The "Search-Engine-and-Crawler" folder was cloned from divyanshch: The original crawler can be found in separates tasks into functions, implements logging, URL-cleaning etc. utilizes simple string searches instead of the BeautifulSoup library to find new links
The "Scraper" folder utilizes the same principles as the crawler but combines it with a string search on pages in a single web domain to output a result of searching for keywords instead of saving all pages it encounters. The "Scraper" folder has migrated and the scripts have been moved to the root of the repository i.e. here.
virtualenv -p python3.5 env3.5
pip install requests
pip install bs4
pip install tldextract
pip install html5
pip install pandas
pip install tqdm
pip install grequests
pip install validators
pip install tld
Create a keywords.txt
file on this directory with a list of keywords to look for. Each keyword is on a new line.
There are two scripts. The
This script collects pages from the given website and stores them locally on your machine.
python [URL] 10 50 myuni
This script allows you to search the pages you have collected above using keywords and generates a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file with all the keywords found, their frequency and sorted.
./ -f myuni -k keywords_game.txt
./ -h