A Toast UI Editor field for Laravel Nova.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require bbs-lab/nova-toast-ui-editor-field
The package will automatically register itself.
You can publish the config-file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BbsLab\NovaToastUiEditorField\FieldServiceProvider" --tag="config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
use BbsLab\NovaToastUiEditorField\Enums\ToastUiEditType;
use BbsLab\NovaToastUiEditorField\Enums\ToastUiPreviewStyle;
return [
'allowIframe' => (bool) env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_ALLOW_IFRAME', false),
'height' => env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_HEIGHT', 'auto'),
'hideModeSwitch' => (bool)env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_HIDE_MODE_SWITCH', false),
'initialEditType' => env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_INITIAL_EDIT_TYPE', ToastUiEditType::WYSIWYG->value),
'language' => env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_LANGUAGE', 'en-US'),
'minHeight' => env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_MIN_HEIGHT', '300px'),
'plugins' => ['chart', 'tableMergedCell', 'uml', 'colorSyntax', 'codeSyntaxHighlight'],
'previewStyle' => env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_PREVIEW_STYLE', ToastUiPreviewStyle::TAB->value),
'toolbarItems' => [
'usageStatistics' => (bool)env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_USAGE_STATISTICS', false),
'useCloudinary' => (bool) env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_USE_CLOUDINARY', false),
'cloudinary' => [
'cloud_name' => env('CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME', ''),
'api_key' => env('CLOUDINARY_API_KEY', ''),
'api_secret' => env('CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET', ''),
'username' => env('CLOUDINARY_USERNAME', ''),
'useCommandShortcut' => (bool)env('TOAST_UI_EDITOR_USE_COMMAND_SHORTCUT', true),
You can use the BBSLab\NovaToastUiEditorField\ToastUiEditor
field in your Nova resource:
namespace App\Nova;
use BBSLab\NovaToastUiEditorField\ToastUiEditor;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class BlogPost extends Resource
// ...
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
// ...
// ...
The field will store the markdown content in the database.
You may use the dependsOn
method to conditionally display the field based on the value of another field. See the example below:
namespace Workbench\App\Nova;
use BbsLab\NovaToastUiEditorField\Enums\ToastUiEditType;
use BbsLab\NovaToastUiEditorField\Enums\ToastUiLanguage;
use BbsLab\NovaToastUiEditorField\ToastUiEditor;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Boolean;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\FormData;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\ID;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Text;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest;
class Post extends Resource
public static $model = \Workbench\App\Models\Post::class;
public static $title = 'title';
public static $search = [
'id', 'title',
public function fields(NovaRequest $request): array
return [
->rules('required', 'max:255'),
Boolean::make('Has Content')
->dependsOn('has_content', function (ToastUiEditor $field, NovaRequest $request, FormData $formData) {
if ($formData->has_content) {
} else {
More information about dependent fields can be found in the official documentation.
You may configure the underlying Toast UI Editor instance with the following field's methods. Checkout Toast UI - Vue Editor documentation.
You may also configure defaults in config-file.
height(string $height)
hideModeSwitch(bool $hideModeSwitch = true)
initialEditType(ToastUiEditType $editType)
language(ToastUiLanguage $language)
minHeight(string $minHeight)
plugins(array $plugins)
previewStyle(ToastUiPreviewStyle $previewStyle)
toolbarItems(array $toolbarItems)
usageStatistics(bool $usageStatistics = true)
useCommandShortcut(bool $useCommandShortcut = true)
allowIframe(bool $allowIframe = true)
useCloudinary(bool $useCloudinary = true)
You must configure your Cloudinary credentials as described in nova-toast-ui-editor-field config file.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on recent changes.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.