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Update python & java readmes for ContainerService/aks 2023-11-02-preview #26753


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ARM (Control Plane) API Specification Update Pull Request

PR review workflow diagram

Please understand this diagram before proceeding. It explains how to get your PR approved & merged.


[1] ARM review queue (for merge queues, see [4])
The PRs are processed by time opened, ascending. Your PR may show up on 2nd or later page.
If you addressed Step 1 from the diagram and your PR is not showing up in the queue, ensure the label ARMChangesRequested
is removed from your PR. This should cause the label WaitForARMFeedback to be added.
[3] List of SDK breaking changes approvers in pinned Teams announcement
[4] public repo merge queue, private repo merge queue (for ARM review queue, [1])

If you need further help with anything, see Getting help section below.

Purpose of this PR

What's the purpose of this PR? Check all that apply. This is mandatory!

  • New API version. (If API spec is not defined in TypeSpec, the PR should have been generated using OpenAPI Hub).
  • Update existing version for a new feature. (This is applicable only when you are revising a private preview API version.)
  • Update existing version to fix swagger quality issues in S360.
  • Other, please clarify:
    • edit this with your clarification

Due diligence checklist

To merge this PR, you must go through the following checklist and confirm you understood
and followed the instructions by checking all the boxes:

Breaking changes review (Step 1)

  • If the automation determines you have breaking changes, i.e. Step 1 from the diagram applies to you,
    you must follow the breaking changes process.
    IMPORTANT This applies even if:
    • The tool fails while it shouldn't, e.g. due to runtime exception, or incorrect detection of breaking changes.
    • You believe there is no need for you to request breaking change approval, for any reason.
      Such claims must be reviewed, and the process is the same.

ARM API changes review (Step 2)

  • If this PR is in purview of ARM review then automation will add the ARMReview label.
  • If you want to force ARM review, add the label yourself.
  • Proceed according to the diagram at the top of this comment.

Viewing API changes

For convenient view of the API changes made by this PR, refer to the URLs provided in the table
in the Generated ApiView comment added to this PR. You can use ApiView to show API versions diff.

Suppressing failures

If one or multiple validation error/warning suppression(s) is detected in your PR, please follow the
to get approval.

Getting help

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openapi-pipeline-app bot commented Nov 17, 2023

Next Steps to Merge

Next steps that must be taken to merge this PR:
  • ❌ Your PR has breaking changes in the generated SDK for go (label: CI-BreakingChange-Go). Refer to step 3 in the PR workflow diagram (even if your PR is for data plane, not ARM).
  • ❌ Your PR has breaking changes in the generated SDK for python (label: CI-BreakingChange-Python-Track2). Refer to step 3 in the PR workflow diagram (even if your PR is for data plane, not ARM).

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openapi-pipeline-app bot commented Nov 17, 2023

Swagger Validation Report

️️✔️BreakingChange succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
There are no breaking changes.
️️✔️Breaking Change(Cross-Version) succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
There are no breaking changes.
️️✔️LintDiff succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for LintDiff.
compared tags (via openapi-validator v2.1.6) new version base version
default default(d8f464b) default(FumingZhang-containerservice-Microsoft.ContainerService-2023-11-02-preview)
️️✔️Avocado succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for Avocado.
️️✔️SwaggerAPIView succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
️️✔️TypeSpecAPIView succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
️️✔️ModelValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for ModelValidation.
️️✔️SemanticValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SemanticValidation.
️️✔️PrettierCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for PrettierCheck.
️️✔️SpellCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SpellCheck.
️️✔️PR Summary succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for Summary.
️️✔️Automated merging requirements met succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Posted by Swagger Pipeline | How to fix these errors?

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openapi-pipeline-app bot commented Nov 17, 2023

Swagger Generation Artifacts

️️✔️ApiDocPreview succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
️⚠️SDK Breaking Change Tracking warning [Detail]

Breaking Changes Tracking

⚠️azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/containerservice/armcontainerservice - 4.5.0-beta.2
+	Field `Expanders` of struct `ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile` has been removed

⚠️azure-sdk-for-python-track2 - track2_azure-mgmt-containerservice - 27.0.0
+	Renamed operation TrustedAccessRoleBindingsOperations.create_or_update to TrustedAccessRoleBindingsOperations.begin_create_or_update
+	Renamed operation TrustedAccessRoleBindingsOperations.delete to TrustedAccessRoleBindingsOperations.begin_delete
️⚠️ azure-sdk-for-python-track2 warning [Detail]
  • ⚠️Warning [Logs] Generate from 10ed712ac8e9d56005bd8991fe33c4a64b490fbb. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	sh scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/initOutput.json
    cmderr	[] WARNING: azure-devtools 1.2.1 does not provide the extra 'ci-tools'
    cmderr	[] WARNING: azure-devtools 1.2.1 does not provide the extra 'ci-tools'
    cmderr	[] WARNING: Skipping azure-nspkg as it is not installed.
    command	sh scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/generateOutput.json
    cmderr	[]
    cmderr	[] npm notice New major version of npm available! 9.8.1 -> 10.2.4
    cmderr	[] npm notice Changelog: <>
    cmderr	[] npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update!
    cmderr	[] npm notice
  • ️✔️track2_azure-mgmt-containerservice [View full logs]  [Preview SDK Changes] Breaking Change Detected
    info	[Changelog] ### Features Added
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog]   - Added operation AgentPoolsOperations.begin_delete_machines
    info	[Changelog]   - Added operation ManagedClustersOperations.get_guardrails_versions
    info	[Changelog]   - Added operation ManagedClustersOperations.list_guardrails_versions
    info	[Changelog]   - Added operation group OperationStatusResultOperations
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter artifact_streaming_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter capacity_reservation_group_id
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter enable_custom_ca_trust
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter gpu_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter message_of_the_day
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter network_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter node_initialization_taints
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter security_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter virtual_machine_nodes_status
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter virtual_machines_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPool has a new parameter windows_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AgentPoolUpgradeSettings has a new parameter node_soak_duration_in_minutes
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ContainerServiceNetworkProfile has a new parameter kube_proxy_config
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ContainerServiceNetworkProfile has a new parameter monitoring
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter ai_toolchain_operator_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter creation_data
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter enable_namespace_resources
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter guardrails_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter ingress_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter metrics_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter node_provisioning_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedCluster has a new parameter node_resource_group_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile has a new parameter enable_vnet_integration
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile has a new parameter subnet_id
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter artifact_streaming_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter capacity_reservation_group_id
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter enable_custom_ca_trust
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter gpu_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter message_of_the_day
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter network_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter node_initialization_taints
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter security_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter virtual_machine_nodes_status
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter virtual_machines_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile has a new parameter windows_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter artifact_streaming_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter capacity_reservation_group_id
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter enable_custom_ca_trust
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter gpu_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter message_of_the_day
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter network_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter node_initialization_taints
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter security_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter virtual_machine_nodes_status
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter virtual_machines_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new parameter windows_profile
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfile has a new parameter logs
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileMetrics has a new parameter app_monitoring_open_telemetry_metrics
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterHTTPProxyConfig has a new parameter effective_no_proxy
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterLoadBalancerProfile has a new parameter backend_pool_type
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile has a new parameter daemonset_eviction_for_empty_nodes
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile has a new parameter daemonset_eviction_for_occupied_nodes
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile has a new parameter ignore_daemonsets_utilization
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new parameter custom_ca_trust_certificates
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new parameter image_integrity
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new parameter node_restriction
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterStorageProfileDiskCSIDriver has a new parameter version
    info	[Changelog]   - Model ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfileVerticalPodAutoscaler has a new parameter addon_autoscaling
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation AgentPoolsOperations.begin_delete has a new optional parameter ignore_pod_disruption_budget
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation ManagedClustersOperations.begin_delete has a new optional parameter ignore_pod_disruption_budget
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] ### Breaking Changes
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog]   - Renamed operation TrustedAccessRoleBindingsOperations.create_or_update to TrustedAccessRoleBindingsOperations.begin_create_or_update
    info	[Changelog]   - Renamed operation TrustedAccessRoleBindingsOperations.delete to TrustedAccessRoleBindingsOperations.begin_delete
️⚠️ azure-sdk-for-java warning [Detail]
️️✔️ azure-sdk-for-go succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
  • ️✔️Succeeded [Logs] Generate from 10ed712ac8e9d56005bd8991fe33c4a64b490fbb. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	sh ./eng/scripts/ ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/initInput.json ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/initOutput.json
    command	generator automation-v2 ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/generateInput.json ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/generateOutput.json
  • ️✔️sdk/resourcemanager/containerservice/armcontainerservice [View full logs]  [Preview SDK Changes] Breaking Change Detected
    info	[Changelog] ### Breaking Changes
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] - Field `Expanders` of struct `ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile` has been removed
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] ### Features Added
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] - New value `AgentPoolTypeVirtualMachines` added to enum type `AgentPoolType`
    info	[Changelog] - New value `OSSKUWindowsAnnual` added to enum type `OSSKU`
    info	[Changelog] - New enum type `NodeProvisioningMode` with values `NodeProvisioningModeAuto`, `NodeProvisioningModeManual`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `*AgentPoolsClient.BeginDeleteMachines(context.Context, string, string, string, AgentPoolDeleteMachinesParameter, *AgentPoolsClientBeginDeleteMachinesOptions) (*runtime.Poller[AgentPoolsClientDeleteMachinesResponse], error)`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `*ClientFactory.NewOperationStatusResultClient() *OperationStatusResultClient`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `NewOperationStatusResultClient(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) (*OperationStatusResultClient, error)`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `*OperationStatusResultClient.Get(context.Context, string, string, string, *OperationStatusResultClientGetOptions) (OperationStatusResultClientGetResponse, error)`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `*OperationStatusResultClient.GetByAgentPool(context.Context, string, string, string, string, *OperationStatusResultClientGetByAgentPoolOptions) (OperationStatusResultClientGetByAgentPoolResponse, error)`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `*OperationStatusResultClient.NewListPager(string, string, *OperationStatusResultClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[OperationStatusResultClientListResponse]`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `AgentPoolArtifactStreamingProfile`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `AgentPoolDeleteMachinesParameter`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `AgentPoolGPUProfile`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `ErrorAdditionalInfo`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `ErrorDetail`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `ManagedClusterAIToolchainOperatorProfile`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `ManagedClusterNodeProvisioningProfile`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `ManualScaleProfile`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `OperationStatusResult`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `OperationStatusResultList`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `ScaleProfile`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `VirtualMachineNodes`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `VirtualMachinesProfile`
    info	[Changelog] - New field `NodeSoakDurationInMinutes` in struct `AgentPoolUpgradeSettings`
    info	[Changelog] - New field `ArtifactStreamingProfile`, `GpuProfile`, `NodeInitializationTaints`, `VirtualMachineNodesStatus`, `VirtualMachinesProfile` in struct `ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile`
    info	[Changelog] - New field `ArtifactStreamingProfile`, `GpuProfile`, `NodeInitializationTaints`, `VirtualMachineNodesStatus`, `VirtualMachinesProfile` in struct `ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties`
    info	[Changelog] - New field `AiToolchainOperatorProfile`, `NodeProvisioningProfile` in struct `ManagedClusterProperties`
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] Total 1 breaking change(s), 41 additive change(s).
️️✔️ azure-sdk-for-js succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
  • ️✔️Succeeded [Logs] Generate from 10ed712ac8e9d56005bd8991fe33c4a64b490fbb. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	sh .scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json
    warn	File azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json not found to read
    command	sh .scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateOutput.json
  • ️✔️@azure/arm-containerservice [View full logs]  [Preview SDK Changes]
    Only show 120 items here, please refer to log for details.
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface ScaleProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRole
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBinding
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingListResult
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsDeleteHeaders
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsDeleteOptionalParams
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsGetOptionalParams
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListNextOptionalParams
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListOptionalParams
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleListResult
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRoleRule
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRolesListNextOptionalParams
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface TrustedAccessRolesListOptionalParams
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface VirtualMachineNodes
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Interface VirtualMachinesProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias AddonAutoscaling
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias AgentPoolsDeleteMachinesResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias AgentPoolSSHAccess
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias BackendPoolType
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias GuardrailsSupport
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias IpvsScheduler
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias Level
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias MachinesGetResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias MachinesListNextResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias MachinesListResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClustersGetGuardrailsVersionsResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListGuardrailsVersionsNextResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClustersListGuardrailsVersionsResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsCreateOrUpdateResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsGetResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupNextResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListByResourceGroupResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListNextResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsListResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias ManagedClusterSnapshotsUpdateTagsResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias Mode
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias NodeProvisioningMode
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias OperationStatusResultGetByAgentPoolResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias OperationStatusResultGetResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias OperationStatusResultListNextResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias OperationStatusResultListResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias Protocol
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias RestrictionLevel
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingsCreateOrUpdateResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingsDeleteResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingsGetResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListNextResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRoleBindingsListResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRolesListNextResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Type Alias TrustedAccessRolesListResponse
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter artifactStreamingProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter capacityReservationGroupID
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter enableCustomCATrust
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter gpuProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter messageOfTheDay
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter networkProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter nodeInitializationTaints
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter securityProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter virtualMachineNodesStatus
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter virtualMachinesProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPool has a new optional parameter windowsProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPoolsDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter ignorePodDisruptionBudget
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface AgentPoolUpgradeSettings has a new optional parameter nodeSoakDurationInMinutes
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfile has a new optional parameter kubeProxyConfig
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ContainerServiceNetworkProfile has a new optional parameter monitoring
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter aiToolchainOperatorProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter creationData
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter enableNamespaceResources
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter guardrailsProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter ingressProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter metricsProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter nodeProvisioningProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedCluster has a new optional parameter nodeResourceGroupProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter artifactStreamingProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter capacityReservationGroupID
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter enableCustomCATrust
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter gpuProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter messageOfTheDay
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter networkProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter nodeInitializationTaints
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter securityProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter virtualMachineNodesStatus
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter virtualMachinesProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties has a new optional parameter windowsProfile
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile has a new optional parameter enableVnetIntegration
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile has a new optional parameter subnetId
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfile has a new optional parameter logs
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfileMetrics has a new optional parameter appMonitoringOpenTelemetryMetrics
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig has a new optional parameter effectiveNoProxy
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterLoadBalancerProfile has a new optional parameter backendPoolType
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile has a new optional parameter daemonsetEvictionForEmptyNodes
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile has a new optional parameter daemonsetEvictionForOccupiedNodes
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile has a new optional parameter ignoreDaemonsetsUtilization
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClustersDeleteOptionalParams has a new optional parameter ignorePodDisruptionBudget
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new optional parameter customCATrustCertificates
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new optional parameter imageIntegrity
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterSecurityProfile has a new optional parameter nodeRestriction
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterStorageProfileDiskCSIDriver has a new optional parameter version
    info	[Changelog]   - Interface ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfileVerticalPodAutoscaler has a new optional parameter addonAutoscaling
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownAddonAutoscaling
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownAgentPoolSSHAccess
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownBackendPoolType
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownGuardrailsSupport
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownIpvsScheduler
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownLevel
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownMode
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownNodeProvisioningMode
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownProtocol
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownRestrictionLevel
    info	[Changelog]   - Added Enum KnownTrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState
    info	[Changelog]   - Enum KnownAgentPoolType has a new value VirtualMachines
    info	[Changelog]   - Enum KnownNetworkPolicy has a new value None
    info	[Changelog]   - Enum KnownNodeOSUpgradeChannel has a new value SecurityPatch
    info	[Changelog]   - Enum KnownOssku has a new value Mariner
    info	[Changelog]   - Enum KnownOssku has a new value WindowsAnnual
    info	[Changelog]   - Enum KnownPublicNetworkAccess has a new value SecuredByPerimeter
    info	[Changelog]   - Enum KnownSnapshotType has a new value ManagedCluster
    info	[Changelog]   - Enum KnownWorkloadRuntime has a new value KataMshvVmIsolation
️️✔️ azure-sdk-for-net-track2 succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
  • ️✔️Succeeded [Logs] Generate from 10ed712ac8e9d56005bd8991fe33c4a64b490fbb. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	pwsh ./eng/scripts/Automation-Sdk-Init.ps1 ../azure-sdk-for-net_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-net_tmp/initOutput.json
    command	pwsh ./eng/scripts/Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1 ../azure-sdk-for-net_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-net_tmp/generateOutput.json
  • ️✔️Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService [View full logs]  [Preview SDK Changes]
    info	[Changelog]
️❌ azure-resource-manager-schemas failed [Detail]
  • Pipeline Framework Failed [Logs] Generate from 10ed712ac8e9d56005bd8991fe33c4a64b490fbb. Schema Automation 14.0.0
    command	.sdkauto/ ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initOutput.json
    cmderr	[]
    cmderr	[] npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.4 -> 10.2.4
    cmderr	[] npm notice Changelog: <>
    cmderr	[] npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update!
    cmderr	[] npm notice
    warn	File azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initOutput.json not found to read
    command	.sdkauto/ ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/generateOutput.json
    warn	No file changes detected after generation
    cannot force update branch 'sdkAuto/26753/containerservice' as it is the current HEAD of the repository.
    Error: cannot force update branch 'sdkAuto/26753/containerservice' as it is the current HEAD of the repository.
  • ️✔️containerservice [View full logs
  • ️✔️containerservice [View full logs
    error	Fatal error: cannot force update branch 'sdkAuto/26753/containerservice' as it is the current HEAD of the repository.
    error	The following packages are still pending:
    error		containerservice
    error		containerservice
️❌ azure-powershell failed [Detail]
  • Pipeline Framework Failed [Logs] Generate from 10ed712ac8e9d56005bd8991fe33c4a64b490fbb. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	sh ./tools/SwaggerCI/ ../azure-powershell_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-powershell_tmp/initOutput.json
    command	pwsh ./tools/SwaggerCI/psci.ps1 ../azure-powershell_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-powershell_tmp/generateOutput.json
    SSL error: syscall failure: Broken pipe
    Error: SSL error: syscall failure: Broken pipe
  • ️✔️Az.containerservice.DefaultTag [View full logs
    error	Fatal error: SSL error: syscall failure: Broken pipe
    error	The following packages are still pending:
    error		Az.containerservice.DefaultTag
Posted by Swagger Pipeline | How to fix these errors?

