Convert binary raw to different shellcode formats. Usefull to adapt to other languages like csharp, fhsarp, etc.
Convert your binary in raw mode to different type of shellcodes like Csharp style. I did not found any script in python3. All the scripts were in python2.7. The hard work is done by FortyNorthSecurity. I just adapted it.
usage: [-h] -f FILE [-o OUTPUT] [-c] [-s] [--fsharp] [--base64]
Convert binary raw to different Shellcode formats
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE File to convert to Csharp
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Name of the output file
-c, --csharp Convert to Csharp
-s, --standard Convert to standard Shellcode
--fsharp Convert to fsharp Shellcode
--base64 Convert to Base64