A helper module for common widgets that may be required in developing applications with Pygame. It supports fully customisable buttons, collections of buttons, textboxes, sliders and many more! If there are any widgets that you would like to see added, please create an issue!
- Combo Box: Select options from a list that appears when typing into a search bar
- Dropdown: Select options from a list that appears when hovered over
- Progress Bar: Shows a percentage of completeness, great for loading screens and health bars
- Toggle: Allows switching between two values, great for settings
- Animations: Create an animation that changes a widgets attributes over some time, running on a separate thread
Ensure that Python 3 and pip are installed and added to your environment PATH.
python -m pip install pygame-widgets
Open a Python console and run the following command.
import pygame_widgets
If you receive no errors, the installation was successful.
Any contribution to this project would be greatly appreciated. This can include:
- Finding errors or bugs and creating a new issue
- Addressing active issues
- Adding functionality
- Improving documentation
If applicable, you should make any changes in a forked repository and then create a pull request once the changes are complete and preferably tested if possible.
Note: If writing any code, please attempt to follow the Code Style Guide