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Revar Desmera edited this page Feb 28, 2025 · 1 revision

LibFile: structs.scad

This file provides manipulation of "structs". A "struct" is a data structure that associates arbitrary keys with values and allows you to get and set values by key.

To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>

File Contents

  1. Section: struct operations

Section: struct operations

Function: struct_set()

Synopsis: Sets one or more key-value pairs in a struct.

Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries

See Also: struct_remove(), struct_val(), struct_keys(), echo_struct(), is_struct()


  • struct2 = struct_set(struct, key, value, [grow=]);
  • struct2 = struct_set(struct, [key1, value1, key2, value2, ...], [grow=]);


Sets the key(s) in the structure to the specified value(s), returning a new updated structure. If a key exists its value is changed, otherwise the key is added to the structure. If grow=false then it is an error to set a key not already defined in the structure. If you specify the same key twice that is also an error. Note that key order will change when you change a key's value.


By Position What it does
struct input structure.
key key to set or list of key,value pairs to set
value value to set the key to (when giving a single key and value)
By Name What it does
grow Set to true to allow structure to grow, or false for new keys to generate an error. Default: true

Example 1: Create a struct containing just one key-value pair

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
some_struct = struct_set([], "answer", 42);
// 'some_struct' now contains a single value, 42, under one key, "answer".

Example 2: Create a struct containing more than one key-value pair. Note that keys and values need not be the same type.

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
some_struct = struct_set([], ["answer", 42, 2, "two", "quote", "What a nice day"]);
// 'some struct' now contains these key-value pairs:
// answer: 42
// 2: two
// quote: What a nice day

Function: struct_remove()

Synopsis: Removes one or more keys from a struct.

Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries

See Also: struct_set(), struct_val(), struct_keys(), echo_struct(), is_struct()


  • struct2 = struct_remove(struct, key);


Remove key or list of keys from a structure. If you want to remove a single key which is a list you must pass it as a singleton list, or struct_remove will attempt to remove the listed items as keys. If you list the same item multiple times for removal it will be removed without error.


By Position What it does
struct input structure
key a single key or list of keys to remove.

Function: struct_val()

Synopsis: Returns the value for an key in a struct.

Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries

See Also: struct_set(), struct_remove(), struct_keys(), echo_struct(), is_struct()


  • val = struct_val(struct, key, default);


Returns the value for the specified key in the structure, or default value if the key is not present


By Position What it does
struct input structure
key key whose value to return
default default value to return if key is not present. Default: undef

Function: struct_keys()

Synopsis: Returns a list of keys for a struct.

Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries

See Also: struct_set(), struct_remove(), struct_val(), echo_struct(), is_struct()


  • keys = struct_keys(struct);


Returns a list of the keys in a structure


By Position What it does
struct input structure

Function/Module: echo_struct()

Synopsis: Echoes the struct to the console in a formatted manner.

Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries

See Also: struct_set(), struct_remove(), struct_val(), struct_keys(), is_struct()


  • echo_struct(struct, [name]);
  • foo = echo_struct(struct, [name]);


Displays a list of structure keys and values, one pair per line, for easier reading.


By Position What it does
struct input structure
name optional structure name to list at the top of the output. Default: ""

Function: is_struct()

Synopsis: Returns true if the value is a struct.

Topics: Data Structures, Dictionaries

See Also: struct_set(), struct_remove(), struct_val(), struct_keys(), echo_struct()


  • bool = is_struct(struct);


Returns true if the input is a list of pairs, false otherwise.

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