Copy link

openapi-pipeline-app bot commented Nov 17, 2023

Generated ApiView

Language Package Name ApiView Link
Go sdk/resourcemanager/containerservice/armcontainerservice
Java azure-resourcemanager-containerservicemicrosoftcontainerserviceaks-generated
.Net Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService There is no API change compared with the previous version
JavaScript @azure/arm-containerservice

@FumingZhang FumingZhang merged commit efe6496 into Azure:FumingZhang-containerservice-Microsoft.ContainerService-2023-11-02-preview Nov 17, 2023
FumingZhang added a commit that referenced this pull request Jan 18, 2024
visingla-ms pushed a commit that referenced this pull request Feb 1, 2024
…add version preview/2023-11-02-preview (#27431)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.ContainerService/aks from version preview/2023-10-02-preview to version 2023-11-02-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* update readme (#26753)

* Add Trusted Launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile (#26850)

* add trusted launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile

* fix link to docs

* add new words to cspell.json

* fix links to docs again


Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>

* Replace "GuardrailsProfile" with "SafeguardsProfile", add ListSafeguardsVersions entities (#26798)

* Update

Reverting global tag to stable GA version for SDK release

* Change guardrails to safeguards

* clean up remaining references

* fix casing

* Add back guardrailsVersions

* Fix typos


Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>

* Add scheduled events data object. (#26774)

* Add eventDetails to ScheduledEventProperties.


Co-authored-by: lilypan26 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nick Keller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
markcowl added a commit that referenced this pull request Feb 1, 2024
* Removing deuplicate definition

* Fix example formatting and some operation signatures

* Add API version 2023-10-01-preview [Import] (#27385)

* Base version 2023-06-06

* 2023-10-01-preview version changes

* 2023-10-01-preview version changes - generate max set examples

* Change provisioning state because of cross-version breaking change

* Fix prettier checks

* Generate max set examples

* Fix prettier checks

* Add min set examples

* Regenerate examples

* Update readme

* remove min set examples and change provisioning state

* revert provisioning state change

* Update readme for SDK generation

* Mjmadhu playwrighttesting playwright service 2023 10 01 preview new (#27132)

* First commit with existing version files in new version folder

* Added new ARM stable api-version for GA

* Readme changes

* Addressed review comments

* Changed data type to float as discussed in the comments

* Added suppression rules for SwaggerLintDiff as per review comment

* Added suppression rules for SwaggerLintDiff as per review comment

* Fix for suppressions not working

* Modified suppression syntax to the new one as per TSG.

* Added paths in suppressions

* Rectifying path for ResourceNameRestriction Suppression

* Paths not working correctly with ResourceNameRestriction suppression

* HDInsight: onboard new apiversion 2023-11-01-preview (#27306)

* onboard new apiversion 2023-11-01-preview

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.HDInsight/HDInsightOnAks from version preview/2023-06-01-preview to version 2023-11-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* move changes from rpaasmaster branch

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* Update specification/hdinsight/resource-manager/Microsoft.HDInsight/HDInsightOnAks/preview/2023-11-01-preview/hdinsight.json

Co-authored-by: Cunfeng <[email protected]>

* update examples (#27495)

Co-authored-by: Long Ding (from Dev Box) <[email protected]>

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment


Co-authored-by: Wei Dong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Cunfeng <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: LDD <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Long Ding (from Dev Box) <[email protected]>

* [Azure AI - Health Insights] - Typespec revision for Health Insights API Version 2 (#27223)

* Health Insights API Version 2

* add custom_words

* update radiology insights doc descriptions

* misspell

* add java service-name option to emit the service name

* update openAPI spec. misspell

* model is Element instead of extends element

* Fhir.R4 namespace as PascalCase

* Fix: workaround - force order resolution

* fix: suppression to get additionalProperties. DomainResource is Resource

* suppress  in patient timeline to get additionalProperties

* [Health Insights] Project structure updates (#27545)

* move main files under service dir

* regen openapi + move examples

* update client.tsp files

* tsp format

* update tspconfig.yaml

* use clientName decorator to decorate Fhir_R4 models

* Operation types as  camelCase

* replace projectedName with clientName

* model extends Element - same as FHIR spec

* move clientName to client.tsp

* fix: clientName - typename

* fix: token-expected: ';'

* remove import,  typespec-client-generator-core

* tsp format

* fix: LRO response schema to include result

* add @clientName to all models

* replace decimal with decimal128, add RI sample

* replace decimal128 with float64

* tsp format

* suppress AvoidAnonymousTypes

* comment clientName decorators

* comment clientName decorators

* comment clientName decorator for RI client.tsp

* Add projectedName

* move projectedName to client.tsp

* fix: projectedName on client

* updat tspconfig.yaml

* move service.tsp

* update ref

* revert structure changes

* move examples

* tspconfig


Co-authored-by: catalinaperalta <[email protected]>

* [] Add known issues to "Swagger LintDiff for TypeSpec" (#27573)

* Adding new version 2024-01-01-preview for updating monitor Properties (#27462)

* Base API commit

* Changing version to new 2024-01-01-preview

* Adding additional parameters to MonitorProperties and updating example

* Updating

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.ContainerService/aks to add version preview/2023-11-02-preview (#27431)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.ContainerService/aks from version preview/2023-10-02-preview to version 2023-11-02-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* update readme (#26753)

* Add Trusted Launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile (#26850)

* add trusted launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile

* fix link to docs

* add new words to cspell.json

* fix links to docs again


Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>

* Replace "GuardrailsProfile" with "SafeguardsProfile", add ListSafeguardsVersions entities (#26798)

* Update

Reverting global tag to stable GA version for SDK release

* Change guardrails to safeguards

* clean up remaining references

* fix casing

* Add back guardrailsVersions

* Fix typos


Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>

* Add scheduled events data object. (#26774)

* Add eventDetails to ScheduledEventProperties.


Co-authored-by: lilypan26 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nick Keller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>

* Add AppPlatform 2024-01-01-preview (#27113)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.AppPlatform from version preview/2023-11-01-preview to version 2024-01-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* add cspell exclusion (#26987)

* Add option for Application Configuration Service refresh interval (#26943)

* add the option for acs refresh interval
* refine description and complete examples

* feat: Add Java 21 (#26946)

* add buildpacks version (#26933)

* Update appplatform.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_Get.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_List.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_CreateOrUpdate.json

* Update language specific for 2024-01-01-preview api version (#27041)

* Cherry latest stable branch change to preview API version (#27063)

* e94094b

* 4a35b74

* f3e4338

* 4a35b74

* a92c321

* 9a93245

* a693dc6

* fix lint

* fix lint

* add buildpacks version (#27061)

* Update appplatform.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_Get.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_List.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_CreateOrUpdate.json
* Update BuildService_GetSupportedBuildpack.json

* Update (#27095)

* Short lived app support (#26958)

* Short lived app support
* Rename type to kind

* add cancelled (#1)

* Add testEndpointAuthState to AppResourceProperties (#26938)

* add disable test endpoint auth to AppResourceProperties
* Update Apps_CreateOrUpdate_VNetInjection.json
* Update Apps_CreateOrUpdate.json
* Update Apps_Get.json
* Update Apps_Get_VNetInjection.json
* Update Apps_List.json
* Update Apps_List_VNetInjection.json
* Update Apps_SetActiveDeployments.json
* Update Apps_Update.json
* Update Apps_Update_VNetInjection.json
* use enum for test endpoint auth

* remove api version from

* revert short lived app API (#27196)

* adding version for python sdk temporarily for python sdk generation


Co-authored-by: Jeff <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Qingyi Liu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yuwei Zhou <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ninpan-ms <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sandy Cai <[email protected]>

* Azure Deployment Manager is being decommissioned. Deleting the Rest API Specs related to ADM (#26818)

* updating preview tag (#27555)

* adding preview to 2023-11 tag

* update tag

* update tag in yaml

* Fixing response codes for importSpecification


Co-authored-by: pracagrawal <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: MJ <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Wei Dong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Wei Dong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Cunfeng <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: LDD <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Long Ding (from Dev Box) <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Asaf Levi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: catalinaperalta <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Apoorva Singh <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: FumingZhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: lilypan26 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nick Keller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Xiaolu Dai <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jeff <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Qingyi Liu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yuwei Zhou <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ninpan-ms <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sandy Cai <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: rohantagaru <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: mwesigwaguma <[email protected]>
@FumingZhang FumingZhang deleted the fuming/aks-update-readme-2023-11-02-preview branch February 4, 2024 05:05
ericasp16 pushed a commit to ericasp16/azure-rest-api-specs-ericasp that referenced this pull request Feb 15, 2024
…add version preview/2023-11-02-preview (Azure#27431)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.ContainerService/aks from version preview/2023-10-02-preview to version 2023-11-02-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* update readme (Azure#26753)

* Add Trusted Launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile (Azure#26850)

* add trusted launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile

* fix link to docs

* add new words to cspell.json

* fix links to docs again


Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>

* Replace "GuardrailsProfile" with "SafeguardsProfile", add ListSafeguardsVersions entities (Azure#26798)

* Update

Reverting global tag to stable GA version for SDK release

* Change guardrails to safeguards

* clean up remaining references

* fix casing

* Add back guardrailsVersions

* Fix typos


Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>

* Add scheduled events data object. (Azure#26774)

* Add eventDetails to ScheduledEventProperties.


Co-authored-by: lilypan26 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nick Keller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
allenjzhang added a commit that referenced this pull request Feb 17, 2024
* Adding New GA Version  (#26953)

* adding new version

* Typspec versioning

* adding in examples

* fixing examples

* formatting

* formatting

* updating deprecated operations

* formatting fixes

* removing breaking changes

* modify image upload body and docs

* fix example

* fixing example

* adding Location to 202 responses

* tsv formatting changes

* removing unnecessary model

* commiting changes

* [TypeSpec Requirement] Handle specs with variable path depths (#27324)

- Fixes #27319

* [TypeSpec-Requirement] Fix typo in github URL to check

* Update (#27330)

* Update

* Update

* Use property name `list` instead of `values` in some models for Python (#27336)

* Johnkoh msft azuredatatransfer data transfer 2023 10 11 preview (#26576)

* Generate new Service for azuredatatransfer

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer from version private
repo version stable/2023-06-28 to public repo version 2023-10-11-preview

* Move Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer to public repo with new api-version

* Add openapi-subtype

* Fix LintDiff errors

* Fix examples validation errors

* Add Data flow type

* Remove additionalProperties

* Rename to performRequest

* Update result and code

* Remove action endpoint, add listApprovedSchemas and validateSchema endpoints

* Minor Fixes of TypeSpec for AOAI On Your Data 2023-12-01-preview /extensions/chat/completions (#27271)

* auth

* restore

* vector db

* fix examples

* fix

* matrix

* fix cosmosdb

* fix pinecone description

* generated


Co-authored-by: Yuantao Wang <[email protected]>

* Update SparkFrontend_SparkBatch_Create.json (#27077)

* [TypeSpec Validation] add support for node 21 and drop 16 (#27247)

* tsv node 21

* parameter

* package logck

* tsv path error message (#27248)

* Correct the version # in the primary tag in the readme (Azure Maps) (#27295)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* updated version and added exclude-file

* reverted changes from preious commit and changed stable version date.

* Changed which data v2 swagger file is being pointed to.

* Added '- Microsoft.Maps/Data/preview/1.0/data.json' to the deprecated tag.

* [TypeSpec Validation] remove job name for pipelines (#27338)

* remove job name

* Update eng/pipelines/typespec-validation.yml

Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>

* Update eng/tools/typespec-validation/ci.yml

Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>

* Update eng/pipelines/typespec-validation-all.yml

Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>


Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>

* Update (#27344)

* Updated examples for public documentation (#27273)

Co-authored-by: Sushil Upadhyay <[email protected]>

* Azure Language add scriptCode, and enums for script Language Detection Results (#26777)

* add scriptCode, and enums for script

* update name for sciptcode

* fixed policheck and spelling issue

* Add new words to custom-words.txt and update Bengala enum

* Fix broken links in Creator  (#27343)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* fixed broken links in Creator.

* [ImageAnalysis] Fix auth implementation (#27361)

* fix auth implementation

* format

* suppress auth warning

* clean up after team discussion

* Update (#27365)

* Update (#27366)

* References to the data service are changed to reference the data registry service. (#27340)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Changed references to the data service to the new data registry service.

* Changed full-URL links to be site-relative links.

* Added words to the override list in cspell.json and ran Prettier check.

