Backets template to boost React Native projects.
- Typescript
- React Navigation (v5) for navigation
- stacks
- bottom tabs
- also icludes
for navigating outside react components
- react-native-config to manage separate environments (dev, staging, production).
- Mobx for state management
- urql for graphql api calls
- lingui for translations
- UI kit
- MMKV storage instead of AsyncStorage
- react-native-svg
- formstate for forms
- Expo unimodules
- handy npm scripts.
- UI kit
- fastlane
- enable hermes
- webp image support ?
Create a new project using the template.
- Note: the command will fail if you have the global legacy react-native-cli installed. Make sure you uninstall it first. More info at react-native-community/cli.
npx react-native init MyApp --template @brackets/react-native-template-brackets
Good libraries to install when needed.
- react-native-notifier for fast and simple in-app notifications