In the beginning, This extension was created to save the pages of the Japscan website.
But I add some features into it like the following:
- Save the pages of the Japcan website in the background.
- Creation of a popup window that shows the saved pages and the possible news pages.
- In manga page of the Japscan website, I add button link to the anime of the manga.
- Every 24h hour I check the news of the Japscan website and if a news Chapter exist i send you a notification.
To download this extension I invite you to go to this link
This project was a fullstack project he contains:
- A Python3 scrapper on a vps that every hour refresh the data
- A PostgresSQL database that contains news manga
- A Express back-end on a vps that connect Database too the Chrome Extension
- A Chrome extension using vanillaJS and ChartJs