* Abaranwal ms edgeorder microsoft.edge order 2024 02 01 (#27145)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.EdgeOrder from version preview/2022-05-01-preview to version 2024-02-01

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Made with changes on top of 2023 preview swagger

* saving examples

* minor: spelling

* replace sub Id with guid

* mark provisionig state readonly

* fix prov details and site details to correct place in hierarchy

* orderItem delete remove 200 code

* Minor - fix model validation

* add suppression

* remove 202 from address delete

* mark as sync

* remove suppression if not needed

* keep address asynch

* changes as per review

* camelCase

* making contact details fields not required

* add address classification field

* rename state to NotInitiated

* remove the save-inputs in jobrouters (#27371)

* Update (#27374)

* Add snowflake v2 linkedService (#26336)

* Add snowflake v2 linkedService

* fix prettier

* update snowflakeV2 linkedService

* fix prettier

* Add snowflake v2 copysource and dataset

* Fix prettier

* Add swagger changes for synapse

* fix prettier

* remove AAD auth

* Update synapse linkedService

* Fix prettier

* snowflakeV2 add service principal auth

* remove dfe-string

* fix prettier check issue

* Minor fix the missing parameters for ingestion API (#27364)

* miss

* chunk size


Co-authored-by: Yuantao Wang <[email protected]>

* Azure Maps - Data service documentation updates to improve the overview pages. (#27370)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* moved retirement note so it does not appear is the overview page. Corrected broken links to data and data v2 API.

* Added suppression to readme for RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC. reason: false positive from oav is breaking our example validation. See azure/oav#1021.

* fixed links

* Fix broken links in user docs (description fields) (#27149)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Fixed broken links that appear in the REST API docs.

* Added suppression RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC. reason: false positive from oav is breaking our example validation. See azure/oav#1021.

* Added suppression RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC.

* [TypeSpec Requirement] Improve check if OpenAPI cannot be parsed as JSON (#27341)

- Fixes #27325

* Update (#27411)

* Fix headers and schema definition (#27180)

Co-authored-by: Bo Wang <[email protected]>

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.ContainerService/aks to add version stable/2023-11-01 (#27026)

* Add nodeSoakDurationInMinutes (#26762)

* update duration properties with "x-ms-format" : "duration-constant" (#27337)

* update duration properties with format

* Documentation fixes for a preview API  (#27350)

* Update examples

* [Hub Generated] Publish private branch 'feature/DP-workspace-key' (#27238)

* Use the previous version as the base

* Add auth header

* fix typo

* Add a description

* fix reference error

* remove fake uri


Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>

* [DocumentIntelligence] Update tsp config for Python (#27423)

* [ChangedFiles-Functions.ps1] Remove unnecessary parenthesis in function call (#27425)

* [Hub Generated] Publish private branch 'feature/RP-workspace-key' (#26968)

* Add new APIs
* update api key names
* add enableAPIkey to workspace property

* Fixed link text for 'pricing tiers' in Azure Maps swagger files. (#27424)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Fixed link text for 'pricing tiers' in Azure Maps swagger files.

* Update ARM review guidance in (#27406)

* Update pull_request_assignment.yml: remove rkmanda from assignees (#26918)

* Update pull_request_assignment.yml: remove rkmanda from assignees

Contributes to:

* Update pull_request_assignment.yml


Co-authored-by: Wes Haggard <[email protected]>

* Remove spatial (#27209)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Removing spatial from the Creator swagger files. It is not used and does not belong there.

* Update (#27454)

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update description of Custom Voice API swagger. (#27438)

* Update description of Custom Voice API swagger.
Add more description about Azure blob URL with SAS.

* Update description of Custom Voice API swagger
Change filter description from HTML to mark down.

* remove en-US in Azure doc link.


Co-authored-by: Jun-wei Gan <[email protected]>

* Added optional deliveryReportTimeoutInSeconds to smsSendOptions. (#27067)

* Added optional validityPeriodSeconds to smsSendOptions.

* Added new api version 2024-02-05 for validityPeriodSeconds.

* Added package-sms-2024-02-05 to

* Moved to Preview.

* Change name to deliveryReportTimeoutInSeconds. Fixed Swagger Validation Report errors.

* Fix broken links for Azure Maps API resulting from TOC changes. (#27443)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* updated URLs to Azure Maps and Azure Maps Creator REST API.

* updated URLs from 'search-v2' to 'search'.

* updated URLs to Azure Maps Creator REST API.

* updated URL to Azure Maps Creator REST API.

* Added 'geocodingresponse' to cspell.json. Also added the 'INVALID_TYPE' Suppression to the Creator Readme (also added in PR27357).

* [Hub Generated] Publish private branch 'gachauhan-iprangenew' (#27329)

* Microsoft.databoxedge 2023-12-01-preview

* Remove "Swagger" from the PR template (#27466)

* disable model flatten for new service (#27380)

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.HealthcareApis to add version stable/2023-12-01 (#26852)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.HealthcareApis from version stable/2023-11-01 to version 2023-12-01

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Added SMART Identity Providers to API version 2023-12-01

* Remove deprecated 'services' related paths, definitions, and examples

* Revert "Remove deprecated 'services' related paths, definitions, and examples"

This reverts commit 45b12eae86fd8a93bac0e79c46e3dcfbeb96d78f.

* Updated SMART identity provider configurations to remove 'additionalProperties'

* Addressed linting error missing x-ms-identifiers

* Limit SmartDataActions to read only


Co-authored-by: Nate Malubay <[email protected]>

* Search preview version 2024-03-01-preview (#27235)

* baseline for preview search 2024-03-01-preview

* Updating the error response

* Update with new preview version

* Support narrow data types

* vectors add stored property

* SpellCheck override for rerank

* Update Support narrow data types

* update descriptions

* Update SpellCheck override

* Swagger PrettierCheck

* api review feedback

* update samples

* update float16 -> half

* Update examples with renamed properties

* Use ErrorResponse from common-types

* Fix the Tag: package-2024-03 in readme

* Address comments


Co-authored-by: Zeeshan Sayyed <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Robert Lee <[email protected]>

* Various improvements to `` (#27484)

* to support SDK auto generation (#27464)

Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>

* Improve Salesforce V2 properties (#27412)

* Route v2 toc (#27500)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Added route v2 preview.

* Creator api summary (#27357)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Removed 'Creator makes it possible to develop applications based on your private indoor map data using Azure Maps API and SDK.' paragraph.

* Added suppression RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC.

* Added suppression RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC.

* re-did a bunch of stuff due to unknown errors

* Add simple script to create new API versions (#27266)

* [tsconfig.json] Revert accidental changes (#27489)

- Revert changes accidentally merged in #26358

* java, offazurespringboot, update title use singlar App (#27494)

* Rheajain paloaltonetworks palo alto networks.cloudngfw 2024 01 19 preview (#27460)

* Adds base for updating PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw from version preview/2023-10-10-preview to version 2024-01-19-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add SCM changes

* Change api version in examples

* Change response of List of cloud manager tenants

* Add pagination to List SCM tenants API

* Remove skip and top tokens

* Fix property name

* Add skip and top parameters

* Remove SCM related APIs

* change package tag

* Update Custom Voice API swagger. (#27512)

Fix description format issue.

Co-authored-by: Jun-wei Gan <[email protected]>

* Release keyvault microsoft.key vault 7.5 (#27422)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.KeyVault from version preview/7.5-preview.1 to version 7.5

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Adding 2023 09 01 for nginx (#27231)

* Added version of 2023-09-01 for nginx

* Update (#27520)

* disable model flatten (#27511)

* Adding new preview api version for new field (#27382)

* Adding existing files from the latest api version

* adding the new api version under databox.json

* Modified examples

* readme files changes

* fix - path change in read me file

* poli check fix

* resolving PR comments


Co-authored-by: Govardhana D K <[email protected]>

* hardwaresecuritymodules add directive (#27525)

* Naming tweaks for ImageAnalysis (#27296)

* Move TypeScript client into @azure-rest namespace. Change API name from Buffer to ImageData

* Use property name 'list' instead of 'values' for Python

* Update swagger example

* Fix previous commit

Individual mono-repros have green builds with pending PR's based on this change.

Co-authored-by: Darren Cohen <[email protected]>

* Update Route Directions API (#27492)

* firt commit

* update


Co-authored-by: Will Huang <[email protected]>

* Added comment 'Maximum number of categorySet values supported per request is 10', and fixed links to search v1 swagger/API docs. (#27507)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Added comment 'Maximum number of categorySet values supported per request is 10', and fixed links to search v1 swagger/API docs.

* Fixed links.

* URL fixes

* Added words from search v1 to cSpell.json

* C:/Program Files/Git/

* Alec baird desktopvirtualization microsoft.desktop virtualization 2024 01 16 preview (#27396)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization from version preview/2023-11-01-preview to version 2024-01-16-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Added 4 UDP properties to Hostpool

* Updated examples with new properties

* Spelling

* Removed hostpool from naming convention

* Added UDP properties to hostpool PATCH

* Added suppressions that will be fixed prior to next stable, ran prettier

* Ran prettier on examples

* Remove issue and pull request assignment files (#27481)

* turn the MRW feature off explicitly for communication jobrouter (#27539)

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade to 0.52.0 (#27541)

* [docs] Add to "Swagger LintDiff for TypeSpec" (#27451)

* Cognitive Services 2023-10-01-preview update (#26892)

* Fix some typos

* address comments

* address LintDiff

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade http to 0.52.1 (#27548)

* System component added as azure arc profile. (#27519)

* System component added as arc profile

* fixing the lint issues

* api update in examples

* fixing the type

* swagger validation

* pretty fixes

* prettier

* Keeping the default same stable

* Fixed invalid type errors in bbox examples (#27516)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* fixed invalid type errors in bbox examples.

* fixed invalid type errors in bbox examples.

* reverted changes

* enable mrw for jobrouter again (#27543)

* making product description optional in new API version (#27534)

* [OpenAI] Fix ChatCompletionsNamedFunctionToolSelection (#27487)

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade typespec-apiview to 0.4.5 (#27562)

- Support SyntaxKind.TemplateArgument

* Add Token authentication for Single document translator API (#27546)

Co-authored-by: Vikas Palaskar <[email protected]>

* add stable API 2024-02-01 for GA (#27360)

* add stable API 2024-02-01 for GA

* update to remove customization

* fix spelling and refrence

* take out internal api

* fix Swagger Avocado check


Co-authored-by: Jyoti Lama <[email protected]>

* remove placeholder file (#27569)

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade autorest to 0.38.1 (#27568)

* update readme to adapt new autorest (#27571)

Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>

* OpenAI: TypeSpec project for Assistants (#27076)

* Initial public commit for OpenAI Assistants spec

* small typo correction for 'interpeter' -- thank you, spellcheck!

* rename list type for generation clarity; recompile

* client.tsp: suppress visibility of 'list' methods to facilitate plumbing of a common list representation

* Client visibility pass for more nested objects

* include omitted ../data-plane items

* tools pass: model name updates and client.tsp clarification

* very small update: explicit import inclusion for java diagnosis

* Update specification/ai/OpenAI.Assistants/runs/routes.tsp

Co-authored-by: Shawn Fang <[email protected]>

* Update specification/ai/OpenAI.Assistants/runs/routes.tsp

* substantial feedback incorporation, version realignment, removal of interface use

* distinct ThreadInitializationMessage model for one-shot thread/message

* Update specification/ai/OpenAI.Assistants/client.tsp

* [OpenAI-Assistant] Rename some method and model names. (#27456)

* rename some method and model names

* Correct ServiceApiVersion value

* some PR feedback + tsp compile clean

* PR feedback: address needed split of required_action and run_step tool call info

* PR feedback: address newer additional_instructions, model refactor and nullability

* access/visibility updates (mainly C#); fix optionality of additional_instructions

* move @path parameter into UpdateAssistantOptions model

* PR feedback: remove defunct suppression from much older version of deletionstatus

* merge, PR feedback for v2 core update, regen yaml (no downstream impact)


Co-authored-by: Jose Alvarez <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Shawn Fang <[email protected]>

* Add new events for Storage - StorageTasks (#26887)

* Add new events for Storage StorageTasks

* Create storage_task_queued.json

* Create storage_task_completed.json

* Add files via upload

* Add files via upload

* Update storage_task_queued.json

* Update storage_task_completed.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update specification/eventgrid/data-plane/Microsoft.Storage/stable/2018-01-01/Storage.json

Co-authored-by: JoshLove-msft <[email protected]>

* Update example ref

* Create storage_task_assignment_queued.json

* Create storage_task_assignment_completed.json

* Create storage_task_assignment_queued.json

* Create storage_task_assignment_completed.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update Storage.json


Co-authored-by: JoshLove-msft <[email protected]>

* Update mention Teams channel for help with TypeSpec (#27588)

* Add API version 2023-10-01-preview [Import] (#27385)

* Base version 2023-06-06

* 2023-10-01-preview version changes

* 2023-10-01-preview version changes - generate max set examples

* Change provisioning state because of cross-version breaking change

* Fix prettier checks

* Generate max set examples

* Fix prettier checks

* Add min set examples

* Regenerate examples

* Update readme

* remove min set examples and change provisioning state

* revert provisioning state change

* Update readme for SDK generation

* Mjmadhu playwrighttesting playwright service 2023 10 01 preview new (#27132)

* First commit with existing version files in new version folder

* Added new ARM stable api-version for GA

* Readme changes

* Addressed review comments

* Changed data type to float as discussed in the comments

* Added suppression rules for SwaggerLintDiff as per review comment

* Added suppression rules for SwaggerLintDiff as per review comment

* Fix for suppressions not working

* Modified suppression syntax to the new one as per TSG.

* Added paths in suppressions

* Rectifying path for ResourceNameRestriction Suppression

* Paths not working correctly with ResourceNameRestriction suppression

* HDInsight: onboard new apiversion 2023-11-01-preview (#27306)

* onboard new apiversion 2023-11-01-preview

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.HDInsight/HDInsightOnAks from version preview/2023-06-01-preview to version 2023-11-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* move changes from rpaasmaster branch

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* Update specification/hdinsight/resource-manager/Microsoft.HDInsight/HDInsightOnAks/preview/2023-11-01-preview/hdinsight.json

Co-authored-by: Cunfeng <[email protected]>

* update examples (#27495)

Co-authored-by: Long Ding (from Dev Box) <[email protected]>

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment


Co-authored-by: Wei Dong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Cunfeng <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: LDD <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Long Ding (from Dev Box) <[email protected]>

* [Azure AI - Health Insights] - Typespec revision for Health Insights API Version 2 (#27223)

* Health Insights API Version 2

* add custom_words

* update radiology insights doc descriptions

* misspell

* add java service-name option to emit the service name

* update openAPI spec. misspell

* model is Element instead of extends element

* Fhir.R4 namespace as PascalCase

* Fix: workaround - force order resolution

* fix: suppression to get additionalProperties. DomainResource is Resource

* suppress  in patient timeline to get additionalProperties

* [Health Insights] Project structure updates (#27545)

* move main files under service dir

* regen openapi + move examples

* update client.tsp files

* tsp format

* update tspconfig.yaml

* use clientName decorator to decorate Fhir_R4 models

* Operation types as  camelCase

* replace projectedName with clientName

* model extends Element - same as FHIR spec

* move clientName to client.tsp

* fix: clientName - typename

* fix: token-expected: ';'

* remove import,  typespec-client-generator-core

* tsp format

* fix: LRO response schema to include result

* add @clientName to all models

* replace decimal with decimal128, add RI sample

* replace decimal128 with float64

* tsp format

* suppress AvoidAnonymousTypes

* comment clientName decorators

* comment clientName decorators

* comment clientName decorator for RI client.tsp

* Add projectedName

* move projectedName to client.tsp

* fix: projectedName on client

* updat tspconfig.yaml

* move service.tsp

* update ref

* revert structure changes

* move examples

* tspconfig


Co-authored-by: catalinaperalta <[email protected]>

* [] Add known issues to "Swagger LintDiff for TypeSpec" (#27573)

* Adding new version 2024-01-01-preview for updating monitor Properties (#27462)

* Base API commit

* Changing version to new 2024-01-01-preview

* Adding additional parameters to MonitorProperties and updating example

* Updating

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.ContainerService/aks to add version preview/2023-11-02-preview (#27431)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.ContainerService/aks from version preview/2023-10-02-preview to version 2023-11-02-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* update readme (#26753)

* Add Trusted Launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile (#26850)

* add trusted launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile

* fix link to docs

* add new words to cspell.json

* fix links to docs again


Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>

* Replace "GuardrailsProfile" with "SafeguardsProfile", add ListSafeguardsVersions entities (#26798)

* Update

Reverting global tag to stable GA version for SDK release

* Change guardrails to safeguards

* clean up remaining references

* fix casing

* Add back guardrailsVersions

* Fix typos


Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>

* Add scheduled events data object. (#26774)

* Add eventDetails to ScheduledEventProperties.


