TWW Midi Library is a media midi library specifically for the wild west. We open to people to contribute by upload their midi file into tww midi library, so everyone can use any midi files to use on the wild west.
How to copy midi link
- Click any midi file you want to use on tww
- Right click download button and then click copy link
- Enjoy!
Notes: Midi file title name cannot have space,coma and box bracket. Before upload to tww midi library make sure to rename your midi file to proper format. Space can be replace by underscore or dash.
How to contribute
- Click on Add file button and then click Upload files.
- Browse your midi files. You can upload more than one midi file.
- Click commit button to submit your midi files.
- Your submission will need to be approve by tww midi library owner. After you have been approved, you will get an email and your midi file is available to use.