Important note: if you are looking for the graphical application based on this library, it has been deprecated and removed from the source tree. Suscan (GUI) was a GTK3-based application with poor performance and responsiveness that was eventually replaced by the Qt5 application SigDigger. You will still need Suscan (library) in order to compile SigDigger.
Suscan is a realtime DSP processing library. It provides a set of useful abstractions to perform dynamic digital signal analysis and demodulation. Suscan offers features like:
- Multicore-friendly signal processing, based on worker threads
- Generic ASK, FSK, PSK and audio demodulators
- An extensible codec interface
- Configuration file API (XML)
- Source API based on SoapySDR
Just clone it from the GitHub repository. Make sure you pass --recurse-submodules to git clone so all required submodules are also cloned.
% git clone --recurse-submodules
In order to build Suscan, you will need the development files for the following packages:
- sigutils
- fftw3
- sndfile
- SoapySDR
- libxml-2.0
If you are in a Debian-like operating system, you will also need cmake
and build-essential
After installing all dependencies, enter Suscan's source directory and compile by typing:
% cd suscan
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake ..
% make
If the previous commands were successful, you are ready to install Suscan in your system by executing (as root):
# make install
You can verify your installation by running:
% suscan.status
If everything went fine, you should see the message:
suscan.status: suscan library loaded successfully.