for development use.
If you have multiple applications that need to bind to the same database (for instance, blue-green deploys), there are some things to consider. By default, each application bound to a database gets a different username and password. If you're using mysql, you can just bind all the apps to the database and it will work fine. Postgres, on the other hand, does not support granting full read-write access to all tables in a database to an arbitrary set of users, so instead this service broker will create a single username, shared by all applications that are bound to the same database.
Many postgres database extensions require superuser access to enable them. The normal bind credentials are for an
unprivileged user so your applications cannot enable extensions themselves. To enable or disable extensions, run a
cf update-service
command with the extensions
cf update-service SERVICE_INSTANCE -c '{"extensions":["uuid-ossp","hstore"]}'
The broker will compare the provided list with the list of currently installed extensions and enable and disable extensions as required.
If you would like to track your extensions in version control and update you database using your CI pipeline, you can save the update parameters to a json file
"extensions": ["uuid-ossp", "hstore"]
and run
cf update-service SERVICE_INSTANCE -c FILENAME
from your CI pipeline.
Note: user update parameters must be enabled in the deployment configuration for this to work.
In the rare situation that your database password gets leaked, unbinding your app from the database and then rebinding it
will create a new password for you. If you have multiple applications bound to to same database as the same user
(using the username
bind parameter), unbind all applications with that username and then rebind all of them. You will
need to cf restage
you apps for them to pick up the new password.
This section details all the custom parameters used by the broker. For more details on specifying parameters, see
managing services in the cloud foundry docs
or run the specific cf
command with --help
If enabled by the deployment configuration, the broker supports the following parameters to the cf create-service
Option | Type | Description |
backup_retention_period* | integer | The number of days that Amazon RDS should retain automatic backups of the DB instance (between 0 and 35 ) |
character_set_name* | string | For supported engines, indicates that the DB instance should be associated with the specified CharacterSet |
preferred_backup_window* | string | The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled |
preferred_maintenance_window* | string | The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur |
* These parameters are ignored for shared instances. Refer to the Amazon Relational Database Service Documentation for more details about how to set these properties.
If enabled by the deployment configuration, the broker supports the following parameters to the cf update-service
Option | Type | Description |
apply_immediately* | boolean | Specifies whether the modifications in this request and any pending modifications are asynchronously applied as soon as possible, regardless of the Preferred Maintenance Window setting for the DB instance |
backup_retention_period* | integer | The number of days that Amazon RDS should retain automatic backups of the DB instance (between 0 and 35 ) |
preferred_backup_window* | string | The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled |
preferred_maintenance_window* | string | The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur |
extensions^ | []string | List of enabled database extensions |
* These parameters are ignored for shared instances. Refer to the Amazon Relational Database Service Documentation for more details about how to set these properties.
^ Postgres only. plpgsql
is always enabled and does not need to be included in this list.
If enabled by the deployment configuration, the broker supports the following parameters to the cf bind-service
Option | Type | Description |
username | string | The username to use when connecting to the database (postgres only) |
This section provides information for cloud foundry operators who wish to use the broker or do development on the broker. If you just using the broker to manage your databases, see managing instances.
Before running the broker, you will need to create a config.yml
file, create any internal databases and set up your
environment variables.
For more information on config.yml
, see the sample config file and the
configuration docs.
The broker requires AWS credentials to manage RDS instances. iam_policy.json contains the
IAM permissions required by the broker. These credentials can be passed to the broker
in multiple ways, including via the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
. For more
details on specifying the credentials, see the
AWS SDK for Go documentation.
While iam_policy.json gives a sensible baseline, there are many ways to additionally restrict the AWS permissions granted to the broker. For instance, you can limit creating databases to a particular database engine or DB instance class. For more information see the RDS docs on IAM policy conditions.