Co-authored-by: lilypan26 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nick Keller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>

* Add AppPlatform 2024-01-01-preview (#27113)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.AppPlatform from version preview/2023-11-01-preview to version 2024-01-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* add cspell exclusion (#26987)

* Add option for Application Configuration Service refresh interval (#26943)

* add the option for acs refresh interval
* refine description and complete examples

* feat: Add Java 21 (#26946)

* add buildpacks version (#26933)

* Update appplatform.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_Get.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_List.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_CreateOrUpdate.json

* Update language specific for 2024-01-01-preview api version (#27041)

* Cherry latest stable branch change to preview API version (#27063)

* e94094bf12e543d04e6d90efabcd5d00e872a12e

* 4a35b74f7b7ba2ef67f63f4c3389fc47a8f4b0e0

* f3e4338a5c5702982a0ca0e82f7bfeb0745d00a1

* 4a35b74f7b7ba2ef67f63f4c3389fc47a8f4b0e0

* a92c321d8a5fc30820f0f7741e8becc631b5d3bb

* 9a93245d7a8827bc6aeebd2a94e76c92df6bae55

* a693dc6e0df2cabd0815df21a3ab1fa5e6529c7a

* fix lint

* fix lint

* add buildpacks version (#27061)

* Update appplatform.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_Get.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_List.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_CreateOrUpdate.json
* Update BuildService_GetSupportedBuildpack.json

* Update (#27095)

* Short lived app support (#26958)

* Short lived app support
* Rename type to kind

* add cancelled (#1)

* Add testEndpointAuthState to AppResourceProperties (#26938)

* add disable test endpoint auth to AppResourceProperties
* Update Apps_CreateOrUpdate_VNetInjection.json
* Update Apps_CreateOrUpdate.json
* Update Apps_Get.json
* Update Apps_Get_VNetInjection.json
* Update Apps_List.json
* Update Apps_List_VNetInjection.json
* Update Apps_SetActiveDeployments.json
* Update Apps_Update.json
* Update Apps_Update_VNetInjection.json
* use enum for test endpoint auth

* remove api version from

* revert short lived app API (#27196)

* adding version for python sdk temporarily for python sdk generation


Co-authored-by: Jeff <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Qingyi Liu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yuwei Zhou <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ninpan-ms <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sandy Cai <[email protected]>

* Azure Deployment Manager is being decommissioned. Deleting the Rest API Specs related to ADM (#26818)

* updating preview tag (#27555)

* adding preview to 2023-11 tag

* update tag

* update tag in yaml

* Patch Common-Types/Private Links V6 with Pageable Options (#27620)

* adding paggable options for privatelinks common types

* prettier

* Adding new stable version "2024-01-01" (#27627)

* New stable version 2024-01-01

* ReadMe changes

* first commit (#27598)

Co-authored-by: Will Huang <[email protected]>

* Update comment.yml: get rid of CI-MissingBaseCommit (#27622)

* OpenAI Assistants: fix required_action function representation (#27638)

* OpenAI Assistants: fix required_action function representation, clarify models

* PR feedback: incorporate doc mention of argument JSON format

* add round trip rules (#27623)

* Mobile packet core service (#27517)

* Mobile packet core service

* Update the list by XXX descriptions

* Xuhumsft securityinsights insights 2023 12 01 preview (#27214)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.SecurityInsights from version preview/2023-10-01-preview to version 2023-12-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* [SupportSubTechniques] - Add sub techniques to swagger.

* apply changes of 11-01-stable version to the 12-01-preview

* resolve breaking changes

* healthinsights, fix tspconfig on java emitter options (#27646)

* [astro] disable flatten (#27649)

* Create

* Update

* Update

* update the basic version and add

* Update specification/liftrastronomer/resource-manager/

Co-authored-by: Qiaoqiao Zhang <[email protected]>


Co-authored-by: kazrael2119 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Qiaoqiao Zhang <[email protected]>

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.Migrate/AssessmentProjects to add version preview/2023-04-01-preview (#26489)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.Migrate/AssessmentProjects from version stable/2023-03-15 to version 2023-04-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* 1. Microsoft.Migrate 2023-04-01-preview swagger - Initial commit

* 1. Added Business case examples

* 1. Prettier check on examples

* 1. Swagger json Prettier fix

* 1. Added WebAppV2 examples

* 1. Renaming Web App file names

* 1. Adding examples for WebAppV2 and AKS

* 1. Fixed swagger and examples for Business case

* 1. Updated bcs swagger and examples

* 1. Added resourceId in Business case list

* 1. Fixed custom words

* 1. Resolve spellcheck

* 1. Fix model validation check for Business case

* 1. Added custom words

* Fix Model Validation Errors for AKS

* updated few examples

* Update WebAppAssessmentOptionsOperations_ListByAssessmentProject_MaximumSet_Gen.json

Updated webAppAssessmentOptions

* Add and Update AKS Swagger Examples

* Update Swagger File with Latest Changes

* Fix Prettier Check

* Updating examples

* update

* 1. Updated swagger

* 1. Moved to types version v5

* 1. Fixed Business case validation for Get and Create

* 1. Updated Business case Delete to sync operation

* 1. Updated Business case delete response code in examples

* Fix Prettier Check

* 1. Added AKS changes in swagger

* 1. Fixed prettier check in swagger

* Fix Model Validation Errors for AKS

* 1. Updated AVSOnly

* 1. Reverted custome-words.txt. This change needs to be taken right before activating the PR

* 1. Model validation fixes for previous version

* 1. Updated PrivateEndpointConnections examples

* 1. Updated PE fix

* 1. Updated PE examples

* 1. Fixed Hotfix changes from previous version

* 1. Fixed version typo

* 1. Fixed Duplicate Key issue

* Update Swagger with POS Core and AKS Changes

* Add visibility read to Immutable Models in AKS and POS Core Swagger

* Fix Model Validation Errors for AKS

* 1. Updated custom-words list for spellcheck

* 1. Added custom word

* 1. Linux Ahub changes

* 1. Fixed prettier check

* 1. Updated businesscases to camelCase

* 1. Updated swagger to use the same enum for Ahub

* 1. Updated links from v4 to v5

* 1. Resolved custom-words conflict

* update comments

* update

* Update description for readonly properties for AKS

* 1. Resolve ProvisioningState readonly issues

* 1. Resolve ProxyResource readonly issue

* Update Swagger with Latest Changes from AKS

* Update PUT AKS Example

* 1. Custom-words update

* 1. Added lint suppressions

* 1. Fixed indentation issue in readme

* 1. Edited Readme

* 1. Updated Readme

* 1. Fixed Lintdiff

* 1. Manually adding provisioningState at the resource property level

* 1. Reverting the manual addition for readOnly in provisioningState

* 1. Typespec generated provisioningState resolution

* 1. Updated provisioningState and example

* 1. Updated WebAppAssessmentV2 Create example to remove provisioningState in PUT call

* 1. Updated WebAppCollector to use provisioningState readonly

* 1. Updated WebAppCollectorOperations_Create_MaximumSet_Gen

* 1. Removed unused model from Swagger

* 1. Remove suppression check

* 1. Applied suppression for AvoidAdditionalProperties
2. Fixed camelCasing in examples

* 1. Removed custom words

* 1. Updated description for POS

* 1. Changed location modelling from Enum to string.

* 1. Updated camelCasing
2. Updated cSpell.json
3. Updated custom-words.txt

* 1. Fixed descriptions


Co-authored-by: Kushal Mehrotra <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Umesh Yadav <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Tanvi Dhope <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: tanvidhope-microsoft <[email protected]>

* Mjmadhu playwrighttesting playwright service 2023 10 01 preview cp (#27611)

* Base commit to add new version folders

* Moving unrequired stable version back to preview

* Update python readme (#27504)

Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>

* fix Nsp link properties description (#27601)

* fix link spec

* updated examples

* fix pretty

* Introducing service group for orbital (aogs and aodg) (#27582)

* Introducing service group for orbital (aogs and aodg)

* Updated path to common-types

* Updated tag

* changing folder structure

* Moved from Id to a ResourceReference object

* Updated descriptions

* Updated id to resourceId

* Updated examples

* Revert "Updated examples"

This reverts commit 0f5604a0bc53a715bc2e119d6fc4863ec441a4dc.

* Revert "Updated id to resourceId"

This reverts commit 8d31746216d949562d31c2a98b7ccc13c7557adf.

* TypeSpec conversion for Purview Policy (#26460)

* Initial Purview Policy TypeSpec conversion

* Update examples

* Fixing doc, ProxyResource and other fixes

* Fixing output

* Fixing example values

* fix example values

* Fixing addition of name

* Fixing prettier on example json

* Adding {scope} backcompat override

* Fix model validation

* Fixing model errors

* Fixing format error

* Work around scope size bug

* Update for SDK generation (#27664)

* Update

* add


Co-authored-by: Peng Jiahui <[email protected]>

* disable model flatten for service Azure Large Instance&HDInsight Container (#27613)

* disable-flatten

* Create

* Create

* Update

* update


Co-authored-by: Weidong Xu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Xiaofei Cao <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: kazrael2119 <[email protected]>

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.RecoveryServices to add version stable/2023-08-01 (#26302)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.RecoveryServices from version stable/2023-06-01 to version 2023-08-01

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add example for DelteInfra API

* Add reference to new API in service file/ Update A2A EnableProtection input

* Fix semantic errors

* Fix naming convention issue

* Adding default response for the new API

* Fix: Swagger LintDiff errors

* Fix: Swagger LintDiff errors

* Fix: minor typo

* Fix: default error schema

* Fix: default error schema

* Fix: Remove 204 response code as per ARM guideline

* Fix: Swagger PrettierCheck errors

* Fix spellcheck issue

* Address comments

* Address comments

* Revert "Address comments"

This reverts commit 0087c5db206c0448d9b413de742229f23a70bd76.

* Add 200 response

* Address comments

* Revert "Address comments"

This reverts commit 9c9a8735d7aa3e02d6b00dcf968b48ea41f0c230.

* Remove 200 response


Co-authored-by: Tim Lovell-Smith <[email protected]>

* TSP Conversion for Microsoft.ApiCenter (#27618)

* TSP Conversion for Microsoft.ApiCenter

* Changing parameter names in json

* Changed parameter for Services.CreateOrUpdate

* Fixing formatting

* Fix example properties

* [EventGrid] Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds events (#24015)

* Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds events

* linting

* remove datastore events for now

* rename version/dir to preview and exclude examples

* SDK review feedback

* change dict type definition

* versioning

* Properties->Data

* update (#27679)

* Adding E5 SKU to stable branch for GA release (#27656)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.Cache from version stable/2023-11-01 to version 2024-02-01

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add E5 to stable branch for GA release

* update events with metadata (#27137)

* Update

Reverting global tag to stable GA version for SDK release

* adding metadata to missing events

* Revert "adding metadata to missing events"

This reverts commit 9c149b5052173b752c5981fcf6a81f8b4ad1a8cc.

* adding metadata to missing events

* merged from master

* fixing conflict

* resolving conflicts

* removing unwanted code


Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>

* Feature/datamap tsp (#26702)

* initial commit

* update attr

* add security scheme

* Update models.tsp

* update

* Update models.tsp

* update

* update examples

* update

* update

* update

* Update routes.tsp

* update

* Update routes.tsp

* Update tspconfig.yaml

* update interface name

* update query parameter to non-requried and correct int mdoel

* correct response status code from 204 to 200

* Create openapi.json

* update typo

* Update openapi.json

* update

* update examples

* update examples

* update

* update examples

* update

* update example

* update businessMetadata

* Update purviewdatamap.json

* Update custom-words.txt

* Update purviewdatamap.json

* update searchoperator filter

* update import examples

* update

* Update Search Filters (#26837)

* update

* Delete openapi.json

* add @client

* Update routes.tsp

* Update routes.tsp

* Update tspconfig.yaml

* Update main.tsp

* Update specification/purview/Azure.Analytics.Purview.DataMap/main.tsp

Co-authored-by: catalinaperalta <[email protected]>

* updated

* Update models.tsp

* update error response

* Update models.tsp

* update descriptions

* run tsp format

* Create openapi.json

* update

* add api version

* updated

* guid is not required

* update examples

* update search filter

* update model name

* updated

* update client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* update client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* update client.tsp

* update

* Update main.tsp

* Rename models by comments

rename xxContent to xxOptions
rename ContactBasic
rename SearchRequsetTaxonomySetting

* Update openapi.json

* client/method renaming

bulk -> batch
remove unique
using operation group
guid -> id

* Update client.tsp

* fix casing problem

* update comments

* update

* update discovery

* update

* fix example bug

* update partalUpdates

* update query parameter overwrite

* Update attr to attribute

* Update partialUpdates

* align using body parameter

* Update Glossary_PartialUpdateCategory.json

* revert update examples in original example folder

* Revert "revert update examples in original example folder"

This reverts commit 867767b5dc69f259596e6379aa33617dc6b56d7f.

* Update Glossary_PartialUpdateCategory.json

* Revert "Update Glossary_PartialUpdateCategory.json"

This reverts commit d31fe8aa07e5076cf6e3299c3a9123681ebabd23.

* Revert "Revert "revert update examples in original example folder""

This reverts commit 8f7003247f3d435dc8c80188cb8a5ade814aa137.

* Delete openapi.json

* fix typeSpec validation error

* Update purviewdatamap.json

* Update purviewdatamap.json

* update

* update

* update

* update

* Update models.tsp

* Update models.tsp

* Update

* Update

* update

* update

* Update openapi.json

* move to cSpell.json

* update examples

* update examples

* fix api doc preview

* update csharp naming

* update

* Update client.tsp

* keep purviewdatamap.json

* Update

* test for csharp operation group name

* Update routes.tsp

* Update routes.tsp

* fix comments

* Update routes.tsp

* move to client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* update api version query parameter

* update api version query parameter

* update

* set the body for label API to align with the GA swagger doc

* Update api version query parameter

* update for comments

* update

* Update routes.tsp

* update the createTime/updateTIme for an issue in csharp generator

* Revert "update the createTime/updateTIme for an issue in csharp generator"

This reverts commit a9e8ec26f7d01788c8b94c582a7de0b82c00ce66.

* update with safeint

* update to encodeName


Co-authored-by: Catalina Peralta <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: yaleiZhao <[email protected]>

* Resolving 2023-05-01 swagger validation errors for Azure Firewall examples. (#27403)

* Added missing id property to some example resources. Added headers with locations to long-running operation examples.

* Added some missing information on some response object typings regarding the location property used in long-running operations.

* Fixed a possible typo 'azure-async-operation' to 'azure-asyncoperation' (removed a hyphen).

