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Simple Social Media Application

You can create posts with pictures and you can also comment on them. Before these actions you should login or sign up

How to use

  1. Clone the project
  2. Run gradle build in terminal
  3. Then start the project using java -Djasypt.encryptor.password=yourpassword -jar /build/libs/*.war
  4. For the jasypt encryption secret use your own generated passwords. then use it in application.yml like I did


index page: (empty)



Role Create: Admin must create roles with authorities before registering new users


Example (POST)

  "authorities": [
  "name": "USER"

Role Get: Use GET method


Role Delete: Use DELETE method

  • Only users with these authorities have access role apis. Default admin has all authorities defined in application OP_ACCESS_ROLE, OP_ADD_ROLE, OP_DELETE_ROLE


User Signup: Every body can signup. use POST method. data transfers in FORM DATA

  • After successfully signing up, you will get userData in json format in body and two tokens in the header
    • AccessToken: Witch used to give user access to request. it can be used once. When used you will receive a new one in the header
    • RefreshToken: Which used to check and generate new AccessToken. this token has about 2 weeks lifetime after 2 weeks it expires and you should login

User login: like signup. Use POST method.



  "username": "username",
  "password": "password"
  • After login you will get RefreshToken and AccessToken and user data as well

User Update: Like signup transfer data using FORM DATA. One important thing is that you also have to pass user id.



User Delete: DELETE user by passing its id. only admins and the user can delete



    "id": 0

User GetAll: Use GET method to receive users' info. Only authenticated users can.


User GetOne: Use GET method to receive a user's info. Only authenticated users can.



    "id": 0


Posts All: By GET requesting to this api you will get all the posts listed in pagination format


You can also pass some pagination variables in the url to filter posts

Posts Create: Use FORM DATA and POST method


also send user_id

Posts Delete: Only admin with ``OP_DELETE_POST` and the actual user can delete


Posts GET one:


Posts search: GET method. pass title(required) and content in url

/api/post/search/?title=<your title>&content=<your contetn>


Comments Create: Use POST method using json body to save a new comment



  "content": "string",
  "post": {
    "id" : 0
  • Remember to send post id

Comments Delete: Only actual user and the admin with OP_DELETE_COMMENT authority can delete comment. Use DELETE method



  "id": 0,
  "post": {
    "id": 0


No description, website, or topics provided.






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