global keyboard mapper
enables you to write Unicode characters easily with shortcuts
ezΩ is replaced by ezΩManager.
It will, nevertheless, remain here (without further updates).
There are 2 versions: one using \ as prefix, and other one not.
To see all of the shortcuts view the source file.
or to change some of them edit the source file.
To exit:
- ezΩ: no easy way (no pun intended), use task manager
- discord_enter: Ctrl+Shift+D
- number_keys: AltGr+that key left of 1 (maybe)
To use it, you first need AutoHotKey
When installing AutoHotKey, select UNICODE option
Note in which folder it is installed, you may need it to run ezΩ
You can then run ezΩ in a few ways:
- double click .ahk file
- in command line write
<AutoHotKey.exe> <ezΩ.ahk>
(instead of <*>, write full path to them1) - compile it using Compiler/Ahk2Exe.exe (which is where you installed AutoHotKey) (it can be used as GUI or as command line tool)
This may not be needed if AutoHotKey is in your PATH variable and ezΩ.ahk is in cwd. ↩