* Ran prettier against azureFirewall.json

* Bug fix: Remove maxLeng on ScopeParameter (#27616)

* Add issue templates for question, bug, and feature request (#27610)

* Add issue templates for question, bug, and feature request

* Added labels to bug and feature request templates

* Update .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/01_question.yml

Co-authored-by: Konrad Jamrozik <[email protected]>

* Update .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/01_question.yml

Co-authored-by: Konrad Jamrozik <[email protected]>

* Updates to the Spec and Version inputs


Co-authored-by: Konrad Jamrozik <[email protected]>

* Update clusterservice.tsp (#27684)

Removal of test description that was accidentally retained during the last review

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade to 0.53.0 (#27677)

- Includes openapi updates as reactions to:
  - Azure/typespec-azure#152
  - Azure/typespec-azure#176

* Add clarity to Search v1 API regarding `municipality` vs. `localName`. (#27685)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Add clarity to Search vs API regarding  vs. . See

* [TypeSpec Validation] Fail fast if "npm install" fails (#27678)

- Fixes #25145

* Mvvsubbu databricks microsoft.databricks 2024 02 01 preview (#27607)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.Databricks from version preview/2023-09-15-preview to version 2024-02-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Adding Swagger Spec for Private DBFS

* Reverting Package Tag Change

* Changing Package Tag

* Fixing the comments for PR

* Fixing format id violations

* Fixing format error

* paloaltonetworks - Add Strata Cloud Manager APIs (#27681)

* Add base for updating PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw from version preview/2024-01-19-review to version 2024-02-07-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add SCM APIs in swagger

* Update examples

* Fix api version in example

* Changed model name ProductSerialNumberRequestStatus

* add directive to match parameter name (#27693)

* update parameter name in examples

* Revert "update parameter name in examples"

This reverts commit ebba370244263a5acb24ee28cde1ed68babd4348.

* update

* update

* Add api version 2024-02-15-preview of Azure OpenAI (#27669)

* Add api version 2024-02-15-preview of Azure OpenAI

* Fix spelling issues

* More spelling fixes

* Fix/align property names

* minor fixes

* Add examples for assistant apis (#27699)

* Add assistant examples

* add ref to examples

* run prettier


Co-authored-by: Shruti <[email protected]>

* Compute GalleryRP release 2023-07-03 (#27518)

* copy over old api version to new folder

* new api version

readme api version

* Cplat 2023-07-03 (#27590)

* add virtualmachineid field and make comment more generic

* remove extra whitespace


Co-authored-by: tiregan <[email protected]>

* [TypeSpec] Bump compiler, openapi3 and autorest version with union hotfix (#27707)

* Adding new api version 2024-01-01-preview (#27419)

* Base Commit

* Updating Elastic json

* Added Examples and version Update

* Updated readme

* Model Validation Update 1

* More Fixes

* Fixing Model Properties

* More Fixes

* Prettier fixes

* Prettier fix 2

* adding subscription state in monitor properties

* reverting package-lock json

* reverting package-lock json

* Adding one more API path

* Fixing errors in new path 1

* Fixing Lint errors

* fixing arm comments 1

* Fixing swagger errors

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing errors

* Fixing errors

* Adding suppression

* Fixing suppression

* Fixing suppression 2


Co-authored-by: Rhea Hooda <[email protected]>

* Added customizations for pagination models (#27683)

* Added customizations for pagination models

* Added stream-style-serialization and removed redundant option

* Revert "Added stream-style-serialization and removed redundant option"

This reverts commit 27615fdb353c7326a03e44a83cbe1492896ca1af.

* Fix incorrect tag name in comment. (#27741)

* Update package.json (#27747)

* Replace `@projectedName("json"` -> `@encodedName("application/json"` (#27740)

* Release machinelearningservices microsoft.machine learning services 2024 01 01 preview shadow (#27320)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.MachineLearningServices from version preview/2023-08-01-preview to version 2024-01-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add MachineLearningService workspace publish API and datareference API to 2024-01-preview (#26495)

* Add MachineLearningService workspace publish API and datareference API to 2024-01-preview

* minimize diffs

* fix 200 response definitions

* fix example api version values

* one more example version fix

* Fix post uri

* Revert "Fix post uri"

This reverts commit 7b1f10ae0f9dcf8ed121485136a3eca2d3ca6aa7.

* add suppression

* add path_on_compute for 20240101 preview mfe.json (#26447)

Merging to release branch

* after discussion and delete unnecessary path_on_compute from literl input (#26750)

* Add updateDataMounts API to 2024-01-01-preview (#26320)

* Add updateDataMounts API to 2024-01-01-preview

* Fix api-version in example

* Add field mountMode

* MoMo contract align public preview and GA (#26703)

* Rearrange Parameters in mfe.json-Jan 2024 Preview  (#26799)

* Update mfe.json

* Updated mfe.json with prettier check changes

* Updated mfe.json to address new lint diff errors

* Updated mfe.json with rearranged parameters

* Managed resource group settings for registries (#27065)

added MRG settings.

* Add azureml schedule trigger once arm API contract in 2024-01-01-preview (#27116)

* Add azureml schedule trigger once arm API contract in 2024-01-01-preview

* Fix error

* Prettier

* Fix wording and update sample value.

* Update

* fix-spellcheckErrors-Jan24Preview (#27299)

* Remove Default Value to match with GA (#27429)

* Add FineTuning Job contracts. (#27469)

* Add FT Job contracts.

* Fix prettier.

* Fix issues.

* Fix spell check.

* prettier fixes.

* Fix examples.

* Fix gates.

* Fix gate.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* fix.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Update.

* Fix.

* Update the type to be Dictionary<string,string>

* Fix comment.

* Suppress AvoidAdditionalProperties

* Correction.

* Fix.

* Fix

* try fix.

* Fix

* Fix.

* Fix

* Fix

* fix.

* Fix

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Fix

* Fix

* Fix comment.

* Fix.

* try

* Fix linter error.

* Fix


Co-authored-by: Sagar Sumant <[email protected]>

* Update workspaceRP 2024-01-01-preview swagger (#27194)

* Update swagger

* Update format

* update version

* fix spell check

* Update format and example

* Update example name

* Update format

* Fix model validation

* Update example

* Update format

* fix some lint error

* update some response

* Update swagger

* Update policy related API

* Fix policy api and example

* Update parameter

* Update

* Update example

* Address comments

* format and update example

* Add one description

* Fix one fomat

* Update example and some missing places

* small fix

* Address comments

* Update example

* Update example

* Update example and descriptions

* Remove HubPolicy Apis in this version

* remove unused definition

* Add back ComputeRuntimeDto

* update with feedback

* Update example

* Update response shema

* downgrade back to v3 common type

* Update suppression

* try update suppression

* suppress with smaller scope

* update suppressions location

* Update suppression and copy cogservice schema

* Update ref

* Update suppression path

* add more larger scope for suppression

* Update suppression

* Add MarketplaceSubscriptions, update ServerlessEndpoints in Microsoft.MachineLearningServices 2024-01-01-preview Staging Branch (#27426)

* add MarketplaceSubscription API

* add examples

* lintDiff, Prettier, and ModelValidation fixes

* remove now-undefined 200 from delete.json

* prettier fix, again

* add ServerlessEndpoint contract changes

* spell check fix

* prop rename serverlessEndpointState -> endpointState

* mark MarketplaceSubscriptionProvisioningState definition as readOnly: true


Co-authored-by: chaoyu-msft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yang Cao <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Zhaoyang Li <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: yuacheng35 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ragovada <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: adyada <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Peng Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sagarsumant <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sagar Sumant <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ZhidaLiu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Teddy Todorov <[email protected]>

* added fttraidlevel in avssummary (#27686)

* added fttraidlevel in avssummary

* changed fttType to string type

* changed the fttRaid to enum type


Co-authored-by: Venkat Jakka <[email protected]>

* Add Azure Programmable Connectivity dataplane APIs (#26922)

* Move initial work over from private repo

* Add some more TODOs

* Fix location API - Remove MaxAge parameter

* Resolve TODOs

* fix pipeline issues

* markups

* markups

* markups

* make extenrla id also consistant with strucutre

* fix formatting

* Add Device to SimSwapVerifyRequest, and make IP addresses optional in LocationVerifyRequest

* change the scope URL to

* change scopein openapi.json to as well

* Adding python config to tspconfig.yaml

* change endpoint casing and fix formatting

* update examples

* fix typo

* add c sharp

* rename some variables because .net generatiopn is complaining about it. Request>content and response>Result

* some more replaces

* Fix single word classes:

Single word class names are too generic and have high chance of collision with BCL types or types from other libraries

* try adding veriosning

* try adding ver

* fix date

* replace NetworkDevice >>> NetworkRetrieveResult

* Typespec validation pass

* replace older version with current one

* Further pipeline fixing

* use proper nouns, and do easy changes

* camel case

* replace *Interface with base path of the API

* Retrieve>Retrieval

* blankline

* rename some variables

* new lines prettier

* number interface > number verification

* new lines

* blank lines

* Add deprecation notice

* remove enums and add response header

* remove devicenetworkidentifier, as it's duplicate, change long/latitude to doubles

* Make ApcError an extension of Azure.Core.Foundations.Error

* Number verification updates for frontend auth

* ImplDocument number verification in typespec

* Remove python and .net sdk configuration, pending resolution of namespace discussions

* Update date of api version

* Some pipeline wrangling

* Remove NumberVerification retrieval APIs as they will not be implemented for public preview; add suppression of ValidResponseCodeRequired

* Add back Python SDK after fixes to autogen

* Improve docstrings, try to localize suppressions


Co-authored-by: Jamie Ford <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ella Bridgett-Tomkinson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Aron Hegedus <[email protected]>

* Corrected the "Pricing Tiers" link text (#27752)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Fix link to [pricing tiers].

* Fix link to [pricing tiers] in render v1 swagger file, and corrected the link in the readme to render v1.

* Convert ARM TSP from enum to union (#27749)

* Mark MOE API Contract MaxQueueWait as deprecated (#27688)

* Update mfe.json

* Update mfe.json

* Update mfe.json

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.ContainerService/fleet from version preview/2023-08-15-preview to version 2024-02-02-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* [Fleet] UpdateRun manual skip (#27323)

* manual skip API

* copied examples

* fix typo

* fix example

* add missing examples

* add missing examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* add fleet hub profile back

* custom-words

* [Fleet][UpdateRun] Rename skip target (#27449)

* rename skip target

* identifier

* fix examples

* format

* [Fleet] 2024-02-02-preview Readme files (#27499)

* readme files

* fix typo

* fix typo

* fix the final-state-via options for LRO (#27574)

* Add ControlPlaneOnly enum to ManagedClusterUpgradeSpec (#27491)

* Add ControlPlaneOnly enum to ManagedClusterUpgradeSpec

* add decorator for 2-02 release and fix comments

* fix comment

* fix decorator generation

* fix version commenting

* fix commenting typo

* revise spec comments and consolidate into type comments

* sync to async (#27745)

* [Fleet] 2024-02-02-preview compile with latest compiler (#27750)

* update compiler

* update compiler

* resolve conflicts


Co-authored-by: Allegra Domel <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ChenxiJiang333 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Darren Cohen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: johnkoh-msft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: wangyuantao <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yuantao Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kevin J Kurian <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Albert Cheng <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: steve munk <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sushil490023 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sushil Upadhyay <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Quentin Robinson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: catalinaperalta <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yuchao Yan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: abaranwal-ms <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dapeng Zhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ruoxuan Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: wangbwn <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bo Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: FumingZhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: mwesigwaguma <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: mahakjain314 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: 04diiguyi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yalin Li <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Xinyi Joffre <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Konrad Jamrozik <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Wes Haggard <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ForrestGumb <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun-wei Gan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: besh2014 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: gachauhan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: namalu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nate Malubay <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sazeesha098 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Zeeshan Sayyed <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Robert Lee <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: wenqibu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Heath Stewart <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Weidong Xu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Rhea Jain <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jack Lichwa <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Zao Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: GovardhanaDK <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Govardhana D K <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Peng Jiahui <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ryan Hurey <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: will <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Will Huang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alec Baird <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: tianxinliu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: kulalking <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Deyaaeldeen Almahallawi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Vikas Palaskar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Vikas Palaskar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: jylama-99 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jyoti Lama <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Timothee Guerin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Travis Wilson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jose Alvarez <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Shawn Fang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: shulinwang33 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: JoshLove-msft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: pracagrawal <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: MJ <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Wei Dong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Wei Dong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Cunfeng <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: LDD <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Long Ding (from Dev Box) <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Asaf Levi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Apoorva Singh <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: lilypan26 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nick Keller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Xiaolu Dai <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jeff <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Qingyi Liu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yuwei Zhou <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ninpan-ms <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sandy Cai <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: rohantagaru <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Tomer Shaiman <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: VIPRAY JAIN <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Zhenhua Hu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mark Libby <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: xuhumsft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: kazrael2119 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Qiaoqiao Zhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kushal <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kushal Mehrotra <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Umesh Yadav <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Tanvi Dhope <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: tanvidhope-microsoft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Vineet <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: kkashojjula-msft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Allen Zhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Peng Jiahui <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Xiaofei Cao <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: rthapliyal-msft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Tim Lovell-Smith <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mark Cowlishaw <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Eugene Tolmachev <eugen…
allenjzhang added a commit that referenced this pull request Feb 22, 2024
* Adding New GA Version  (#26953)

* adding new version

* Typspec versioning

* adding in examples

* fixing examples

* formatting

* formatting

* updating deprecated operations

* formatting fixes

* removing breaking changes

* modify image upload body and docs

* fix example

* fixing example

* adding Location to 202 responses

* tsv formatting changes

* removing unnecessary model

* commiting changes

* [TypeSpec Requirement] Handle specs with variable path depths (#27324)

- Fixes #27319

* [TypeSpec-Requirement] Fix typo in github URL to check

* Update (#27330)

* Update

* Update

* Use property name `list` instead of `values` in some models for Python (#27336)

* Johnkoh msft azuredatatransfer data transfer 2023 10 11 preview (#26576)

* Generate new Service for azuredatatransfer

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer from version private
repo version stable/2023-06-28 to public repo version 2023-10-11-preview

* Move Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer to public repo with new api-version

* Add openapi-subtype

* Fix LintDiff errors

* Fix examples validation errors

* Add Data flow type

* Remove additionalProperties

* Rename to performRequest

* Update result and code

* Remove action endpoint, add listApprovedSchemas and validateSchema endpoints

* Minor Fixes of TypeSpec for AOAI On Your Data 2023-12-01-preview /extensions/chat/completions (#27271)

* auth

* restore

* vector db

* fix examples

* fix

* matrix

* fix cosmosdb

* fix pinecone description

* generated


Co-authored-by: Yuantao Wang <[email protected]>

* Update SparkFrontend_SparkBatch_Create.json (#27077)

* [TypeSpec Validation] add support for node 21 and drop 16 (#27247)

* tsv node 21

* parameter

* package logck

* tsv path error message (#27248)

* Correct the version # in the primary tag in the readme (Azure Maps) (#27295)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* updated version and added exclude-file

* reverted changes from preious commit and changed stable version date.

* Changed which data v2 swagger file is being pointed to.

* Added '- Microsoft.Maps/Data/preview/1.0/data.json' to the deprecated tag.

* [TypeSpec Validation] remove job name for pipelines (#27338)

* remove job name

* Update eng/pipelines/typespec-validation.yml

Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>

* Update eng/tools/typespec-validation/ci.yml

Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>

* Update eng/pipelines/typespec-validation-all.yml

Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>


Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>

* Update (#27344)

* Updated examples for public documentation (#27273)

Co-authored-by: Sushil Upadhyay <[email protected]>

* Azure Language add scriptCode, and enums for script Language Detection Results (#26777)

* add scriptCode, and enums for script

* update name for sciptcode

* fixed policheck and spelling issue

* Add new words to custom-words.txt and update Bengala enum

* Fix broken links in Creator  (#27343)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* fixed broken links in Creator.

