Add this line to your application's composer.json:
And then execute:
$ composer update
Or install it yourself as:
$ composer require zipmoney/zipmoney-php
# Configure the api credentials
\zipMoney\Configuration::$merchant_id = merchant_id;
\zipMoney\Configuration::$merchant_key = merchant_key;
\zipMoney\Configuration::$environment = sandbox|production;
Order should be created before payment
# Initialize the checkout
$checkout = new \zipMoney\Api\Checkout();
$checkout->request->charge = false;
$checkout->request->currency_code = "AUD";
$checkout->request->txn_id = false;
$checkout->request->order_id = $this->_current_order_id;
$checkout->request->in_store = false;
$checkout->request->cart_url = "https://your-domain/checkout/cart/";
$checkout->request->success_url = "https://your-domain/checkout/success/";
$checkout->request->cancel_url = "https://your-domain/zipmoney/express/cancel/";
$checkout->request->error_url = "https://your-domain/zipmoney/express/error/";
$checkout->request->refer_url = "https://your-domain/zipmoney/express/refer/";
$checkout->request->decline_url = "https://your-domain/zipmoney/express/decline/";
// Order Info
$order = new \zipMoney\Request\Order;
$order->id = 1;
$order->tax = 110;
$order->shipping_tax = 0;
$order->shipping_value = 10;
$order->total = 120;
// Order Item 1
$order_item = new \zipMoney\Request\OrderItem;
$order_item->id = 10758;
$order_item->sku = "item-10758";
$order_item->name = "GoPro Hero3+ Silver Edition - Silver";
$order_item->price = 110;
$order_item->quantity = 1;
$order->detail[] = $order_item;
// Order Item 2
$order_item = new \zipMoney\Request\OrderItem;
$order_item->id = 10759;
$order_item->sku = "item-10759";
$order_item->name = "GoPro Hero3+ Silver Edition - Silver1";
$order_item->price = 110;
$order_item->quantity = 1;
$order->detail[] = $order_item;
$checkout->request->order = $order;
// Billing Address
$billingAddress = new \zipMoney\Request\Address;
$billingAddress->first_name = "firstname";
$billingAddress->last_name = "lastname";
$billingAddress->line1 = "line1";
$billingAddress->line2 = "line2";
$billingAddress->country = "Australia";
$billingAddress->zip = "postcode";
$billingAddress->city = "Sydney";
$billingAddress->state = "NSW";
$checkout->request->billing_address = $billingAddress;
// Shipping Address
$shippingAddress = new \zipMoney\Request\Address;
$shippingAddress->first_name = "firstname";
$shippingAddress->last_name = "lastname";
$shippingAddress->line1 = "line1";
$shippingAddress->line2 = "line2";
$shippingAddress->country = "Australia";
$shippingAddress->zip = "postcode";
$shippingAddress->city = "Sydney";
$shippingAddress->state = "NSW";
$checkout->request->shipping_address = $shippingAddress;
// Consumer Info
$consumer = new \zipMoney\Request\Consumer;
$consumer->first_name = "firstname";
$consumer->last_name = "lastname";
$consumer->phone = 0400000000;
$consumer->email = "[email protected]";
$consumer->gender = "male";
$consumer->dob = "2016-06-16T15:31:23.8051383+10:00";
$consumer->title = "mr";
$checkout->request->consumer = $consumer;
$checkout->request->version = new Request\Version;
$checkout->request->version->platform = "php";
$response = $checkout->process();
//Do Something
} else {
//Handle Error
} catch (Exception $e){
// Handle Error
Order should be created after payment is complete, usually when the zipMoney api invokes the /confirmorder endpoint of the store or on the return journey
# Initialize the checkout
$quote = new \zipMoney\Api\Quote();
$quote->request->currency_code = "AUD";
$quote->request->txn_id = 2112;
$quote->request->quote_id = "91005500";
$quote->request->cart_url = "https://your-domain/checkout/cart/";
$quote->request->success_url = "https://your-domain/checkout/success/";
$quote->request->cancel_url = "https://your-domain/zipmoney/express/cancel/";
$quote->request->error_url = "https://your-domain/zipmoney/express/error/";
$quote->request->refer_url = "https://your-domain/zipmoney/express/refer/";
$quote->request->decline_url = "https://your-domain/zipmoney/express/decline/";
// Order Info
$order = new \zipMoney\Request\Order;
$order->id = 1;
$order->tax = 110;
$order->shipping_tax = 0;
$order->shipping_value = 10;
$order->total = 120;
// Order Item 1
$order_item = new \zipMoney\Request\OrderItem;
$order_item->id = 10758;
$order_item->sku = "item-10758";
$order_item->name = "GoPro Hero3+ Silver Edition - Silver";
$order_item->price = 110;
$order_item->quantity = 1;
$order->detail[] = $order_item;
// Order Item 1
$order_item = new \zipMoney\Request\OrderItem;
$order_item->id = 10759;
$order_item->sku = "item-10759";
$order_item->name = "GoPro Hero3+ Silver Edition - Silver1";
$order_item->price = 110;
$order_item->quantity = 1;
$order->detail[] = $order_item;
$quote->request->order = $order;
// Billing Address
$billingAddress = new \zipMoney\Request\Address;
$billingAddress->first_name = "firstname";
$billingAddress->last_name = "lastname";
$billingAddress->line1 = "line1";
$billingAddress->line2 = "line2";
$billingAddress->country = "Australia";
$billingAddress->zip = "postcode";
$billingAddress->city = "Sydney";
$billingAddress->state = "NSW";
$quote->request->billing_address = $billingAddress;
// Shipping Address
$shippingAddress = new \zipMoney\Request\Address;
$shippingAddress->first_name = "firstname";
$shippingAddress->last_name = "lastname";
$shippingAddress->line1 = "line1";
$shippingAddress->line2 = "line2";
$shippingAddress->country = "Australia";
$shippingAddress->zip = "postcode";
$shippingAddress->city = "Sydney";
$shippingAddress->state = "NSW";
$quote->request->shipping_address = $shippingAddress;
// Consumer Info
$consumer = new \zipMoney\Request\Consumer;
$consumer->first_name = "firstname";
