This is a very simple Docker image for spinning up your own rffmpeg server.
docker volume create --driver local \
--opt type=nfs \
--opt o=addr=[ip-address],rw \
--opt device=:[path-to-directory] \
You may need to change the option according to your environment.
docker run -d --name=rffmpeg -v \
$(pwd)/rffmpeg_authorized_keys:/etc/authorized_keys/jellyfin:z \ # Path to authorized_keys.
-v video:/volume1/video \ # Mount the video directory. You would want to set up a NFS volume here.
-e "SSH_USERS=jellyfin:1000:1000" \
-p 22:22
--device /dev/dri/card0 \ # These device options are required for the hardware acceleration.
--device /dev/dri/renderD128