* [ImageAnalysis] Fix auth implementation (#27361)

* fix auth implementation

* format

* suppress auth warning

* clean up after team discussion

* Update (#27365)

* Update (#27366)

* References to the data service are changed to reference the data registry service. (#27340)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Changed references to the data service to the new data registry service.

* Changed full-URL links to be site-relative links.

* Added words to the override list in cspell.json and ran Prettier check.

* Abaranwal ms edgeorder microsoft.edge order 2024 02 01 (#27145)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.EdgeOrder from version preview/2022-05-01-preview to version 2024-02-01

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Made with changes on top of 2023 preview swagger

* saving examples

* minor: spelling

* replace sub Id with guid

* mark provisionig state readonly

* fix prov details and site details to correct place in hierarchy

* orderItem delete remove 200 code

* Minor - fix model validation

* add suppression

* remove 202 from address delete

* mark as sync

* remove suppression if not needed

* keep address asynch

* changes as per review

* camelCase

* making contact details fields not required

* add address classification field

* rename state to NotInitiated

* remove the save-inputs in jobrouters (#27371)

* Update (#27374)

* Add snowflake v2 linkedService (#26336)

* Add snowflake v2 linkedService

* fix prettier

* update snowflakeV2 linkedService

* fix prettier

* Add snowflake v2 copysource and dataset

* Fix prettier

* Add swagger changes for synapse

* fix prettier

* remove AAD auth

* Update synapse linkedService

* Fix prettier

* snowflakeV2 add service principal auth

* remove dfe-string

* fix prettier check issue

* Minor fix the missing parameters for ingestion API (#27364)

* miss

* chunk size


Co-authored-by: Yuantao Wang <[email protected]>

* Azure Maps - Data service documentation updates to improve the overview pages. (#27370)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* moved retirement note so it does not appear is the overview page. Corrected broken links to data and data v2 API.

* Added suppression to readme for RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC. reason: false positive from oav is breaking our example validation. See azure/oav#1021.

* fixed links

* Fix broken links in user docs (description fields) (#27149)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Fixed broken links that appear in the REST API docs.

* Added suppression RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC. reason: false positive from oav is breaking our example validation. See azure/oav#1021.

* Added suppression RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC.

* [TypeSpec Requirement] Improve check if OpenAPI cannot be parsed as JSON (#27341)

- Fixes #27325

* Update (#27411)

* Fix headers and schema definition (#27180)

Co-authored-by: Bo Wang <[email protected]>

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.ContainerService/aks to add version stable/2023-11-01 (#27026)

* Add nodeSoakDurationInMinutes (#26762)

* update duration properties with "x-ms-format" : "duration-constant" (#27337)

* update duration properties with format

* Documentation fixes for a preview API  (#27350)

* Update examples

* [Hub Generated] Publish private branch 'feature/DP-workspace-key' (#27238)

* Use the previous version as the base

* Add auth header

* fix typo

* Add a description

* fix reference error

* remove fake uri


Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>

* [DocumentIntelligence] Update tsp config for Python (#27423)

* [ChangedFiles-Functions.ps1] Remove unnecessary parenthesis in function call (#27425)

* [Hub Generated] Publish private branch 'feature/RP-workspace-key' (#26968)

* Add new APIs
* update api key names
* add enableAPIkey to workspace property

* Fixed link text for 'pricing tiers' in Azure Maps swagger files. (#27424)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Fixed link text for 'pricing tiers' in Azure Maps swagger files.

* Update ARM review guidance in (#27406)

* Update pull_request_assignment.yml: remove rkmanda from assignees (#26918)

* Update pull_request_assignment.yml: remove rkmanda from assignees

Contributes to:

* Update pull_request_assignment.yml


Co-authored-by: Wes Haggard <[email protected]>

* Remove spatial (#27209)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Removing spatial from the Creator swagger files. It is not used and does not belong there.

* Update (#27454)

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update description of Custom Voice API swagger. (#27438)

* Update description of Custom Voice API swagger.
Add more description about Azure blob URL with SAS.

* Update description of Custom Voice API swagger
Change filter description from HTML to mark down.

* remove en-US in Azure doc link.


Co-authored-by: Jun-wei Gan <[email protected]>

* Added optional deliveryReportTimeoutInSeconds to smsSendOptions. (#27067)

* Added optional validityPeriodSeconds to smsSendOptions.

* Added new api version 2024-02-05 for validityPeriodSeconds.

* Added package-sms-2024-02-05 to

* Moved to Preview.

* Change name to deliveryReportTimeoutInSeconds. Fixed Swagger Validation Report errors.

* Fix broken links for Azure Maps API resulting from TOC changes. (#27443)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* updated URLs to Azure Maps and Azure Maps Creator REST API.

* updated URLs from 'search-v2' to 'search'.

* updated URLs to Azure Maps Creator REST API.

* updated URL to Azure Maps Creator REST API.

* Added 'geocodingresponse' to cspell.json. Also added the 'INVALID_TYPE' Suppression to the Creator Readme (also added in PR27357).

* [Hub Generated] Publish private branch 'gachauhan-iprangenew' (#27329)

* Microsoft.databoxedge 2023-12-01-preview

* Remove "Swagger" from the PR template (#27466)

* disable model flatten for new service (#27380)

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.HealthcareApis to add version stable/2023-12-01 (#26852)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.HealthcareApis from version stable/2023-11-01 to version 2023-12-01

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Added SMART Identity Providers to API version 2023-12-01

* Remove deprecated 'services' related paths, definitions, and examples

* Revert "Remove deprecated 'services' related paths, definitions, and examples"

This reverts commit 45b12eae86fd8a93bac0e79c46e3dcfbeb96d78f.

* Updated SMART identity provider configurations to remove 'additionalProperties'

* Addressed linting error missing x-ms-identifiers

* Limit SmartDataActions to read only


Co-authored-by: Nate Malubay <[email protected]>

* Search preview version 2024-03-01-preview (#27235)

* baseline for preview search 2024-03-01-preview

* Updating the error response

* Update with new preview version

* Support narrow data types

* vectors add stored property

* SpellCheck override for rerank

* Update Support narrow data types

* update descriptions

* Update SpellCheck override

* Swagger PrettierCheck

* api review feedback

* update samples

* update float16 -> half

* Update examples with renamed properties

* Use ErrorResponse from common-types

* Fix the Tag: package-2024-03 in readme

* Address comments


Co-authored-by: Zeeshan Sayyed <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Robert Lee <[email protected]>

* Various improvements to `` (#27484)

* to support SDK auto generation (#27464)

Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>

* Improve Salesforce V2 properties (#27412)

* Route v2 toc (#27500)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Added route v2 preview.

* Creator api summary (#27357)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Removed 'Creator makes it possible to develop applications based on your private indoor map data using Azure Maps API and SDK.' paragraph.

* Added suppression RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC.

* Added suppression RESPONSE_SCHEMA_NOT_IN_SPEC.

* re-did a bunch of stuff due to unknown errors

* Add simple script to create new API versions (#27266)

* [tsconfig.json] Revert accidental changes (#27489)

- Revert changes accidentally merged in #26358

* java, offazurespringboot, update title use singlar App (#27494)

* Rheajain paloaltonetworks palo alto networks.cloudngfw 2024 01 19 preview (#27460)

* Adds base for updating PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw from version preview/2023-10-10-preview to version 2024-01-19-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add SCM changes

* Change api version in examples

* Change response of List of cloud manager tenants

* Add pagination to List SCM tenants API

* Remove skip and top tokens

* Fix property name

* Add skip and top parameters

* Remove SCM related APIs

* change package tag

* Update Custom Voice API swagger. (#27512)

Fix description format issue.

Co-authored-by: Jun-wei Gan <[email protected]>

* Release keyvault microsoft.key vault 7.5 (#27422)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.KeyVault from version preview/7.5-preview.1 to version 7.5

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Adding 2023 09 01 for nginx (#27231)

* Added version of 2023-09-01 for nginx

* Update (#27520)

* disable model flatten (#27511)

* Adding new preview api version for new field (#27382)

* Adding existing files from the latest api version

* adding the new api version under databox.json

* Modified examples

* readme files changes

* fix - path change in read me file

* poli check fix

* resolving PR comments


Co-authored-by: Govardhana D K <[email protected]>

* hardwaresecuritymodules add directive (#27525)

* Naming tweaks for ImageAnalysis (#27296)

* Move TypeScript client into @azure-rest namespace. Change API name from Buffer to ImageData

* Use property name 'list' instead of 'values' for Python

* Update swagger example

* Fix previous commit

Individual mono-repros have green builds with pending PR's based on this change.

Co-authored-by: Darren Cohen <[email protected]>

* Update Route Directions API (#27492)

* firt commit

* update


Co-authored-by: Will Huang <[email protected]>

* Added comment 'Maximum number of categorySet values supported per request is 10', and fixed links to search v1 swagger/API docs. (#27507)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Added comment 'Maximum number of categorySet values supported per request is 10', and fixed links to search v1 swagger/API docs.

* Fixed links.

* URL fixes

* Added words from search v1 to cSpell.json

* C:/Program Files/Git/

* Alec baird desktopvirtualization microsoft.desktop virtualization 2024 01 16 preview (#27396)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization from version preview/2023-11-01-preview to version 2024-01-16-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Added 4 UDP properties to Hostpool

* Updated examples with new properties

* Spelling

* Removed hostpool from naming convention

* Added UDP properties to hostpool PATCH

* Added suppressions that will be fixed prior to next stable, ran prettier

* Ran prettier on examples

* Remove issue and pull request assignment files (#27481)

* turn the MRW feature off explicitly for communication jobrouter (#27539)

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade to 0.52.0 (#27541)

* [docs] Add to "Swagger LintDiff for TypeSpec" (#27451)

* Cognitive Services 2023-10-01-preview update (#26892)

* Fix some typos

* address comments

* address LintDiff

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade http to 0.52.1 (#27548)

* System component added as azure arc profile. (#27519)

* System component added as arc profile

* fixing the lint issues

* api update in examples

* fixing the type

* swagger validation

* pretty fixes

* prettier

* Keeping the default same stable

* Fixed invalid type errors in bbox examples (#27516)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* fixed invalid type errors in bbox examples.

* fixed invalid type errors in bbox examples.

* reverted changes

* enable mrw for jobrouter again (#27543)

* making product description optional in new API version (#27534)

* [OpenAI] Fix ChatCompletionsNamedFunctionToolSelection (#27487)

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade typespec-apiview to 0.4.5 (#27562)

- Support SyntaxKind.TemplateArgument

* Add Token authentication for Single document translator API (#27546)

Co-authored-by: Vikas Palaskar <[email protected]>

* add stable API 2024-02-01 for GA (#27360)

* add stable API 2024-02-01 for GA

* update to remove customization

* fix spelling and refrence

* take out internal api

* fix Swagger Avocado check


Co-authored-by: Jyoti Lama <[email protected]>

* remove placeholder file (#27569)

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade autorest to 0.38.1 (#27568)

* update readme to adapt new autorest (#27571)

Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>

* OpenAI: TypeSpec project for Assistants (#27076)

* Initial public commit for OpenAI Assistants spec

* small typo correction for 'interpeter' -- thank you, spellcheck!

* rename list type for generation clarity; recompile

* client.tsp: suppress visibility of 'list' methods to facilitate plumbing of a common list representation

* Client visibility pass for more nested objects

* include omitted ../data-plane items

* tools pass: model name updates and client.tsp clarification

* very small update: explicit import inclusion for java diagnosis

* Update specification/ai/OpenAI.Assistants/runs/routes.tsp

Co-authored-by: Shawn Fang <[email protected]>

* Update specification/ai/OpenAI.Assistants/runs/routes.tsp

* substantial feedback incorporation, version realignment, removal of interface use

* distinct ThreadInitializationMessage model for one-shot thread/message

* Update specification/ai/OpenAI.Assistants/client.tsp

* [OpenAI-Assistant] Rename some method and model names. (#27456)

* rename some method and model names

* Correct ServiceApiVersion value

* some PR feedback + tsp compile clean

* PR feedback: address needed split of required_action and run_step tool call info

* PR feedback: address newer additional_instructions, model refactor and nullability

* access/visibility updates (mainly C#); fix optionality of additional_instructions

* move @path parameter into UpdateAssistantOptions model

* PR feedback: remove defunct suppression from much older version of deletionstatus

* merge, PR feedback for v2 core update, regen yaml (no downstream impact)


Co-authored-by: Jose Alvarez <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Shawn Fang <[email protected]>

* Add new events for Storage - StorageTasks (#26887)

* Add new events for Storage StorageTasks

* Create storage_task_queued.json

* Create storage_task_completed.json

* Add files via upload

* Add files via upload

* Update storage_task_queued.json

* Update storage_task_completed.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update specification/eventgrid/data-plane/Microsoft.Storage/stable/2018-01-01/Storage.json

Co-authored-by: JoshLove-msft <[email protected]>

* Update example ref

* Create storage_task_assignment_queued.json

* Create storage_task_assignment_completed.json

* Create storage_task_assignment_queued.json

* Create storage_task_assignment_completed.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update Storage.json

* Update Storage.json


Co-authored-by: JoshLove-msft <[email protected]>

* Update mention Teams channel for help with TypeSpec (#27588)

* Add API version 2023-10-01-preview [Import] (#27385)

* Base version 2023-06-06

* 2023-10-01-preview version changes

* 2023-10-01-preview version changes - generate max set examples

* Change provisioning state because of cross-version breaking change

* Fix prettier checks

* Generate max set examples

* Fix prettier checks

* Add min set examples

* Regenerate examples

* Update readme

* remove min set examples and change provisioning state

* revert provisioning state change

* Update readme for SDK generation

* Mjmadhu playwrighttesting playwright service 2023 10 01 preview new (#27132)

* First commit with existing version files in new version folder

* Added new ARM stable api-version for GA

* Readme changes

* Addressed review comments

* Changed data type to float as discussed in the comments

* Added suppression rules for SwaggerLintDiff as per review comment

* Added suppression rules for SwaggerLintDiff as per review comment

* Fix for suppressions not working

* Modified suppression syntax to the new one as per TSG.