$consumer->last_name = "lastname";
$consumer->phone = 0400000000;
$consumer->email = "[email protected]";
$consumer->gender = "male";
$consumer->dob = "2016-06-16T15:31:23.8051383+10:00";
$consumer->title = "mr";
$quote->request->consumer = $consumer;
$quote->request->version = new Request\Version;
$quote->request->version->platform = "php";
$response = $quote->process();
//Do Something
} else {
// Handle Error
} catch (Exception $e){
// Handle Error
Performs full or partial refund of the order
# Initialize the refund'
$refund = new \zipMoney\Api\Refund();
$refund->request->reason = "Test Reason";
$refund->request->txn_id = 111;
$refund->request->order_id = "91005501";
// Order info
$order = new \zipMoney\Request\Order;
$order->id = 1;
$order->tax = 110;
$order->shipping_value = 10;
$order->total = 120;
$refund->request->order = $order;
$response = $refund->process();
//Do Something
} else {
// Handle Error
} catch (Exception $e){
//Handle Error
Performs cancellation of the order
# Initialize the cancel
$cancel = new \zipMoney\Api\Cancel();
$cancel->request->txn_id = 111;
$cancel->request->order_id = "91005501";
// Order info
$order = new \zipMoney\Request\Order;
$order->id = 1;
$order->tax = 110;
$order->shipping_value = 10;
$order->total = 120;
$cancel->request->order = $order;
$response = $cancel->process();
//Do Something
} else {
// Handle Error
} catch (Exception $e){
//Handle Error
Captures the payment for the order
# Initialize the capture
$capture = new \zipMoney\Api\Capture();
$capture->request->txn_id = 111;
$capture->request->order_id = "91005501";
$order = new \zipMoney\Request\Order;
$order->id = 1;
$order->tax = 110;
$order->shipping_value = 10;
$order->total = 120;
$capture->request->order = $order;
$response = $capture->process();
//Do Something
} else {
// Handle Error
} catch (Exception $e){
//Handle Error
Queries orders
# Initialize the query
$query = new \zipMoney\Api\Query();
$queryOrder = new \zipMoney\Request\QueryOrder;
$queryOrder->id = 1234;
$query->request->orders[] = $queryOrder;
$response = $query->process();
//Do Something
} else {
// Handle Error
} catch (Exception $e){
//Handle Error
# Create a class which extends to the base webhook class
class ZipMoneyWebHook extends \zipMoney\Webhook\Webhook
* Process Authorisation Success
* @param $response
protected function _eventAuthSuccess($response){
// Code
* Process Authorisation Failure
* @param $response
protected function _eventAuthFail($response){
// Code
* Process Authorisation Review
* @param $response
protected function _eventAuthReview($response){
// Code
* Process Authorisation Review
* @param $response
protected function _eventAuthDeclined($response){
// Code
* Process Cancel Success
* @param $response
protected function _eventCancelSuccess($response){
// Code
* Process Cancel Fail
* @param $response
protected function _eventCancelFail($response){
// Code
* Process Capture Success
* @param $response
protected function _eventCaptureSuccess($response){
// Code
* Process Capture Failure
* @param $response
protected function _eventCaptureFail($response){
// Code
* Process Refund Success
* @param $response
protected function _eventRefundSuccess($response){
// Code
* Process Refund Fail
* @param $response
protected function _eventRefundFail($response){
// Code
* Process Order Cancel
* @param $response
protected function _eventOrderCancel($response){
// Code
* Process Charge Success
* @param $response
protected function _eventChargeSuccess($response){
// Code
* Process Charge Fail
* @param $response
protected function _eventChargeFail($response){
// Code
* Process Config Update
* @param $response
protected function _eventConfigUpdate($response){
// Code
# The following code should be triggered by the webhook url.
public function subscribeAction(){
$webhookTest = new ZipMoneyWebHook();
} catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
#Extends the base express class and implement the following required methods.
class ZipMoneyExpress extends Express
protected function _actionGetQuoteDetails($params)
$response = array("_actionGetQuoteDetails");
protected function _actionGetShippingMethods($params)
$response = array("_actionGetShippingMethods");
protected function _actionConfirmShippingMethods($params)
$response = array("_actionConfirmShippingMethods");
protected function _actionConfirmOrder($params)
$response = array("_actionConfirmOrder");
# In the controller class triggered by the express webhook url.
# Note:- Express webhook is different from the normal notification webhook.
class ExpressController {
protected $_expressApiObj;
public function __construct()
$this->_expressApiObj = new ZipMoneyExpress();
* Triggred by url
public function getQuoteDetailsAction(){
} catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
* Triggred by url
public function getShippingMethodsAction(){
} catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
* Triggred by url
public function confirmShippingMethodAction(){
} catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
* Triggred by url
public function confirmOrderAction(){
} catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
Create a file named Config.php in /tests and provide the zipmoney credentials as follows. You can run a local php server using the following command from your terminal. php -S localhost:8000
return array("merchant_id" => Your Merchant Id,
"merchant_key" => "Your Merchant Key",
"environment" => "sandbox|production",
"webhook_endpoint" => "", // Optional. Required to test webhook api operations
"express_endpoint" => "" // Optional. Required to test express api operations
After this you can run phpunit from the root folder.
The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.