There are up to three different databases required by the RDS broker. The internal database is used to store local information and can use either sqlite3 or postgres. Obviously only postgres should be used in production but sqlite can be useful during development. To create databases on a shared postgres or mysql instance, you will also need to set up the shared instance. There are a few scripts provided to simplify this process.
- env.sample provides a minimal list of environment variables to get you up and going quickly in development. It uses sqlite3 for the internal database and does not provide any shared instances so you don't need to create any databases to get going.
- bin/ creates a postgres internal database and uses that as the postgres shared
instance. If mysql is installed, it will also create a mysql shared instance. It outputs a file called
with all the database environment variables the broker needs to connect to these databases. You should read the comments at the beginning of that file to be sure your dev environment is set up to work with this script. - is a terraform script to create a postgres internal database, postgres shared instance and mysql shared instance on AWS. Read the documentation at the beginning of that file for more information on how to use it.
There are a few other environment variables that need to be set for the broker to work.
Variable | Description |
RDSBROKER_USERNAME | The username used by the cloud controller to authenticate to the broker |
RDSBROKER_PASSWORD | The password used by the cloud controller to authenticate to the broker |
RDSBROKER_ENCRYPTION_KEY | The (hex-encoded) 256-bit key used to encrypt the passwords stored in the internal database |
The username and password need to be the same as the ones passed to cf create-service-broker
You can generate a random encryption key with something like openssl rand -hex 32
Using the standard go install
(you must have Go already installed in your local machine):
$ go install
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
Follow the setup instructions, then
$ go build -v -i
$ ./pe-rds-broker -port=3000 -config=<config-file>
To pretty print the logs, pipe the output to jq. Note that this will remove any lines that are not json.
$ ./pe-rds-broker -port=3000 -config=<config-file> | jq --unbuffered -R 'fromjson?'
The broker can be deployed to an already existing Cloud Foundry installation.
$ git clone
$ cd pe-rds-broker
Follow the setup instructions and modify the included manifest file to add the required
environment variables. If your config file is not stored at ./config.yml
, update Procfile with the
correct config file path. Then you can push the broker to your Cloud Foundry environment.
$ cf push
WARNING: This section is from the original readme before the fork and may be out of date.
If you want to run the AWS RDS Service Broker on a Docker container, you can use the cfplatformeng/rds-broker Docker image.
$ docker run -d --name rds-broker -p 3000:3000 \
-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-aws-access-key-id> \
-e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-aws-secret-access-key> \
The Docker image comes with an embedded sample configuration file. If you want to override it, you can create the Docker image with you custom configuration file by running:
$ git clone
$ cd rds-broker
$ bin/build-docker-image
WARNING: This section is from the original readme before the fork and may be out of date.
This broker can be deployed using the AWS Service Broker BOSH Release.
Once the broker is configured and deployed, you will need to register the broker and make the services and plans public.
To test apps can bind to the databases as expected, you can use the db-viewer application. It's a very simple app built purely for this purpose.
If you need to retrieve the credentials for a particular database, you can do so with the decrypt-password
This utility expects to have all the same environment variables as the main executable. Be aware that decrypt-password
will print the unencrypted passwords to stdout. Be careful they don't end up in logs or other insecure places.
cd decrypt-password
go build
./decrypt-password -instance=<instance-id>
If the database encryption key gets leaked, you will need to create a new encryption key and re-encrypt all the
passwords in the database. The utility rotate-key
will help with this. It expects the old encryption key in the
environment variable and the new encryption key in RDSBROKER_ENCRYPTION_KEY
cd rotate-key
go build
export RDSBROKER_ENCRYPTION_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
All contributions are welcome, large or small. Feel free to open an issue or pull request for whatever is bugging you. If you're not sure about something, just open an issue with your question and (hopefully) someone will get back to you soon. If you want to know what we're currently working on, look through the github issues or the kanban representation of the issues on
Copyright (c) 2015 Pivotal Software Inc.
Copyright (c) 2017 Commonwealth of Australia
See LICENSE for details.