* Added paths in suppressions

* Rectifying path for ResourceNameRestriction Suppression

* Paths not working correctly with ResourceNameRestriction suppression

* HDInsight: onboard new apiversion 2023-11-01-preview (#27306)

* onboard new apiversion 2023-11-01-preview

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.HDInsight/HDInsightOnAks from version preview/2023-06-01-preview to version 2023-11-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* move changes from rpaasmaster branch

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* Update specification/hdinsight/resource-manager/Microsoft.HDInsight/HDInsightOnAks/preview/2023-11-01-preview/hdinsight.json

Co-authored-by: Cunfeng <[email protected]>

* update examples (#27495)

Co-authored-by: Long Ding (from Dev Box) <[email protected]>

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix comment


Co-authored-by: Wei Dong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Cunfeng <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: LDD <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Long Ding (from Dev Box) <[email protected]>

* [Azure AI - Health Insights] - Typespec revision for Health Insights API Version 2 (#27223)

* Health Insights API Version 2

* add custom_words

* update radiology insights doc descriptions

* misspell

* add java service-name option to emit the service name

* update openAPI spec. misspell

* model is Element instead of extends element

* Fhir.R4 namespace as PascalCase

* Fix: workaround - force order resolution

* fix: suppression to get additionalProperties. DomainResource is Resource

* suppress  in patient timeline to get additionalProperties

* [Health Insights] Project structure updates (#27545)

* move main files under service dir

* regen openapi + move examples

* update client.tsp files

* tsp format

* update tspconfig.yaml

* use clientName decorator to decorate Fhir_R4 models

* Operation types as  camelCase

* replace projectedName with clientName

* model extends Element - same as FHIR spec

* move clientName to client.tsp

* fix: clientName - typename

* fix: token-expected: ';'

* remove import,  typespec-client-generator-core

* tsp format

* fix: LRO response schema to include result

* add @clientName to all models

* replace decimal with decimal128, add RI sample

* replace decimal128 with float64

* tsp format

* suppress AvoidAnonymousTypes

* comment clientName decorators

* comment clientName decorators

* comment clientName decorator for RI client.tsp

* Add projectedName

* move projectedName to client.tsp

* fix: projectedName on client

* updat tspconfig.yaml

* move service.tsp

* update ref

* revert structure changes

* move examples

* tspconfig


Co-authored-by: catalinaperalta <[email protected]>

* [] Add known issues to "Swagger LintDiff for TypeSpec" (#27573)

* Adding new version 2024-01-01-preview for updating monitor Properties (#27462)

* Base API commit

* Changing version to new 2024-01-01-preview

* Adding additional parameters to MonitorProperties and updating example

* Updating

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.ContainerService/aks to add version preview/2023-11-02-preview (#27431)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.ContainerService/aks from version preview/2023-10-02-preview to version 2023-11-02-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* update readme (#26753)

* Add Trusted Launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile (#26850)

* add trusted launch fields to AgentPoolSecurityProfile

* fix link to docs

* add new words to cspell.json

* fix links to docs again


Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>

* Replace "GuardrailsProfile" with "SafeguardsProfile", add ListSafeguardsVersions entities (#26798)

* Update

Reverting global tag to stable GA version for SDK release

* Change guardrails to safeguards

* clean up remaining references

* fix casing

* Add back guardrailsVersions

* Fix typos


Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>

* Add scheduled events data object. (#26774)

* Add eventDetails to ScheduledEventProperties.


Co-authored-by: lilypan26 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Lily Pan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nick Keller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Sun <[email protected]>

* Add AppPlatform 2024-01-01-preview (#27113)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.AppPlatform from version preview/2023-11-01-preview to version 2024-01-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* add cspell exclusion (#26987)

* Add option for Application Configuration Service refresh interval (#26943)

* add the option for acs refresh interval
* refine description and complete examples

* feat: Add Java 21 (#26946)

* add buildpacks version (#26933)

* Update appplatform.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_Get.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_List.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_CreateOrUpdate.json

* Update language specific for 2024-01-01-preview api version (#27041)

* Cherry latest stable branch change to preview API version (#27063)

* e94094bf12e543d04e6d90efabcd5d00e872a12e

* 4a35b74f7b7ba2ef67f63f4c3389fc47a8f4b0e0

* f3e4338a5c5702982a0ca0e82f7bfeb0745d00a1

* 4a35b74f7b7ba2ef67f63f4c3389fc47a8f4b0e0

* a92c321d8a5fc30820f0f7741e8becc631b5d3bb

* 9a93245d7a8827bc6aeebd2a94e76c92df6bae55

* a693dc6e0df2cabd0815df21a3ab1fa5e6529c7a

* fix lint

* fix lint

* add buildpacks version (#27061)

* Update appplatform.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_Get.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_List.json
* Update BuildServiceBuilder_CreateOrUpdate.json
* Update BuildService_GetSupportedBuildpack.json

* Update (#27095)

* Short lived app support (#26958)

* Short lived app support
* Rename type to kind

* add cancelled (#1)

* Add testEndpointAuthState to AppResourceProperties (#26938)

* add disable test endpoint auth to AppResourceProperties
* Update Apps_CreateOrUpdate_VNetInjection.json
* Update Apps_CreateOrUpdate.json
* Update Apps_Get.json
* Update Apps_Get_VNetInjection.json
* Update Apps_List.json
* Update Apps_List_VNetInjection.json
* Update Apps_SetActiveDeployments.json
* Update Apps_Update.json
* Update Apps_Update_VNetInjection.json
* use enum for test endpoint auth

* remove api version from

* revert short lived app API (#27196)

* adding version for python sdk temporarily for python sdk generation


Co-authored-by: Jeff <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Qingyi Liu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yuwei Zhou <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ninpan-ms <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sandy Cai <[email protected]>

* Azure Deployment Manager is being decommissioned. Deleting the Rest API Specs related to ADM (#26818)

* updating preview tag (#27555)

* adding preview to 2023-11 tag

* update tag

* update tag in yaml

* Patch Common-Types/Private Links V6 with Pageable Options (#27620)

* adding paggable options for privatelinks common types

* prettier

* Adding new stable version "2024-01-01" (#27627)

* New stable version 2024-01-01

* ReadMe changes

* first commit (#27598)

Co-authored-by: Will Huang <[email protected]>

* Update comment.yml: get rid of CI-MissingBaseCommit (#27622)

* OpenAI Assistants: fix required_action function representation (#27638)

* OpenAI Assistants: fix required_action function representation, clarify models

* PR feedback: incorporate doc mention of argument JSON format

* add round trip rules (#27623)

* Mobile packet core service (#27517)

* Mobile packet core service

* Update the list by XXX descriptions

* Xuhumsft securityinsights insights 2023 12 01 preview (#27214)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.SecurityInsights from version preview/2023-10-01-preview to version 2023-12-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* [SupportSubTechniques] - Add sub techniques to swagger.

* apply changes of 11-01-stable version to the 12-01-preview

* resolve breaking changes

* healthinsights, fix tspconfig on java emitter options (#27646)

* [astro] disable flatten (#27649)

* Create

* Update

* Update

* update the basic version and add

* Update specification/liftrastronomer/resource-manager/

Co-authored-by: Qiaoqiao Zhang <[email protected]>


Co-authored-by: kazrael2119 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Qiaoqiao Zhang <[email protected]>

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.Migrate/AssessmentProjects to add version preview/2023-04-01-preview (#26489)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.Migrate/AssessmentProjects from version stable/2023-03-15 to version 2023-04-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* 1. Microsoft.Migrate 2023-04-01-preview swagger - Initial commit

* 1. Added Business case examples

* 1. Prettier check on examples

* 1. Swagger json Prettier fix

* 1. Added WebAppV2 examples

* 1. Renaming Web App file names

* 1. Adding examples for WebAppV2 and AKS

* 1. Fixed swagger and examples for Business case

* 1. Updated bcs swagger and examples

* 1. Added resourceId in Business case list

* 1. Fixed custom words

* 1. Resolve spellcheck

* 1. Fix model validation check for Business case

* 1. Added custom words

* Fix Model Validation Errors for AKS

* updated few examples

* Update WebAppAssessmentOptionsOperations_ListByAssessmentProject_MaximumSet_Gen.json

Updated webAppAssessmentOptions

* Add and Update AKS Swagger Examples

* Update Swagger File with Latest Changes

* Fix Prettier Check

* Updating examples

* update

* 1. Updated swagger

* 1. Moved to types version v5

* 1. Fixed Business case validation for Get and Create

* 1. Updated Business case Delete to sync operation

* 1. Updated Business case delete response code in examples

* Fix Prettier Check

* 1. Added AKS changes in swagger

* 1. Fixed prettier check in swagger

* Fix Model Validation Errors for AKS

* 1. Updated AVSOnly

* 1. Reverted custome-words.txt. This change needs to be taken right before activating the PR

* 1. Model validation fixes for previous version

* 1. Updated PrivateEndpointConnections examples

* 1. Updated PE fix

* 1. Updated PE examples

* 1. Fixed Hotfix changes from previous version

* 1. Fixed version typo

* 1. Fixed Duplicate Key issue

* Update Swagger with POS Core and AKS Changes

* Add visibility read to Immutable Models in AKS and POS Core Swagger

* Fix Model Validation Errors for AKS

* 1. Updated custom-words list for spellcheck

* 1. Added custom word

* 1. Linux Ahub changes

* 1. Fixed prettier check

* 1. Updated businesscases to camelCase

* 1. Updated swagger to use the same enum for Ahub

* 1. Updated links from v4 to v5

* 1. Resolved custom-words conflict

* update comments

* update

* Update description for readonly properties for AKS

* 1. Resolve ProvisioningState readonly issues

* 1. Resolve ProxyResource readonly issue

* Update Swagger with Latest Changes from AKS

* Update PUT AKS Example

* 1. Custom-words update

* 1. Added lint suppressions

* 1. Fixed indentation issue in readme

* 1. Edited Readme

* 1. Updated Readme

* 1. Fixed Lintdiff

* 1. Manually adding provisioningState at the resource property level

* 1. Reverting the manual addition for readOnly in provisioningState

* 1. Typespec generated provisioningState resolution

* 1. Updated provisioningState and example

* 1. Updated WebAppAssessmentV2 Create example to remove provisioningState in PUT call

* 1. Updated WebAppCollector to use provisioningState readonly

* 1. Updated WebAppCollectorOperations_Create_MaximumSet_Gen

* 1. Removed unused model from Swagger

* 1. Remove suppression check

* 1. Applied suppression for AvoidAdditionalProperties
2. Fixed camelCasing in examples

* 1. Removed custom words

* 1. Updated description for POS

* 1. Changed location modelling from Enum to string.

* 1. Updated camelCasing
2. Updated cSpell.json
3. Updated custom-words.txt

* 1. Fixed descriptions


Co-authored-by: Kushal Mehrotra <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Umesh Yadav <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Tanvi Dhope <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: tanvidhope-microsoft <[email protected]>

* Mjmadhu playwrighttesting playwright service 2023 10 01 preview cp (#27611)

* Base commit to add new version folders

* Moving unrequired stable version back to preview

* Update python readme (#27504)

Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>

* fix Nsp link properties description (#27601)

* fix link spec

* updated examples

* fix pretty

* Introducing service group for orbital (aogs and aodg) (#27582)

* Introducing service group for orbital (aogs and aodg)

* Updated path to common-types

* Updated tag

* changing folder structure

* Moved from Id to a ResourceReference object

* Updated descriptions

* Updated id to resourceId

* Updated examples

* Revert "Updated examples"

This reverts commit 0f5604a0bc53a715bc2e119d6fc4863ec441a4dc.

* Revert "Updated id to resourceId"

This reverts commit 8d31746216d949562d31c2a98b7ccc13c7557adf.

* TypeSpec conversion for Purview Policy (#26460)

* Initial Purview Policy TypeSpec conversion

* Update examples

* Fixing doc, ProxyResource and other fixes

* Fixing output

* Fixing example values

* fix example values

* Fixing addition of name

* Fixing prettier on example json

* Adding {scope} backcompat override

* Fix model validation

* Fixing model errors

* Fixing format error

* Work around scope size bug

* Update for SDK generation (#27664)

* Update

* add


Co-authored-by: Peng Jiahui <[email protected]>

* disable model flatten for service Azure Large Instance&HDInsight Container (#27613)

* disable-flatten

* Create

* Create

* Update

* update


Co-authored-by: Weidong Xu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Xiaofei Cao <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: kazrael2119 <[email protected]>

* [Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.RecoveryServices to add version stable/2023-08-01 (#26302)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.RecoveryServices from version stable/2023-06-01 to version 2023-08-01

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add example for DelteInfra API

* Add reference to new API in service file/ Update A2A EnableProtection input

* Fix semantic errors

* Fix naming convention issue

* Adding default response for the new API

* Fix: Swagger LintDiff errors

* Fix: Swagger LintDiff errors

* Fix: minor typo

* Fix: default error schema

* Fix: default error schema

* Fix: Remove 204 response code as per ARM guideline

* Fix: Swagger PrettierCheck errors

* Fix spellcheck issue

* Address comments

* Address comments

* Revert "Address comments"

This reverts commit 0087c5db206c0448d9b413de742229f23a70bd76.

* Add 200 response

* Address comments

* Revert "Address comments"

This reverts commit 9c9a8735d7aa3e02d6b00dcf968b48ea41f0c230.

* Remove 200 response


Co-authored-by: Tim Lovell-Smith <[email protected]>

* TSP Conversion for Microsoft.ApiCenter (#27618)

* TSP Conversion for Microsoft.ApiCenter

* Changing parameter names in json

* Changed parameter for Services.CreateOrUpdate

* Fixing formatting

* Fix example properties

* [EventGrid] Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds events (#24015)

* Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds events

* linting

* remove datastore events for now

* rename version/dir to preview and exclude examples

* SDK review feedback

* change dict type definition

* versioning

* Properties->Data

* update (#27679)

* Adding E5 SKU to stable branch for GA release (#27656)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.Cache from version stable/2023-11-01 to version 2024-02-01

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add E5 to stable branch for GA release

* update events with metadata (#27137)

* Update

Reverting global tag to stable GA version for SDK release

* adding metadata to missing events

* Revert "adding metadata to missing events"

This reverts commit 9c149b5052173b752c5981fcf6a81f8b4ad1a8cc.

* adding metadata to missing events

* merged from master

* fixing conflict

* resolving conflicts

* removing unwanted code


Co-authored-by: Jooneil Ahn <[email protected]>

* Feature/datamap tsp (#26702)

* initial commit

* update attr

* add security scheme

* Update models.tsp

* update

* Update models.tsp

* update

* update examples

* update

* update

* update

* Update routes.tsp

* update

* Update routes.tsp

* Update tspconfig.yaml

* update interface name

* update query parameter to non-requried and correct int mdoel

* correct response status code from 204 to 200

* Create openapi.json

* update typo

* Update openapi.json

* update

* update examples

* update examples

* update

* update examples

* update

* update example

* update businessMetadata

* Update purviewdatamap.json

* Update custom-words.txt

* Update purviewdatamap.json

* update searchoperator filter

* update import examples

* update

* Update Search Filters (#26837)

* update

* Delete openapi.json

* add @client

* Update routes.tsp

* Update routes.tsp

* Update tspconfig.yaml

* Update main.tsp

* Update specification/purview/Azure.Analytics.Purview.DataMap/main.tsp

Co-authored-by: catalinaperalta <[email protected]>

* updated

* Update models.tsp

* update error response

* Update models.tsp

* update descriptions

* run tsp format

* Create openapi.json

* update

* add api version

* updated

* guid is not required

* update examples

* update search filter

* update model name

* updated

* update client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* update client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* update client.tsp

* update

* Update main.tsp

* Rename models by comments

rename xxContent to xxOptions
rename ContactBasic
rename SearchRequsetTaxonomySetting

* Update openapi.json

* client/method renaming

bulk -> batch
remove unique
using operation group
guid -> id

* Update client.tsp

* fix casing problem

* update comments

* update

* update discovery

* update

* fix example bug

* update partalUpdates

* update query parameter overwrite

* Update attr to attribute

* Update partialUpdates

* align using body parameter

* Update Glossary_PartialUpdateCategory.json

* revert update examples in original example folder

* Revert "revert update examples in original example folder"

This reverts commit 867767b5dc69f259596e6379aa33617dc6b56d7f.

* Update Glossary_PartialUpdateCategory.json

* Revert "Update Glossary_PartialUpdateCategory.json"

This reverts commit d31fe8aa07e5076cf6e3299c3a9123681ebabd23.

* Revert "Revert "revert update examples in original example folder""

This reverts commit 8f7003247f3d435dc8c80188cb8a5ade814aa137.

* Delete openapi.json

* fix typeSpec validation error

* Update purviewdatamap.json

* Update purviewdatamap.json

* update

* update

* update

* update

* Update models.tsp

* Update models.tsp

* Update

* Update

* update

* update

* Update openapi.json

* move to cSpell.json

* update examples

* update examples

* fix api doc preview

* update csharp naming

* update

* Update client.tsp

* keep purviewdatamap.json

* Update

* test for csharp operation group name

* Update routes.tsp

* Update routes.tsp

* fix comments

* Update routes.tsp

* move to client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* Update client.tsp

* update api version query parameter

* update api version query parameter

* update

* set the body for label API to align with the GA swagger doc

* Update api version query parameter

* update for comments

* update

* Update routes.tsp

* update the createTime/updateTIme for an issue in csharp generator

* Revert "update the createTime/updateTIme for an issue in csharp generator"

This reverts commit a9e8ec26f7d01788c8b94c582a7de0b82c00ce66.

