This is the supplementary material for the paper Nano-ESG: Extracting Corporate Sustainability Information from News Data.
In order to run the notebooks, we recommend creating a new environment with python=3.10 . Then, you can install the packages in the requirements.txt file using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- The data
- evaluation_data: The annotated datasets as described in Section 5 of the paper
- full_data: The full dataset as described in Section 4 of the paper
- The Evaluation Guidelines (Note that the guidelines were originally in German and translated to English by us for this paper):
- Guidelines for the first evaluation task
- Guidelines for the second evaluation task
- The prompts given to the LLMs:
- The prompt for the first LLM filter step (Section 3.4)
- The final prompt to extract the ESG information from each news article (Section 3.6)
- Notebooks to replicate results in the paper:
- evaluate_task1.ipynb: This notebook replicates the results we present in Section 5.2
- evaluate_task2.ipynb: This notebook replicates the results we present in Section 5.3 and Section 6.2
- investigate_data.ipynb: This notebook replicates the results we present in Section 4 and Section 6.1
- explore_topics.ipynb: This notebook replicates the results we present in Section 6.3. In addition, it is possible to explore other interesting topics.