* update with safeint

* update to encodeName


Co-authored-by: Catalina Peralta <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: yaleiZhao <[email protected]>

* Resolving 2023-05-01 swagger validation errors for Azure Firewall examples. (#27403)

* Added missing id property to some example resources. Added headers with locations to long-running operation examples.

* Added some missing information on some response object typings regarding the location property used in long-running operations.

* Fixed a possible typo 'azure-async-operation' to 'azure-asyncoperation' (removed a hyphen).

* Ran prettier against azureFirewall.json

* Bug fix: Remove maxLeng on ScopeParameter (#27616)

* Add issue templates for question, bug, and feature request (#27610)

* Add issue templates for question, bug, and feature request

* Added labels to bug and feature request templates

* Update .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/01_question.yml

Co-authored-by: Konrad Jamrozik <[email protected]>

* Update .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/01_question.yml

Co-authored-by: Konrad Jamrozik <[email protected]>

* Updates to the Spec and Version inputs


Co-authored-by: Konrad Jamrozik <[email protected]>

* Update clusterservice.tsp (#27684)

Removal of test description that was accidentally retained during the last review

* [TypeSpec] Upgrade to 0.53.0 (#27677)

- Includes openapi updates as reactions to:
  - Azure/typespec-azure#152
  - Azure/typespec-azure#176

* Add clarity to Search v1 API regarding `municipality` vs. `localName`. (#27685)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Add clarity to Search vs API regarding  vs. . See

* [TypeSpec Validation] Fail fast if "npm install" fails (#27678)

- Fixes #25145

* Mvvsubbu databricks microsoft.databricks 2024 02 01 preview (#27607)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.Databricks from version preview/2023-09-15-preview to version 2024-02-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Adding Swagger Spec for Private DBFS

* Reverting Package Tag Change

* Changing Package Tag

* Fixing the comments for PR

* Fixing format id violations

* Fixing format error

* paloaltonetworks - Add Strata Cloud Manager APIs (#27681)

* Add base for updating PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw from version preview/2024-01-19-review to version 2024-02-07-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add SCM APIs in swagger

* Update examples

* Fix api version in example

* Changed model name ProductSerialNumberRequestStatus

* add directive to match parameter name (#27693)

* update parameter name in examples

* Revert "update parameter name in examples"

This reverts commit ebba370244263a5acb24ee28cde1ed68babd4348.

* update

* update

* Add api version 2024-02-15-preview of Azure OpenAI (#27669)

* Add api version 2024-02-15-preview of Azure OpenAI

* Fix spelling issues

* More spelling fixes

* Fix/align property names

* minor fixes

* Add examples for assistant apis (#27699)

* Add assistant examples

* add ref to examples

* run prettier


Co-authored-by: Shruti <[email protected]>

* Compute GalleryRP release 2023-07-03 (#27518)

* copy over old api version to new folder

* new api version

readme api version

* Cplat 2023-07-03 (#27590)

* add virtualmachineid field and make comment more generic

* remove extra whitespace


Co-authored-by: tiregan <[email protected]>

* [TypeSpec] Bump compiler, openapi3 and autorest version with union hotfix (#27707)

* Adding new api version 2024-01-01-preview (#27419)

* Base Commit

* Updating Elastic json

* Added Examples and version Update

* Updated readme

* Model Validation Update 1

* More Fixes

* Fixing Model Properties

* More Fixes

* Prettier fixes

* Prettier fix 2

* adding subscription state in monitor properties

* reverting package-lock json

* reverting package-lock json

* Adding one more API path

* Fixing errors in new path 1

* Fixing Lint errors

* fixing arm comments 1

* Fixing swagger errors

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing errors

* Fixing errors

* Adding suppression

* Fixing suppression

* Fixing suppression 2


Co-authored-by: Rhea Hooda <[email protected]>

* Added customizations for pagination models (#27683)

* Added customizations for pagination models

* Added stream-style-serialization and removed redundant option

* Revert "Added stream-style-serialization and removed redundant option"

This reverts commit 27615fdb353c7326a03e44a83cbe1492896ca1af.

* Fix incorrect tag name in comment. (#27741)

* Update package.json (#27747)

* Replace `@projectedName("json"` -> `@encodedName("application/json"` (#27740)

* Release machinelearningservices microsoft.machine learning services 2024 01 01 preview shadow (#27320)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.MachineLearningServices from version preview/2023-08-01-preview to version 2024-01-01-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* Add MachineLearningService workspace publish API and datareference API to 2024-01-preview (#26495)

* Add MachineLearningService workspace publish API and datareference API to 2024-01-preview

* minimize diffs

* fix 200 response definitions

* fix example api version values

* one more example version fix

* Fix post uri

* Revert "Fix post uri"

This reverts commit 7b1f10ae0f9dcf8ed121485136a3eca2d3ca6aa7.

* add suppression

* add path_on_compute for 20240101 preview mfe.json (#26447)

Merging to release branch

* after discussion and delete unnecessary path_on_compute from literl input (#26750)

* Add updateDataMounts API to 2024-01-01-preview (#26320)

* Add updateDataMounts API to 2024-01-01-preview

* Fix api-version in example

* Add field mountMode

* MoMo contract align public preview and GA (#26703)

* Rearrange Parameters in mfe.json-Jan 2024 Preview  (#26799)

* Update mfe.json

* Updated mfe.json with prettier check changes

* Updated mfe.json to address new lint diff errors

* Updated mfe.json with rearranged parameters

* Managed resource group settings for registries (#27065)

added MRG settings.

* Add azureml schedule trigger once arm API contract in 2024-01-01-preview (#27116)

* Add azureml schedule trigger once arm API contract in 2024-01-01-preview

* Fix error

* Prettier

* Fix wording and update sample value.

* Update

* fix-spellcheckErrors-Jan24Preview (#27299)

* Remove Default Value to match with GA (#27429)

* Add FineTuning Job contracts. (#27469)

* Add FT Job contracts.

* Fix prettier.

* Fix issues.

* Fix spell check.

* prettier fixes.

* Fix examples.

* Fix gates.

* Fix gate.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* fix.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Update.

* Fix.

* Update the type to be Dictionary<string,string>

* Fix comment.

* Suppress AvoidAdditionalProperties

* Correction.

* Fix.

* Fix

* try fix.

* Fix

* Fix.

* Fix

* Fix

* fix.

* Fix

* Fix.

* Fix.

* Fix

* Fix

* Fix comment.

* Fix.

* try

* Fix linter error.

* Fix


Co-authored-by: Sagar Sumant <[email protected]>

* Update workspaceRP 2024-01-01-preview swagger (#27194)

* Update swagger

* Update format

* update version

* fix spell check

* Update format and example

* Update example name

* Update format

* Fix model validation

* Update example

* Update format

* fix some lint error

* update some response

* Update swagger

* Update policy related API

* Fix policy api and example

* Update parameter

* Update

* Update example

* Address comments

* format and update example

* Add one description

* Fix one fomat

* Update example and some missing places

* small fix

* Address comments

* Update example

* Update example

* Update example and descriptions

* Remove HubPolicy Apis in this version

* remove unused definition

* Add back ComputeRuntimeDto

* update with feedback

* Update example

* Update response shema

* downgrade back to v3 common type

* Update suppression

* try update suppression

* suppress with smaller scope

* update suppressions location

* Update suppression and copy cogservice schema

* Update ref

* Update suppression path

* add more larger scope for suppression

* Update suppression

* Add MarketplaceSubscriptions, update ServerlessEndpoints in Microsoft.MachineLearningServices 2024-01-01-preview Staging Branch (#27426)

* add MarketplaceSubscription API

* add examples

* lintDiff, Prettier, and ModelValidation fixes

* remove now-undefined 200 from delete.json

* prettier fix, again

* add ServerlessEndpoint contract changes

* spell check fix

* prop rename serverlessEndpointState -> endpointState

* mark MarketplaceSubscriptionProvisioningState definition as readOnly: true


Co-authored-by: chaoyu-msft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yang Cao <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Zhaoyang Li <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: yuacheng35 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ragovada <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: adyada <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Peng Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sagarsumant <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sagar Sumant <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ZhidaLiu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Teddy Todorov <[email protected]>

* added fttraidlevel in avssummary (#27686)

* added fttraidlevel in avssummary

* changed fttType to string type

* changed the fttRaid to enum type


Co-authored-by: Venkat Jakka <[email protected]>

* Add Azure Programmable Connectivity dataplane APIs (#26922)

* Move initial work over from private repo

* Add some more TODOs

* Fix location API - Remove MaxAge parameter

* Resolve TODOs

* fix pipeline issues

* markups

* markups

* markups

* make extenrla id also consistant with strucutre

* fix formatting

* Add Device to SimSwapVerifyRequest, and make IP addresses optional in LocationVerifyRequest

* change the scope URL to

* change scopein openapi.json to as well

* Adding python config to tspconfig.yaml

* change endpoint casing and fix formatting

* update examples

* fix typo

* add c sharp

* rename some variables because .net generatiopn is complaining about it. Request>content and response>Result

* some more replaces

* Fix single word classes:

Single word class names are too generic and have high chance of collision with BCL types or types from other libraries

* try adding veriosning

* try adding ver

* fix date

* replace NetworkDevice >>> NetworkRetrieveResult

* Typespec validation pass

* replace older version with current one

* Further pipeline fixing

* use proper nouns, and do easy changes

* camel case

* replace *Interface with base path of the API

* Retrieve>Retrieval

* blankline

* rename some variables

* new lines prettier

* number interface > number verification

* new lines

* blank lines

* Add deprecation notice

* remove enums and add response header

* remove devicenetworkidentifier, as it's duplicate, change long/latitude to doubles

* Make ApcError an extension of Azure.Core.Foundations.Error

* Number verification updates for frontend auth

* ImplDocument number verification in typespec

* Remove python and .net sdk configuration, pending resolution of namespace discussions

* Update date of api version

* Some pipeline wrangling

* Remove NumberVerification retrieval APIs as they will not be implemented for public preview; add suppression of ValidResponseCodeRequired

* Add back Python SDK after fixes to autogen

* Improve docstrings, try to localize suppressions


Co-authored-by: Jamie Ford <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ella Bridgett-Tomkinson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Aron Hegedus <[email protected]>

* Corrected the "Pricing Tiers" link text (#27752)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* Fix link to [pricing tiers].

* Fix link to [pricing tiers] in render v1 swagger file, and corrected the link in the readme to render v1.

* Convert ARM TSP from enum to union (#27749)

* Mark MOE API Contract MaxQueueWait as deprecated (#27688)

* Update mfe.json

* Update mfe.json

* Update mfe.json

* Adding new stable API version 2024-03-01 for Microsoft.Elastic (#27735)

* Base API Commit

* Updating the API version to 2024-03-01 in the new stable version files

* Updating with 2024-03-01

* Updating version path

* Poli check macao sar (#27755)

* Update Common/stable/2023-06-01

current: Common/stable/2023-07-01
Updated: Common/stable/2023-06-01

* PoliCheck issue, changed 'Macao' to 'Macao SAR'.

* Changed ROC to Taiwan as per PoliCheck (

* Changed 'Saigon' to 'Ho Chi Minh City' as per PoliCheck (

* Changed 'Rangoon' to 'Yangon (Rangoon)' as per PoliCheck (

* Changed 'Chungking' to 'Chongqing' as per PoliCheck (

* [CosmosDB] Microsoft.DocumentDB 2024-02-15-preview API version (#27399)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.DocumentDB from version preview/2023-11-15-preview to version 2024-02-15-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* update duration format to resolve .net sdk track2 error (#27586)

* update duration format to resolve .net sdk track2 error

* use x-ms-format duration-constant

* RestoreParameter's new property: RestoreWithTTLDisabled (#27448)

* Add restoreWithTTLDisabled parameter to restoreParameterBase and to examples

* Fix json synax - extra comma

* Fix json synax - extra comma

* Fix swagger lintDiff property name camel case issue

* Revert back to all cap TTL

* Revert to camel casing

* swagger changes for perregion autoscale (#27455)

* swagger changes for perregion autoscale

* default to true in examples


Co-authored-by: Kushal Warke <[email protected]>

* Add DTS complete API (#27633)

Co-authored-by: Nitesh Vijay <[email protected]>

* Resolve review comments for DTS (#27730)

* Update dataTransferService.json

* Fix model validation

* update path to ./cosmos-db.json (#27753)

* update x-ms-force-deallocate header type to string (#27765)


Co-authored-by: minhokang242 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kushal Warke <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kushal Warke <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nitesh Vijay <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nitesh Vijay <[email protected]>

* [Hub Generated] Publish private branch 'eatkimchee-rpsaasmaster-fist-Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense-2024-01-10' (#27644)

* add or modify files

* fix readme tag

* Removed unpublished api tags from readme

* Fixing Package Version Tag (#27769)

* Adds base for updating Microsoft.ContainerService/fleet from version preview/2023-08-15-preview to version 2024-02-02-preview

* Updates readme

* Updates API version in new specs and examples

* [Fleet] UpdateRun manual skip (#27323)

* manual skip API

* copied examples

* fix typo

* fix example

* add missing examples

* add missing examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* fix examples

* add fleet hub profile back

* custom-words

* [Fleet][UpdateRun] Rename skip target (#27449)

* rename skip target

* identifier

* fix examples

* format

* [Fleet] 2024-02-02-preview Readme files (#27499)

* readme files

* fix typo

* fix typo

* fix the final-state-via options for LRO (#27574)

* Add ControlPlaneOnly enum to ManagedClusterUpgradeSpec (#27491)

* Add ControlPlaneOnly enum to ManagedClusterUpgradeSpec

* add decorator for 2-02 release and fix comments

* fix comment

* fix decorator generation

* fix version commenting

* fix commenting typo

* revise spec comments and consolidate into type comments

* sync to async (#27745)

* [Fleet] 2024-02-02-preview compile with latest compiler (#27750)

* update compiler

* update compiler

* [Fleet] 2024-02-02-preview resolve conflicts (#27760)

* resolve conflicts

* resolve conflicts

* resolve conflicts

* updated package-lock


Co-authored-by: Allegra Domel <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mike Harder <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ChenxiJiang333 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Darren Cohen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: johnkoh-msft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: wangyuantao <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yuantao Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kevin J Kurian <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Albert Cheng <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: steve munk <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sushil490023 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sushil Upadhyay <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Quentin Robinson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: catalinaperalta <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yuchao Yan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: abaranwal-ms <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dapeng Zhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ruoxuan Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: wangbwn <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bo Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: FumingZhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: mwesigwaguma <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: mahakjain314 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: 04diiguyi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yi Gu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yalin Li <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Xinyi Joffre <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Konrad Jamrozik <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Wes Haggard <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ForrestGumb <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun-wei Gan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: besh2014 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: gachauhan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: namalu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nate Malubay <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sazeesha098 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Zeeshan Sayyed <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Robert Lee <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: wenqibu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Heath Stewart <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Weidong Xu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Rhea Jain <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jack Lichwa <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Zao Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: GovardhanaDK <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Govardhana D K <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Peng Jiahui <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ryan Hurey <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: will <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Will Huang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alec Baird <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: tianxinliu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: kulalking <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Deyaaeldeen Almahallawi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Vikas Palaskar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Vikas Palaskar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: jylama-99 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jyoti Lama <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Timothee Guerin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Travis Wilson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jose Alvarez <[email protected]>
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